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Russia. Again.

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The Russian Government will develop "patriotic" video games, and could ban foreign video games that "distort history."


The Russian Military History Society will be in charge of the video game project, beginning with a title detailing the inception of Russian military aviation during World War I, THR reports.


"A video game has to have not only an entertainment value, but it also has to teach and be conducive to patriotic education," Arseny Mironov, an aid to the Russian Culture Minister, told Izvestiya, a Russian newspaper.


The RMHS feels the "Russian warrior" has been portrayed wrongly in past games, namely Company of Heroes II. In Relic's RTS title, Russian soldiers are portrayed as "criminals," the RMHS says, and the title also isn't translated into Russian. The culture ministry said that foreign games like this can "discredit the Russian soldier."


The Russian government is exploring options with several local developers to develop the first educational title.



Russia. Russia stahp. Russia is quickly becoming as anal-retentive and controlling of it's own people as North Korea. That's saying something.



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Well I don't blame 'em, just look at games like Call of Duty. Call of Duty has got to be one of the most American games, watch the ending of Black Ops I on Youtube.


Russia always seems like the bad guy to me in all these different shooters that I play, and while I do not agree with the banning of foreign games, I do agree that they should be able to make patriotic games relevant to their history. But how are they going to sell those games when the only mainstream games on the market today are Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc.?

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I don't see the problem if the video games are actually entertaining and historically acurate. As long as it doesn't go farther than that.

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I don't see the problem if the video games are actually entertaining and historically acurate. As long as it doesn't go farther than that.

Well, regardless of who makes it, there will always be biases. Russia feels that it's been portrayed in a negative way, so it wants to reform its image into a better image through making its own games in order to input their own biases. It's going to go "farther" no matter who's behind it.

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The reason why Russia always looks like the bad guy is because for the majority of the last 100 years they have been... I don't see why they are trying to make it look different when several historical pieces show otherwise.

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It has nothing to do with Call of Duty. Geopolitically, America is pretty ripe for overtaking for the first time in years. Putin is pretty much trying to build up Nationalism similar to how Hitler did with Germany. Building a stronger relationship with church and state, instilling stronger forms of propaganda, like in this case, and even scoffing in our face. He wants Russia to become a superpower, if not the strongest superpower and he's probably going to abuse term limits to succeed in this. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia turns into an autocracy. Considering China and Russia seem to be forging a strong alliance over the past few years, we're looking at a chance that the two of them will start trying to erode the US's power, if they haven't started already. It's more than likely going to happen considering how weak we appear right now with all the scandals, lack of respect for our president globally and the fact that it seems we have to put a knife to each others throat to get anything done. Unless we get our shit together, we won't be in the position we've been in for much longer.. Oh, and for anyone thinking that's a good thing; you REALLY don't want China or Russia pulling the strings in the world.

Edited by Oreo

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