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Me V Audio

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Ok, Phoenix2 sent me the site, then I told Audio to go here-



After that He said he didnt wanna risk his computer and firefox.

And this is what happened.

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: Firefox=Gay

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: =D

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: w/e

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: OHH

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: oh

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: and NEVER trust ANY links p2 sends you

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: If you do

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: There are a few safty precausions you must take

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: 1- make sure no one is in the room

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: 2- keep your hand on the power switch

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: 3- Say LOL before you click it

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: 4- google the webpage

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: 5- give zan your money

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: If you follow those rules, you'll be ok

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: well i do not mean to be an ass or anything, but those are the kind of jokes that seriously piss me off

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: XD

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: yeah

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: the kind of shit that makes me want to leave

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: =O

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: =(

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: mmmm

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: NO LEAVY

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: now you understand?

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: i do not tolerate that kind of situation

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: If you leave uv, I'll kick you out of uv!

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: when it comes down to it, i could care less if it means the safety of my computer and intactness of my dignity

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: Hmm

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: Mind if I post this Conversation?

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: idc

≈(ÙV)≈ÀûÃiøVôX: go for it

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: Swet

=(UV)=MasterZan|MS|: sweet*

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That better not have done anything to this fucking computer, I don't even think my brother has dick all for antivirus shit. All I saw was Windows Installer going to install something and I shut down my computer.

Don't fucking post shit like that.

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I trust UV forums to not have any links that actually harm your computer. If that did harm my computer, it hasn't done much.

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Ah, I see Kelso understands my views then? That's fucking bullshit, you can't say stuff like you need to get avast! to cover your ass for something like this. I worked hard to earn the money for my computer and I will not tolerate jokes of this kind. No offense, but the clan is not worth anything close what my computer is worth if you guys will pull some shit like that. It's like watching little kids play with a loaded gun and saying "but it was in the closet?!?!! ><" And uhhh, nasty stuff is fine, but I fail to see where potentially fucking up my computer is funny....


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Also, Zan was not the first to ask me to click the link. P2 had already sent me the real link instead of the one he embedded in a page on the forums, and told me it was supposed to be a registry fixer (LOL, A REGISTRY FIXER THAT IS FREE AND OFF THE INTERNET!! LIKE I'M GONNA USE IT! Btw, I have one already called registry mechanic ;)) and that I should let it download and run, after I essentially asked him to fuck off, he made the forums page and sent me that saying it needed to be in the script I'm working on atm. This was after I had asked him to stop because this kind of joke is not amusing in the slightest. So yeah, I was pissed when Zan sent it to me.


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Hehe, good thing I was on the laptop when I clicked that, if it was the computer I know I would have done something stupid like hold the power button for 5 seconds, thankfully I don't have to do that with my brother's laptop.

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Cry moar pl0x.

I hold this as more proof that project is, in fact, a fagot. He seems to be incapable of posting relevant material in most topics and constantly tries to start shit. He even Pm'ed me a message that said simply "Ha-ha", referring to the "pedo topic". I have a question; Will you ever stop being an ass to me? Just fuck off, please. It says in your profile that you are 15 years old, when the hell are you going to act like it? You disgust me and remind me of the kids in the vids that where disrespecting that woman at the tennis court. No real reason behind it, just doing it to be an ass. Or maybe you do it because I actually respond? If so, that's just more proof you are a fagot. Either way you are ridiculous.


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Look, I realize this. Jokes are fine if some people joke occasionally, but when it's nothing but that kind of dry humor, it gets old. I don't mean to be an ass about it but I hear the same shit every day from freshmen at my high school and little kids in servers, I expect a little more from clan members. That was why the thing with P2 and Zan got to me. I expect better, I mean damn man come on.


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I think someone needs a chillpill, theres a reason it says view at your own risk, so stop bitching.

Lol, I was not one of the people who clicked the link when it said VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK. They sent it to me in pms. If you notice, the beginning of this topic was a conversation between myself and Zan, so don't come in here trying to sound all bad ass expecting to prove a point when you are not involved. And either way, it is irresponsible of them to post something that may harm your computer. That's just fucked up man. BUT! If it is acceptable to lower our standards and give off a negative view to random viewers on the forums, then please, by all means, post this shit and mess with people till they leave. That is our goal after all, right?


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Yes, I come in here because it makes it makes me feel badass, since I am insecure, I'm just tired of you pissing, that's all you ever do, you gave him the permission to post it here, and don't act like your a freaking veteren in this clan, what we've done has been ok, we are still here.

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So seniority is in higher regard then respect? Also, I never said I didn't give him permission :P but we still can do without the little smart ass remarks just as much as we can do without me bitching about them. That's all I'm saying. Act your age and it won't be an issue. I do not flame over anything that is actually funny of even just stupid, but shit like this is just pointless and makes us look bad. I hear people in the servers say cry some more all the time and they always sound like assholes when they do it. And it's not my fault he won't let it go man, I didn't say a damn thing to him and he goes and Pms me saying Ha-ha? GROW THE FUCK UP! And I guarantee you that's not all I ever do, as a matter of fact, project is the only one I have a problem with in the clan so far. There is no excuse for his actions, why do you defend him? Also, I may not be a veteran of the clan, but I'm working my ass off for the clan in hopes it will do even better, I'm not fucking working to have little comments like that made just because he wants to poke me and see how I respond. All he is doing with me is messing with me, and of course I do not like it because it is all he ever does in regards to me. Hell the first comment he ever made in response to me was:

"Seriously dude are you retarded?

Or are you trying to make it look even more realistic?"

and that was just because I was trying to mess with the people on that fake site. So rather than jump my ass, how about you ask him to stop, because obviously he will not listen to me. I'm sick of it, I have better things to do than disagree with you, a person I have no problems with, over some childish bullshit. Obviously no forums advisers care the way he acts to me, so I'm left to handle it myself and fight off not just him, but any other random clan member who decides they don't like me. This is not my goal in the clan damnit! I do not care if he makes the comments randomly, but the last three times he has talked with me on the forums it's been stupid shit like this. He won't fucking stop talking directly to me in this disrespectful way. Idc if you or anyone else respects me, my point is I will not be disrespected so blatantly and in this manner. Lemme make this clear: I do not give a damn how long you have been in here, what your rank is, who you are, your race, your nationality, your gender, your hair/eye color, your shoe size, what kind of house you live in, your political affiliations, your age or any other defining characteristic about you, I refuse to be treated like an ass by a collective group of people I'm trying to help. I do not deserve this, nor do I ask for anything in return for what I do for you guys, except for you not to openly disrespect me like this. Is it that difficult?


His PM


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It was a joke... seriously.. i don't think anyone in the clan would send another clan member a link to fuck them over... its a joke..that's it.. get over it..

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Lol, not intentionally, but I've had my computer messed up because of stuff like that. So don't try to tell me it can't happen, I know first hand.


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I didnt say it couldn't happen i just meant that i really don't think zan or p2 or any respectable member of the clan would fuck another one of us over like that..

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