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Europa Universalis 4

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It's been out for about a week now.


I know Paradox Interactive games are usually addictive, but damn this is really addictive even by Paradox's standards.

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If you've never played multiplayer on a paradox game, you should try it with EU4 (not a pick up game, an actual 400-year campaign). 


I used to play EU3 MP (in the several years before csgo came out...) and had a blast. I've never really been able to have much fun in single player since then.


The games are typically organized on paradox's forums and most games have a set time (once a week) where they play for 4 hours. 


The game is totally different when you have several strong players contesting with you. Diplomacy is very tricky.


And even if you lose wars, it's way more fun than beating the stupid AI.

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Or we just start our own game without random people. Everyone have the steam version or pirated?

There are definitely not enough EU4 players on these forums for a worthwhile game.

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Lol. I have at least 10+ friends that play.

And are all of them willing and dependable enough to be available at the same time every week for several months?


The vast, vast majority of people never touch EU multiplayer. 

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And are all of them willing and dependable enough to be available at the same time every week for several months?


The vast, vast majority of people never touch EU multiplayer. 

I only play multiplayer.



Can someone explain this game? Sounds fun but most of the reviews are the "is Gud u buy it nau is very goooood" genre.



You take control of any country starting during the early renaissance all the way to the Napoleonic era. You operate all aspects of diplomacy, trade, technology, military and religion. Think of it as a really really indepth Risk. Extremely addicting. For example, I have a game where I started playing as the Brunei (Malayasia area), by the time year 1600 rolled around (idk how the fuck this happened) Portugal owned the entire North America, Central America, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Northern Africa and Southern Italy. Thats just a taste of how vastly history can deviate in the game. ANYTHING can happen lol.

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I only play multiplayer.






Well, if you have all these people we could try a game at some point. I'll still doubtful we could gather enough players though, and once you get to 4-6 players, diplomacy can't really be as dynamic/fun as with 7-15 players.


It probably wouldn't be a good idea to start it for a while though, as it's pretty likely some early patches will break save compatibility.

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