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Guild Wars 2

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I'm just about level 80 in it now, if anyone has it, wants to play it or anything just post in this thread I guess? 


It's definitely got a lot more interesting after level 60ish, before that it's kind of boring unless you're partying with friends. 


After level 70 though I swear a lot of these missions and random boss fights or whatever require AT LEAST one other person or you're just screwed most of the time. 

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Have they nerfed the dungeons at all yet? I haven't played it for a long time due to lack of interest.

Edited by Ryziou

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Have they nerfed the dungeons at all yet? I haven't played it for a long time due to lack of interest.

I'm not sure what I would be comparing it too, I've only just recently started to do a few, but I haven't heard any complaints about difficulty.

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I'm not sure what I would be comparing it too, I've only just recently started to do a few, but I haven't heard any complaints about difficulty.

Hmm, do you get one shotted at level 80 with full PvE gear in dungeons? If so, they haven't nerfed it at all.


One of the main things that made me lose interest is the WvW or PvP. It was a nice concept to have and it made everything skill based but once you got far enough and played it way too much, WvW just became "who's the best server with the best zerg" and PvP became "Who can get the most kills". It lacked progression which was annoying for me but the game is still going, so I'm sure people still love the game.


What class are you by the way? If I remember correctly, I had an 80 Guardian and the rest of the professions were mid leveled. I always preferred my Guardian and stuck with that profession because it's simply the best.

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I got to the point where there is nothing to do, but spvp or wvw and that only holds so much value. Until they decide to release a lot more content I probably won't come back.

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I got to the point where there is nothing to do, but spvp or wvw and that only holds so much value. Until they decide to release a lot more content I probably won't come back.


In other news there's a bigass april update in like less than a week. Lol.


Anyways, I'm currently working on Celestial Ascended armor for my guardian. CoE is OP.

Edited by Ichalvl

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Hmm, do you get one shotted at level 80 with full PvE gear in dungeons? If so, they haven't nerfed it at all.


I'm assuming you ran Berserker's? Was a pretty active player until the beginning of this year and fractals is the only place i can think of where you die easily. Every other dungeon is e-z p-z and arah simply takes hours. The only hard part is finding a good party that doesn't have idiots in it.

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I'm assuming you ran Berserker's? Was a pretty active player until the beginning of this year and fractals is the only place i can think of where you die easily. Every other dungeon is e-z p-z and arah simply takes hours. The only hard part is finding a good party that doesn't have idiots in it.










Fracs aren't deadly either, you just need to learn to Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.


Setting up an LFG saying "80/ZERK MELEE ONLY/EXPERIENCED" and making people ping armor upon entering the party will ensure that you have a full party of people who have good dps and the dungeon will be much much faster. If you have a decent amount of Achievement Points, setting a minimum is quite handy (However setting a minimum lower than 4K will make your party look like a scrub party so don't do that). 


As far as fracs go, AR, AR, AR. ERRWHERE. Getting ascended shit is easy when you have a guild to farm commendations and you run dailies and monthlies every day. Getting fractal infusions is easy, and once you cap your AR at 45 just farm level 38 fracs for Ascended gear boxes where you can place more AR onto the armor. 


Gw2 requires like zero skill to play. WvW and PvP require actual skill, yes, but PvE / Dungeons? Nope. Easy as fuck.

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