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Jewinator 5000

What do you see as the biggest problem in JB?

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The "h. T's must be given a reasonable amount of time to complete games. This will be enforced at admin discretion"


Is meant to allow an average time per game to be completed. There won't be specific time-limits added per game type, since the game is highly map dependent. Just because I can do tnt maze on the minecraft map in 10-15 seconds does not mean everyone can. An average time for someone who is semi-familiar with that individual game would be ~30-45 seconds.


The premise behind the "reasonable" time is to allow t's to not be forced to their death. If you want to add a time limit of "be completed by 51:00" (and its at 53:00), go for it. That is perfectly fine. You however cannot order all t's to try and attempt a game that is meant to be played either in turns or in smaller groups/individually(ie tnt maze).


If you want to force them to try and attempt games at a reasonable pace and not just standing around waiting for one to go, add the "at-least one Terrorist must be attempting to complete the game at any time" .


The rule is also meant to encourage t's to take risks amongst themselves on other map specific games and not the "you have 5 seconds to start the game of "poisonous vines/roulette ladder"" then mow them all down for trying to see who had the balls to try a ladder/vine.

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Why are you trying to restrict your own server access bro?

"you're a fag". I get it! But seriously. This "debate" between you and eddy boils down to being a faggot versus not being a faggot, if you shoot Ts for not immediately running to their doom in TNT maze you fall under the category of faggot.

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"you're a fag". I get it! But seriously. This "debate" between you and eddy boils down to being a faggot versus not being a faggot, if you shoot Ts for not immediately running to their doom in TNT maze you fall under the category of faggot.


Unfortunately the people you're describing make up most of the CT side in general and most of the JB server as a whole now, so if we were to implement something like that we wouldn't have a server anymore.


The "h. T's must be given a reasonable amount of time to complete games. This will be enforced at admin discretion"


Is meant to allow an average time per game to be completed. There won't be specific time-limits added per game type, since the game is highly map dependent. Just because I can do tnt maze on the minecraft map in 10-15 seconds does not mean everyone can. An average time for someone who is semi-familiar with that individual game would be ~30-45 seconds.


The premise behind the "reasonable" time is to allow t's to not be forced to their death. If you want to add a time limit of "be completed by 51:00" (and its at 53:00), go for it. That is perfectly fine. You however cannot order all t's to try and attempt a game that is meant to be played either in turns or in smaller groups/individually(ie tnt maze).


If you want to force them to try and attempt games at a reasonable pace and not just standing around waiting for one to go, add the "at-least one Terrorist must be attempting to complete the game at any time" .


The rule is also meant to encourage t's to take risks amongst themselves on other map specific games and not the "you have 5 seconds to start the game of "poisonous vines/roulette ladder"" then mow them all down for trying to see who had the balls to try a ladder/vine.


There was never any misunderstanding as to what it meant after he explained it. I just thought that the way it was explained in the rules didn't really do a very good job of getting across what it was supposed to, which is evidenced by your long post.

Edited by Dyscivist

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"you're a fag". I get it! But seriously. This "debate" between you and eddy boils down to being a faggot versus not being a faggot, if you shoot Ts for not immediately running to their doom in TNT maze you fall under the category of faggot.


The reverse of this is also true. Every time I get gunned down while trying to kill myself I want to chew through my monitor out of pure hate.

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Saw some guy trying to learn how to be warden through experience (Literally the quickest and most reliable way to learn how to warden correctly) and some server regular was giving him shit, telling him to quit, and just being mean. There's a reason that wardens are getting scarcer and worse. Poisonous no-fun people who don't get that it's a game.

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Saw some guy trying to learn how to be warden through experience (Literally the quickest and most reliable way to learn how to warden correctly) and some server regular was giving him shit, telling him to quit, and just being mean. There's a reason that wardens are getting scarcer and worse. Poisonous no-fun people who don't get that it's a game.

Take a demo and then report him,also if you wish to give me this Regulars name, I can talk to him about what he's doing and maybe prevent it from happening again.

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Saw some guy trying to learn how to be warden through experience (Literally the quickest and most reliable way to learn how to warden correctly) and some server regular was giving him shit, telling him to quit, and just being mean. There's a reason that wardens are getting scarcer and worse. Poisonous no-fun people who don't get that it's a game.

I see the same thing when I'm on T and can't help them out. Especially when it's a kid just trying to learn how to play.

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Judging by the fact that I completely misinterpreted its intention I'm gonna say it's not worded that well. It's not specific enough.

Something better would specifically reference games that can kill multiple Ts at a time and how Ts are allowed to take turns and can't all be forced into a game where they can all die instantly, or something like that.

It was actually worded to try and cover both things.

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This sounds pretty accurate. The irony is that a lot of people who started playing Jailbreak like a year ago now are talking about how much it's changed and how it used to be a lot better, even though when they started there were lots of people saying the exact same thing. Every generation of players thinks that the immediate generation following them is terrible and no fun at all. 


sounds like all this 90s kids crap u hear all the time (im a new one so i have no right to talk so feel free to hate on me as much as necessary) i do however love what you guys have going and want to help make this the best it can be :D





imo its the freekillers at night or cts that dont know rules or have the in game power to stop ppl like eddie oreo kyle pussy69massacre or any OP OG jailbreakers from just decimating everyone withing a minute (given its uber lol zee to hear  [warden1]"all ts freeze on the.. ALL TEES FREEZ ALL TEEESS FRE......." [warden2]"since your loving warden has died i shall be ta..." [warden3]"this isnt how it was supposed to happen...."

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No more late night jb because people are so stuck to the rules that they forgot how to have fun. Now everyone just gets reported.

so the server gets turned off at night??? waaaat D: but my jb..... what am i supposed to do.....

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so the server gets turned off at night??? waaaat D: but my jb..... what am i supposed to do.....

He's just joking around, we won't be shutting down the server at night.

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When did I say the servers are going to be shut off at night. Read and know what you're talking about before you post pls.

you said "no more late night jb" newer people don't know what sG refers to when we say "late night jb", quit being a dick.

Edited by Eddy

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You know what the biggest problem with JB is? That bastard Shuda! Never knows any good games to play, gives freedays half the time, acts like an ass to people! Should get rid of him!


(In all seriousness, we need a hair bit more enforcement on certain things and a lot bit more generosity to people who are learning warden. Sure, first reaction may be to scream "READ MOTD" and berate the dude and other new ct's, but they aren't going to be perfect, especially not on their first few times. If they're intentionally ignorant, that's a different thing, but if they're getting honestly confused and trying to learn, we're bastards for yelling at them.)

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