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Actually Fohacidal has truth in his post, as audiovox stated, light recently has been confirmed to be made of photons which do indeed carry a mass. Light does have mass. I took a quantum physics class a few years back, i dropped it because it was a beast and I probably would've failed it, but the light portion of the class intruiged the hell out of me. It has been proven that travelling at the speed of light slows down time. Time as we know it is a reference to a given period of time, if something happens in 10 seconds on earth, it will happen in 50 seconds at the speed of light (not exactly, just making an example). So yes, technically time does slow down and yes, light is made of mass...so don't bash foh for saying something that is true

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Guest Fohacidal
Screw that, the big bang, and the "theory" of evolution.

I know right, bios kicks me for flaming 2 different people and yet he can come out and just blast my posts because he doesnt agree with them.

But back on track, as a response to audiovox Ill use martigan's last post, it suits what I wouldve said pretty well...

And audiovox, think about it, for everything to be moving at the same rate, would support a theory that it all came from one point, seeing as scientists have proven that everything in space they can see is moving away from a common point in space. And if you believe in the theory of the big bang, there HAS to be some sort of center.

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I know right, bios kicks me for flaming 2 different people and yet he can come out and just blast my posts because he doesnt agree with them.

But back on track, as a response to audiovox Ill use martigan's last post, it suits what I wouldve said pretty well...

And audiovox, think about it, for everything to be moving at the same rate, would support a theory that it all came from one point, seeing as scientists have proven that everything in space they can see is moving away from a common point in space. And if you believe in the theory of the big bang, there HAS to be some sort of center.

I didn't flame you, I disagreed. The universe expands evenly throughout. There is no one point that actually will take you back to the big bang. That is what I'm saying. The universe expands evenly throughout over time. That's what's so fucked up about the big bang. If you take tennis balls and place them on a big elastic band, when you pull the band the space in between each ball would expand but they wouldn't expand more in the middle or sides. It's even throughout. So like when something explodes it all goes back to a single point. But that is not the case with the expanding universe. Another thing is that the universe keeps expanding faster and faster over time. And the theory on the end of the universe is called the big rip. It's when the universe ends up tearing itself apart. The theory states that eventually the universe will be expanding so fast that everything will tear itself apart. Even down to the molecular level. Black holes are points of singularity with gravity that is so powerful that it traps light. Black holes are spinning, much like neutron stars. They are super dense material that has collapsed in on itself. Stars contain themselves by having an equilibrium between gravity and energy produced by fusion. When that equilibrium becomes unbalanced,(fuel runs out) the star usually goes supernova and then collapses in on itself. In the supernova the start sheds most if not all of the lighter gases like hydrogen and helium. The heavier denser materials like iron sink to the middle and the mass collapses in on itself. Neutron stars can also form by this process that kills stars. Now, white holes are theorized and have never been discovered. I wouldn't count them out though. As far as time and the speed of light. Well actually you can't technically go faster than the speed of light. In fact, unless you can somehow break the known laws of physics, as you approach the speed of light, the amount of energy it would take to go that fast would be more energy than is in the known universe. Also, as you approach the speed of light, you become infinitely massive therefor it takes more and more energy to go faster and faster. So yes time slows down as you approach the speed of light because time is relative, but so far there is no known point where it actually goes backwards. But it has been proven that time slows down as you go faster. I know a lot about the universe and theoretical physics. I've always found it really interesting.

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Wow Foh, come back when you actually know what you're talking about. But then again you probably believe dinosaurs walked among man.
I didn't flame you, I disagreed. The universe expands evenly throughout. There is no one point that actually will take you back to the big bang. That is what I'm saying. The universe expands evenly throughout over time. That's what's so fucked up about the big bang. If you take tennis balls and place them on a big elastic band, when you pull the band the space in between each ball would expand but they wouldn't expand more in the middle or sides. It's even throughout. So like when something explodes it all goes back to a single point. But that is not the case with the expanding universe. Another thing is that the universe keeps expanding faster and faster over time. And the theory on the end of the universe is called the big rip. It's when the universe ends up tearing itself apart. The theory states that eventually the universe will be expanding so fast that everything will tear itself apart. Even down to the molecular level. Black holes are points of singularity with gravity that is so powerful that it traps light. Black holes are spinning, much like neutron stars. They are super dense material that has collapsed in on itself. Stars contain themselves by having an equilibrium between gravity and energy produced by fusion. When that equilibrium becomes unbalanced,(fuel runs out) the star usually goes supernova and then collapses in on itself. In the supernova the start sheds most if not all of the lighter gases like hydrogen and helium. The heavier denser materials like iron sink to the middle and the mass collapses in on itself. Neutron stars can also form by this process that kills stars. Now, white holes are theorized and have never been discovered. I wouldn't count them out though. As far as time and the speed of light. Well actually you can't technically go faster than the speed of light. In fact, unless you can somehow break the known laws of physics, as you approach the speed of light, the amount of energy it would take to go that fast would be more energy than is in the known universe. Also, as you approach the speed of light, you become infinitely massive therefor it takes more and more energy to go faster and faster. So yes time slows down as you approach the speed of light because time is relative, but so far there is no known point where it actually goes backwards. But it has been proven that time slows down as you go faster. I know a lot about the universe and theoretical physics. I've always found it really interesting.

Sorry, but you did flame somewhat...

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OK w/e, alright so as i was fucking this alien in the ass, i saw a HUGE beam of green light shoot up in the air......i mean i was smoking and everything but take it for what it is.

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Another thing is that the universe keeps expanding faster and faster over time. And the theory on the end of the universe is called the big rip. It's when the universe ends up tearing itself apart. The theory states that eventually the universe will be expanding so fast that everything will tear itself apart. Even down to the molecular level. Black holes are points of singularity with gravity that is so powerful that it traps light. Black holes are spinning, much like neutron stars. They are super dense material that has collapsed in on itself. Stars contain themselves by having an equilibrium between gravity and energy produced by fusion. When that equilibrium becomes unbalanced,(fuel runs out) the star usually goes supernova and then collapses in on itself. In the supernova the start sheds most if not all of the lighter gases like hydrogen and helium. The heavier denser materials like iron sink to the middle and the mass collapses in on itself. Neutron stars can also form by this process that kills stars. Now, white holes are theorized and have never been discovered. I wouldn't count them out though. As far as time and the speed of light. Well actually you can't technically go faster than the speed of light. In fact, unless you can somehow break the known laws of physics, as you approach the speed of light, the amount of energy it would take to go that fast would be more energy than is in the known universe. Also, as you approach the speed of light, you become infinitely massive therefor it takes more and more energy to go faster and faster. So yes time slows down as you approach the speed of light because time is relative, but so far there is no known point where it actually goes backwards. But it has been proven that time slows down as you go faster. I know a lot about the universe and theoretical physics. I've always found it really interesting.

Bios, you are obviously educated in this regard and I respect the knowledge you have on this subject. I think, just like you, that this stuff is very very phenominal and took an enormous interest in it while taking my college classes. Just thought I would give light to another theory...The main one presented to me was that the universe expands but then contracts due to the bolded/italicized portion of your reply. The initial explosion, "big bang," causes all matter to expand away from a central point, but because matter expands as it moves faster, it slows down...this causes the coagulation of matter into planets, stars, etc.,..eventually the masses collide and form black holes. The universe slows down. Then it begins to fall in upon its self and the process begins again. The matter slowly begins to move back to the would be universal center of gravity until it all ends up at that point...The huge gravity created by this compaction results in massive heats which in turn creates another big bang.

Let me know what you think about this theory

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Well, Rurkis, I totally believe you man. I think green things only come around when you are high cause then people wont believe you when you explain and eventually you wont even believe it yourself. That aside, I was lead to believe that things where expanding at the same rate, be it gaining speed or loosing it. But from what Bios is saying it sounds like a much different situation. Also, I don't think it was flaming so much as just cold hard meanness...lol.


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Guest Fohacidal
I didn't flame you, I disagreed. The universe expands evenly throughout. There is no one point that actually will take you back to the big bang. That is what I'm saying. The universe expands evenly throughout over time. That's what's so fucked up about the big bang. If you take tennis balls and place them on a big elastic band, when you pull the band the space in between each ball would expand but they wouldn't expand more in the middle or sides. It's even throughout. So like when something explodes it all goes back to a single point. But that is not the case with the expanding universe. Another thing is that the universe keeps expanding faster and faster over time. And the theory on the end of the universe is called the big rip. It's when the universe ends up tearing itself apart. The theory states that eventually the universe will be expanding so fast that everything will tear itself apart. Even down to the molecular level. Black holes are points of singularity with gravity that is so powerful that it traps light. Black holes are spinning, much like neutron stars. They are super dense material that has collapsed in on itself. Stars contain themselves by having an equilibrium between gravity and energy produced by fusion. When that equilibrium becomes unbalanced,(fuel runs out) the star usually goes supernova and then collapses in on itself. In the supernova the start sheds most if not all of the lighter gases like hydrogen and helium. The heavier denser materials like iron sink to the middle and the mass collapses in on itself. Neutron stars can also form by this process that kills stars. Now, white holes are theorized and have never been discovered. I wouldn't count them out though. As far as time and the speed of light. Well actually you can't technically go faster than the speed of light. In fact, unless you can somehow break the known laws of physics, as you approach the speed of light, the amount of energy it would take to go that fast would be more energy than is in the known universe. Also, as you approach the speed of light, you become infinitely massive therefor it takes more and more energy to go faster and faster. So yes time slows down as you approach the speed of light because time is relative, but so far there is no known point where it actually goes backwards. But it has been proven that time slows down as you go faster. I know a lot about the universe and theoretical physics. I've always found it really interesting.

I didnt mean to say it actually does go backwards, I was just saying that if you think about it, as you reach the speed of light time slows down, so theoretically if the speed of light could be surpassed by another object, time could actually roll back for them, as if it were going into the negatives, perhaps something of another dimension or not, but it could be a theoretical possibility.

And Iv heard of the big rip theory to, where everything would disappear as soon as the rip passed by it, however that contradicts the idea that the universe is actually a space that knows no bounds, a sphere with infinite proportions.

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Bios, you are obviously educated in this regard and I respect the knowledge you have on this subject. I think, just like you, that this stuff is very very phenominal and took an enormous interest in it while taking my college classes. Just thought I would give light to another theory...The main one presented to me was that the universe expands but then contracts due to the bolded/italicized portion of your reply. The initial explosion, "big bang," causes all matter to expand away from a central point, but because matter expands as it moves faster, it slows down...this causes the coagulation of matter into planets, stars, etc.,..eventually the masses collide and form black holes. The universe slows down. Then it begins to fall in upon its self and the process begins again. The matter slowly begins to move back to the would be universal center of gravity until it all ends up at that point...The huge gravity created by this compaction results in massive heats which in turn creates another big bang.

Let me know what you think about this theory

I didnt mean to say it actually does go backwards, I was just saying that if you think about it, as you reach the speed of light time slows down, so theoretically if the speed of light could be surpassed by another object, time could actually roll back for them, as if it were going into the negatives, perhaps something of another dimension or not, but it could be a theoretical possibility.

And Iv heard of the big rip theory to, where everything would disappear as soon as the rip passed by it, however that contradicts the idea that the universe is actually a space that knows no bounds, a sphere with infinite proportions.

There is no theoretical center of the universe. In theory, there is a spot where the big bang started. And if you actually read about it, the big bang started from a point of singularity, much like a black hole. If you think about it, doesn't the big bang almost sound like the mysterious white hole, or the spontaneous creation of matter? Yes space and time gets pretty fucked up when you start to think about it. Really the big bang is just a theory, we really don't know what happened. But the expansion of the universe is not related to the throwing of matter from the so called center point of the big bang. I took the time and explained how ti works very well in my last post, refer back.

Foh, about the speed of time. Your theory make sense, but really I could just as easily argue the other way. In fact, to me it would make sense that time may slow down and almost stop as you go faster. But it going backwards is something that I think is a bit far off. As far as that goes, it could be argued either way. Anything is possible, and we don't know enough about time to draw concrete conclusions. In fact, we view time as linear, so it's hard to put that together in our minds.

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There is no theoretical center of the universe. In theory, there is a spot where the big bang started. And if you actually read about it, the big bang started from a point of singularity, much like a black hole.

I've done a decent amount of reading about the universe...nothing is conclusive. But with all things, there is a center of gravity. You take a billion marbles and spread them out over a plane with no end (essentially galaxies in a universe), there is still a center point where all those masses equal out (statically equal...all the masses times all the distances from the center are equal. If you are familiar with the concept of moments this should make sense). I'm not saying the universe has a center equal to half of a diameter, I was saying there is a central point where the masses should converge. Like you said in the underlined part, my post was conferring that the theoretical "big bang" starts from a black hole. If all the matter in the universe came to a central point, the massive gravity would create a "supermassive black hole" which are also known to exist at the center of enormous masses. These are supposed to be so violent that they actually spit matter back out. You take a couple billion super massive black holes and you end up with the most chaotic event possible...another big bang.

Thats just the theory I've heard most

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Guest Fohacidal
There is no theoretical center of the universe. In theory, there is a spot where the big bang started. And if you actually read about it, the big bang started from a point of singularity, much like a black hole. If you think about it, doesn't the big bang almost sound like the mysterious white hole, or the spontaneous creation of matter? Yes space and time gets pretty fucked up when you start to think about it. Really the big bang is just a theory, we really don't know what happened. But the expansion of the universe is not related to the throwing of matter from the so called center point of the big bang. I took the time and explained how ti works very well in my last post, refer back.

Foh, about the speed of time. Your theory make sense, but really I could just as easily argue the other way. In fact, to me it would make sense that time may slow down and almost stop as you go faster. But it going backwards is something that I think is a bit far off. As far as that goes, it could be argued either way. Anything is possible, and we don't know enough about time to draw concrete conclusions. In fact, we view time as linear, so it's hard to put that together in our minds.

Ill disagree with you on the point of singularity but however the idea that the big bang could actually be a white hole I found pretty intriguing...

And its true, its hard to view time in a non-linear way, maybe because of the way we live or maybe because we live in a 3 dimensional world. Either way until some HUGE progress is made in the field we will never know exactly what happens if the speed of light were surpassable.

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Ill disagree with you on the point of singularity but however the idea that the big bang could actually be a white hole I found pretty intriguing...

And its true, its hard to view time in a non-linear way, maybe because of the way we live or maybe because we live in a 3 dimensional world. Either way until some HUGE progress is made in the field we will never know exactly what happens if the speed of light were surpassable.

From what we know now about the universe and Einstein's equation e=Mc squared, it is theoretically impossible to travel at the speed of light because generating that much energy is theoretically impossible. Yes, read about the big bang. It is built on the concept that at one time there was a singularity. Super Massive black holes are the center of gravity at the center of galaxies. They are what holds the galaxies together. Most of the stuff that makes up theoretical physics isn't provable.

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Guest Fohacidal
From what we know now about the universe and Einstein's equation e=Mc squared, it is theoretically impossible to travel at the speed of light because generating that much energy is theoretically impossible. Yes, read about the big bang. It is built on the concept that at one time there was a singularity. Super Massive black holes are the center of gravity at the center of galaxies. They are what holds the galaxies together. Most of the stuff that makes up theoretical physics isn't provable.

True, and keyword highlighted. But still, its always interesting to "theorize" things to explain the universe, it provides a lot of insight to things most people arent even educated about.

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I know for a fact that life exists other then us, frankly if you think about it. the odds of life NOT existing is astronomicly large, We don't know HOW big the universe is, frankly it could be infinite, or finite. who knows

On to another question: The saucer shape could be contributed to quatom physics theory of faster then light travel, if someone could make a huge gravitational force infront of said aircraft the time space would be dialated behind it, and cause the aircraft to gravitate towards the aircraft, if the gravity were somehow placed permanently beyond the reach of the aircraft the aircraft would accelerate (and considering how MUCH gravity it would take to constrict time space(a black hole/while hole) you would go fucking fast, plausibly the shape of a saucer gives least resistance to the gravitational pull.

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I saw a cool show that presented sound resonance as a possible means for an aircraft to move. That's using the vibrations from sound to synchronize the vibration causing the vehicle to move. We all have to remember, at one time Einstein's theories were laughed at. So the answer may be in out of the box thinking.

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I'll believe a zombie is at my door before an alien is at my door.

I think your mom is at my door...but yeah, I'll go with the zombie thing too. Considering all the sick brain problems people have today, and all the diseases we have, it seems much more plausible than an alien coming over to borrow some sugar

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Not sure if this is the real footage, but supposedly a man caught an alien on tape in Denver.

A Film Univeristy has determined it has not been tampered with and also says due to this guy's salary, it is not likely he was able to buy an animatronic alien (which costs like 25 or 50k think it said).

It has been taken to the police and I think it was shown on Larry King Live last night.

If that's a fake, it's a really good one; if it's real taht's fucking creepy.

From a link:

Jerry Hufmann, a professional video producer and an instructor at Colorado Film School, said he believes that the alien video had not been altered in any way. Alejandro Rojas, education director of the Mutual UFO Network, said the creature did not look like a puppet and Romanek does not have the ability or motivation to fabricate a hoax.

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"Why would an alien fly across the galaxy just to look in the window of some 40 year old virgin that has a tri-pod set up? because he got the address wrong and thought it was the topless girl next doors' window."

Yes I copied and Pasted.

I think its funky how the alien slowly raised up into the window, you do not see arms, so it did not push its self up.

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I could seriously chew this topic up with facts and theory.. but bullshit in my life right now has me humbled and kinda depressed (not a cry for help, don't worry, I just explain everything, just.. like.. now.. damnit, anyways..).. so heres a few topics you can look into.. if you seriously want me to unload with information, I will but til someone says otherwise.. heres a few topics to maybe look into..

Cymatics (youtube)

David Icke on Cymatics

Good article nonbiased; http://www.thekeyboard.org.uk/Where%20universe%20from.htm


[/ame] (not necessarily true, but good information none the less)

It's a very mathmatical mixture of gravity, the "god" particles, causing cymatics, sound, resonance, heat, vibration, etc etc etc, causing more complex systems around systems, around even bigger systems, etc etc etc..

Oh, and Project, the real video is going to be released in a documentary.. the dude is pushing an agenda. Alien awareness is about to be put in the limelight.. proof is all around with different organizations preparing, the Vatican saying it's ok to believe in aliens. Stuff that wasn't allowed to be touched before. Governments wish to regulate the message.

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