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Ready for next tournament

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With that amazing title cuz i couldnt think of another one, this tournament was over before it even started for me. I was really hyped about it and I know Tristan and other people put alot of effort into this and I thank you greatly because I believe lots of people did enjoy this event but since I'm already out and got nothing better to do but look at ILikeGirlsDaily twitter account... I just feel like I want to point out that even tho we did have 6 player teams, there was still too many 4v5's. Ideas on how this can be changed can maybe be discussed here without too much criticism (lol) and also I think the idea of a csgo comp league within sG would be pretty sick and if we advertised it across the servers or something could bring alot more people into the community.


Cuz I like new people ;)

Edited by HalfEatenCookie

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Tristan said in teamspeak that for next tournament he had an idea of making it easier on people. I don't know what it is, but sounds good to me. I just wish these type of tournaments took place over a month or something so we could plan it all out instead of people ruining their entire weekend's just to play 6-8 hours.

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Most of the people in the clan are young and don't create the schedules for their own lives. They either a) live with their parents and are bound by the schedules of them, which they don't know until informed or b) live at college/university and at any moment the opportunity for a party/pussy can arise

A whole weekend or even a whole night/day would be unpredictable with that user base

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Its pretty simple actually. All that needs to be done is to schedule games AFTER the teams are picked and not before. That way players on each team can see the times available and pick the one that suits both the teams. Also to avoid confusion and rush, the tournament should be spread out over the course of 2 weeks or more (depending on how many teams sign up).


Now to another point. I don't understand the rule about not allowing standins. Standins are normal in any tournament I ever saw, whether it is CSGO related or any other game, as long as there are not too many of them (maximum 2 standins for a team of 5). To keep everything as fair as possible, standins can only be chosen out of people who are not playing on either of the teams and who also meet the necessary forum and server requirements (this means no randoms).

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The times were posted week in advance. GG WP


You may not be paying attention to what is actually happening, but the times are changing all over the place. The match my team was suppose to have at 9 pm cst today was moved to 3 pm cst sunday. It has nothing to do with us not being prepared, simply that shit happens in events and you don't know what it is.

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The times were posted week in advance. GG WP


I had the appointment that conflicted with my Friday game scheduled in August of last year.

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holy shit next time can we span this over at least 2 weekends. playing 5 matches in less than 24 hours with at least 2 games per match isn't fun at all. we were so fucking burnt out by the end that playing became more of a chore, and dogs just skipped it entirely. and having late night matches is terrible because i actually have plans that i dont want to miss (also europeans get fucked over because it's like 4 am for them). 

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Overall: Definite improvement from the first tournament. The usage of subs was a lot better than the ringer system we had in place. Yes, it has it's downsides as well, but you won't be able to please everyone.

It's been suggested already, but I'd have to say, in my opinion, the next step in making the system better is to spread the tournament over a longer timespan. Playing this many games in a short period of time is energy burning, and not to mention time burning for most people who would like to participate, but can't. I think it can logistically fit in the span of 4 weekends, having a match each Saturday and possibly two on the day of the finals (however it'd need to work, would be better if we didn't need a separate round for the non-bye games). If we were able to do that, we could have a tournament every 4 months or so, similar to the idea we had with the poker tournament. Won't be as much trouble for the admins trying to run it, gives the players more leeway in regards to punctuality, and hopefully it'll let more people be available to play. :)

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pro tip: no one wants to play a bo3 if it's early on in a tournament. make it bo1 until semis, with finals and semi finals being bo3.


if the tournament is going to be spread out over a couple weekends, cut the double elim shit and just have 2 weekends for seeding and do single elim the next weekend or two. no 12 pm matches, no 10 pm matches. im either out or im asleep at those times on the weekend, and if im not out or asleep, i could and should be doing either. i don't wanna stay inside a whole weekend.


picking needs to be changed. bring back the ringer system, and not have captains. i really would rather have a 5 man team made up of people i pick and they agree on it, and i prefer a ringer system to having 1 extra person on a team. ringers don't have to be there for every match, so people that can't make it just opt out to be a ringer. also, punishments for people that didn't show to this tourny at all but signed up.


take out mill and train. no point in having it in an sG tournament. i can name on one hand the people that know call outs for mill and train. hell, 3/4 of the people don't know the call outs on half of the maps, but mill and train have no place to even be a thought as a map pick here.


leave a server up for people to 10 man on. josh said he was going to leave a server up, but i have no idea if klark or mimic is going to take them all down.


thats all i can think of atm

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