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Ebola hit the U.S

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It's funny, my department made a rig that's completly sealed up inside like an old Italians couch and the hospitals made special isolated rooms just for Ebola patients..... Both which have not nor will they ever be used.

This Ebola shits getting old.

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DON'T VOTE!!!! The government is using polling places to infect the populace with Ebola. NWO is upon us. It has started!!!

I forgot to register. ezpz

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DON'T VOTE!!!! The government is using polling places to infect the populace with Ebola. NWO is upon us. It has started!!!

Rip world

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Ebola Vaccine ready for mid or late 2015!!

heard news that is was going to be inhalable( good news for people who don't like syringes or injections)






Ebola was discovered in 1976 when an outbreak of an unknown disease spreads in Sudan and Zaire. It did not caught serious attention before because of its requirement of direct contact of bodily liquids to spread.


USSR in the early 1980 did a research and some test to Ebola and suddenly infected 4 scientist that were studying it, they were quickly quarantined in secrecy to prevent public disorder and soon eradicated Ebola in Russia and scientists that were quarantined survived the disease.


The 80% mortality rate was based in Africa, where healthcare is poor. Foreigners who came from U.S and Europe only had a mortality rate of 40 - 60% due to Good Healthcare of their country.

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