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Lv. 100 Crobat

My Morphling Guide

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I decided to go and share with you my morphling guide so here i go:




Morphling, is a hard carry hero who is able to trick his enemy heros and cause a great amount of damage when his gear is completed. Is considered one of the hardest hero's in dota.


Skill Build:


At the early game phase, you can avoid ganks easy, but also dont forget you are a hard carry, so, try to build up this skill build until Lv. 10:


1.Morph; 2.Waveform; 3.Waveform; 4.Morph; 5.Waveform; 6.Morph; 7.Waveform; 8.Morph; 9.Replicate; 10.Adaptive Strike.


Item Build:


-For the start phase try to buy a Wraith Band, and 1 pack of Tangos.

-For the early game, try to turn your Wraith Band into a Ring of Aquila, you should also have your Boots of Speed and if you ran out of mana, you should get a Bottle, turn your Boots into a Power Treads.

-Core Items: You should have your Linken Sphere or Manta Style, if you can, get both.

-Shotgun: This part is when you get your boost of gold and exp. First, try to build up you Etereal Blade, you should always do a Replicate or get a TP, To complete your build, you should get a Bloodstone, each time when you die in a team fight, you can respawn early and get back to the action. And also dont forget, with this build you have a 10% to run out of mana (Without Anti Mage or any hero with Diffusal Blade).

-Luxury: For the Luxury, you can get whatever you want, I recommend you to get a Butterfly, Eye of Skady, Boots of Travel or Diffusal Blade.




At the start phase, try to buy your Start Phase items and then use your Morph ability to turn your STR into AGI, do it until you have 473hp. If you are against one offlane hero, you can go agressive and start spamming your Waveform at Lv. 3, you can regain the mana used easy with the Bottle or the Ring of Aquila. When you get your early game build, try to farm always, dont forget to carry your TP. Also you can use your Replicate to farm, creating the copy of an Axe for tanking and Phantom Lancer for your own illusion army. Once you get your Linken Sphere, you have a less chance to die or if you get your Manta Style, you can taunt your enemy heros with your illusions and escape using your Waveform. Once you get your Etereal Blade, go ahead and Morph into agility, Replicate your ally and go find the weakest enemy hero, once your find it, use your EB, then your Adaptive Strike and finish him with your Waveform. Teleport back to your illusion when your job its done. Remember, Morphling is hero who can escape easy of the enemy heros, ganks, and Dangerous Team Fights, oh and also when your use your EB, watchout with Dagon




We have the silence counters, which include those heros:


-Drow Ranger

-Skywrath Mage

-Any hero with Orchid Malevolence.


We have also the Nuker heros, which include those heros:

-Nyx Assasin

-Queen Of Pain

-Skywrath Mage

-Any hero with Dagon.






Thanks for taking your time reading this guide.


Gallantmon (Lv. 100 Crobat)




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he only needs level 6 and MoM to win...

you aren't interpreting my comment right.


me: warlock come stop enemy from pulling, enemy faceless is freefarming


warlock: no just get exp we win lategame

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