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So WCS is wonderful and all, but where is the section for standard scripting??

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So yeah, I'm all for WCS n stuff, but you guys need a broader view of things. Scripts can do so much more then make a mod, they can fix issues with game play, report game events, perform tasks or commands automatically, all kinda crazy shit. Just gimme some ideas for what you'd like to see happen in the servers, and I'll see what I can do to make it happen ;) To give you a few examples of what is possible, I'll show you some of the fixes/modifications of scripts that I did for the [Aura] servers if you'd like. My most extensive work was done on the ZCredits system. Happy to share my knowledge with you ;)

Btw, anyone who would like to learn how to script (or code as you guys say) can contact me on Steam or Xfire and I will gladly teach someone who is willing to learn. But understand, the main way you get better at scripting is to practice it, read other peoples work, attempt stuff you do not think is possible, and finally, ASK QUESTIONS!




PS I'm looking at WCS right now to see how it operates, so far it's pretty simple, so any bad bugs you guys have with it shouldnt be too hard to fix so long as I have good info on what was happening when it shut down (server logs are nice, as are your physical WCS files so I can see what all is going on in your version of it)

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