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Kyle Mango

Do you own a gun?


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  1. 1. Do you own a gun?

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im just wanting to know what people who own guns think about these gun politics going around latley.

if you dont own a gun i would like to know what you have to say too but please specify that you dont own a fire arm before replying.

keep it civil, dont attack poeple in this thread. i just want to compare what people have to say about this that own a gun and people who dont own a gun.

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One of the common anti-gun control points is "criminals will still get guns", and I believe this a hundred percent.

Making a law doesn't stop those who break laws. It stops those of us who do from defending ourselves.

As far as the arguments on plastic guns go, I'm not sure - I like freedom as much as the next guy but being able to build a gun in your own home without anyone knowing is kind of an alarming prospect.

Edited by Name

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Guest Fohacidal

As of last week I now own a 1911 double eagle, a makarov in .380 and an SKS. My dad owns several more handguns and rifles.

Guns arent a problem. Restricting guns is reactionary policy making, the point of policies should be preparatory and preventative. The real way to eliminate a lot of problems in the US that happen to include weapons is to solve the root issues that cause these situations to manifest to begin with. Income inequality, lack of proper education, social anchors, lack of mental healthcare, etc, and etc I could go on.

There should be no bans on any weapons period. If you want to get a fully automatic weapon then you have to prove through certification and background checks that you are capable of owning one. Anything higher than that you must provide more legal certification and possibly even more in depth background checks. As for regular weapons just go with the system Texas has in place, aint nothing wrong ever come out of a good ol fashioned gun show either (which is where I purchased my first handgun).

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i got a glock 17 that was converted from a blank firing weapon. to bad i cant get any bullets because shit is illegal.

It sits in a box next to my computer to remind me i will never be able to use it.

Edited by DogsGoMeow

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I have a paintball gun does that count?

OT: I agree about the stupidity of restricting guns with more laws. You're right that it doesn't matter how many laws they put, murderers, drug dealers, gangs etc will always get these weapons. They do illegal shit so why the fuck does the gov't think they are going to walk into a gun store and buy them legit? Dumb as fuck.

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No, I dont own a gun, I plan to in the near future however.

As far as Im concerned the current policies in place are fine with me except the whole gunshow loophole.

Yea, we dont have any good statistics about it but I do know at the gun shows in San Antonio any Tom, Dick or Harry can walk up to a booth and buy a fully functional gun without so much as a question.

I dont personally see an easy fix for it, but its the only thing that actually bothers me.

Edit: Or at least one gun show I have been to.

Edited by Joscal

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Guest Fohacidal

No, I dont own a gun, I plan to in the near future however.

As far as Im concerned the current policies in place are fine with me except the whole gunshow loophole.

Yea, we dont have any good statistics about it but I do know at the gun shows in San Antonio any Tom, Dick or Harry can walk up to a booth and buy a fully functional gun without so much as a question.

I dont personally see an easy fix for it, but its the only thing that actually bothers me.

Edit: Or at least one gun show I have been to.

And yet its still places like Chicago that see the most gun crime. Must be all those gun shows they have up there

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I personally don't have any guns. I live in Cali and I don't really know what the gun laws are exactly, but I still don't agree with more restrictions on guns mainly because only law-abiding citizens are hampered by gun laws.

There should be no bans on any weapons period. If you want to get a fully automatic weapon then you have to prove through certification and background checks that you are capable of owning one. Anything higher than that you must provide more legal certification and possibly even more in depth background checks. As for regular weapons just go with the system Texas has in place, aint nothing wrong ever come out of a good ol fashioned gun show either (which is where I purchased my first handgun).

I always used to think that no one really needs a fully automatic weapon, but now I understand that it probably doesn't matter all that much if a weapon is automatic or not as long as the person holding it has enough legal certification and proves that he is actually capable of handling it.

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my dad has a 12 gauge (the 870), I only use it for hunting and to shoot paper. speaking about gun control, laws won't help in my opinion since pretty much everybody can own a gun, its just some bastards are stupid and they start killing people with guns and guns are only dangerous when you don't know how to use one but is a knife dangerous? does is kill? yes, now if you ban guns, you must also ban knifes and tools that are use to kill people, shit happens simply.

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I do not own one.

When I was taking Criminal Justice I was thinking of becoming a Court Room Security Guard just because they can legally carry a gun at the age of 18. ;D Unfortunately I did not go that route.

But I would like to get my pistol permit sometime in the near future.

Remember kids, guns don't kill people, crazy fucking people and their crazy fucking children kill people.

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No, I dont own a gun, I plan to in the near future however.

As far as Im concerned the current policies in place are fine with me except the whole gunshow loophole.

Yea, we dont have any good statistics about it but I do know at the gun shows in San Antonio any Tom, Dick or Harry can walk up to a booth and buy a fully functional gun without so much as a question.

I dont personally see an easy fix for it, but its the only thing that actually bothers me.

Edit: Or at least one gun show I have been to.

And yet its still places like Chicago that see the most gun crime. Must be all those gun shows they have up there

I wasnt trying to make any implications. Just bothers me a bit is all.

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Guest Fohacidal

No, I dont own a gun, I plan to in the near future however.

As far as Im concerned the current policies in place are fine with me except the whole gunshow loophole.

Yea, we dont have any good statistics about it but I do know at the gun shows in San Antonio any Tom, Dick or Harry can walk up to a booth and buy a fully functional gun without so much as a question.

I dont personally see an easy fix for it, but its the only thing that actually bothers me.

Edit: Or at least one gun show I have been to.

And yet its still places like Chicago that see the most gun crime. Must be all those gun shows they have up there

I wasnt trying to make any implications. Just bothers me a bit is all.

Why does it bother you?

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No, I dont own a gun, I plan to in the near future however.

As far as Im concerned the current policies in place are fine with me except the whole gunshow loophole.

Yea, we dont have any good statistics about it but I do know at the gun shows in San Antonio any Tom, Dick or Harry can walk up to a booth and buy a fully functional gun without so much as a question.

I dont personally see an easy fix for it, but its the only thing that actually bothers me.

Edit: Or at least one gun show I have been to.

And yet its still places like Chicago that see the most gun crime. Must be all those gun shows they have up there

I wasnt trying to make any implications. Just bothers me a bit is all.

Why does it bother you?

Personal reasons involving an estranged family member.

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