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U.S. Navy's laser tests now proven functional

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What happens if I get a mirror and reflect it back at them?

Mirrors that could reflect 100% of light would be extremely expensive, and wouldn't make sense to have on an aircraft, as it wouldn't be able to sustain speeds on a normal aircraft, so there's that already, along with the main fact that the heat from this laser would still melt right through something like that, so long as it's in the right conditions.

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Actually bought a powerful laser in Paris over break, imagine the gang fights once this tech gets out

Edited by Swedish House Mafia

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What happens if I get a mirror and reflect it back at them?

Mirrors that could reflect 100% of light would be extremely expensive, and wouldn't make sense to have on an aircraft, as it wouldn't be able to sustain speeds on a normal aircraft, so there's that already, along with the main fact that the heat from this laser would still melt right through something like that, so long as it's in the right conditions.

Plus the fact that no one would fucking want their jet to be that reflective. Its about time something like this is actually being used.

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no mirror can reflect 100% (plus kinda easy to see a jet thats glowing) so the only defense would be high density heat resistant plating but even then still hard to defend against

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