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North Korea threats: US to move missile defences to Guam

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I feel like the only thing we have to worry about is whether or not China backs NK.

Not likely they will.

We still owe debt to china, and china would rather have the u.s continuing to pay off their debt then a 3rd world nation buying radioactive materials and food from them.

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Just waiting for them to attack so I can get more money lol doubt they'll do anything big

By the looks of it, North Korea is on the verge of surpassing anything they have ever done (warfare wise) and have created the top of the line missile ready to fire at any moment. Here's the picture of the newly added weapon


If anything is going to happen, they are sending this bad boy in first.

But on a serious note, The U.S. would destroy the threat pretty fast considering they have missile destroyers closer to N. Korea so I wouldn't worry too much until it escalates and harsher action needs to be taken.

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Guest Fohacidal

I feel like the only thing we have to worry about is whether or not China backs NK.

Not likely they will.

We still owe debt to china, and china would rather have the u.s continuing to pay off their debt then a 3rd world nation buying radioactive materials and food from them.

You are one of those people that thinks a majority of US debt is owed to China too huh? Regardless China reaps no benefits from backing North Korean military action.

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I feel like the only thing we have to worry about is whether or not China backs NK.

Not likely they will.

We still owe debt to china, and china would rather have the u.s continuing to pay off their debt then a 3rd world nation buying radioactive materials and food from them.

You are one of those people that thinks a majority of US debt is owed to China too huh? Regardless China reaps no benefits from backing North Korean military action.

Unless they expect to win. I mean Iran will probably hop on with China and NK if this thing goes down. It could potentially escalate into WW3. China even stated that no matter what goes down, they will back NK. Considering, much of China's money comes from the US and its allies it isn't clear whether that was just to deter a US preemptive strike, or they are serious about that stance.

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My question is, Where the hell do they get the money to fund these Missiles? I mean NK isnt exactly Rich...

hint hint they buy it from their allies china and russia

plus doesn't kim jon un have a sports car collection AND a movie collection of every hollywood movie?

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My question is, Where the hell do they get the money to fund these Missiles? I mean NK isnt exactly Rich...

plus doesn't kim jon un have a sports car collection AND a movie collection of every hollywood movie?

So what? having a gigantic collection of sports cars and a library of every hollywood movie ever made doesn't cost that much if you are funded by a country.

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Guest Fohacidal

I feel like the only thing we have to worry about is whether or not China backs NK.

Not likely they will.

We still owe debt to china, and china would rather have the u.s continuing to pay off their debt then a 3rd world nation buying radioactive materials and food from them.

You are one of those people that thinks a majority of US debt is owed to China too huh? Regardless China reaps no benefits from backing North Korean military action.

Unless they expect to win. I mean Iran will probably hop on with China and NK if this thing goes down. It could potentially escalate into WW3. China even stated that no matter what goes down, they will back NK. Considering, much of China's money comes from the US and its allies it isn't clear whether that was just to deter a US preemptive strike, or they are serious about that stance.

Uh what? China personally approved the latest round of even stricter UN Sanctions on NK after the last nuclear test and have gone so far as to place troops and armor near the border with North Korea. As we our their biggest trading partner China has absolutely no interest in getting into a conflict against us to support one of the most irrelevant regimes on the planet. And Iran isnt stupid enough to support North Korea either, even with the level of sanctions put on Iran they legitimately do have a desire to extend their nuclear infrastructure to become a self sufficient nation and diversify their economy from just oil and natural gas exports. Whether there is a second hidden agenda to weaponize is beyond me; clues point to "yes they do" , however, am I concerned about them having it as much as I am about North Korea shelling South Korea? No I am not.

If anything Iran will just move to covertly fund more shiite based insurgency in the middle east to promote its own politics. Its already done it and losing North Korea as a possible ballistics missile and nuclear proliferation partner will just make them want to do it more. The political climate however in Iran is much more stable for normalization in the future than what people think. What really has to happen is to eliminate the religious ties to government and the revolutionary guard (or eliminate that entirely) and bring the government back into normalcy.

Also Israel needs to calm the fuck down but that goes without saying.

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I'm so fucking sick of hearing about North Korea. You guys just don't understand that they do shit this so much for global attention, The new kid is trying to prove to his country that he is powerful, but in reality he knows he can't do shit.

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I found some top secret footage of their nuclear test fire.


I need to get me one of those, I heard you can get them to fly pretty high lol.

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I'm so fucking sick of hearing about North Korea. You guys just don't understand that they do shit this so much for global attention, The new kid is trying to prove to his country that he is powerful, but in reality he knows he can't do shit.

yes but in this case the new kid stole a gun from his dad and is threatening to go to school and shoot someone with it.

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They have been making these kinds of threats for years bro....

yeah, but we knew kim jong il and kim il sung where full of shit. this guy though, he's new and i don't think he knows what he's doing, nor does he care. Or like you said, to impress all the NK military leaders with how badass he is. Although i wouldn't be surprised if they do nothing and then make the excuse that "americans stole their nuke" or some shit.

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They have been making these kinds of threats for years bro....

yeah, but we knew kim jong il and kim il sung where full of shit. this guy though, he's new and i don't think he knows what he's doing, nor does he care. Or like you said, to impress all the NK military leaders with how badass he is. Although i wouldn't be surprised if they do nothing and then make the excuse that "americans stole their nuke" or some shit.

They barely have any nukes to begin with, and the few that they manage to have left, they have been using to test. I highly doubt anything will happen from this, like normal, they want to rouse up the UN so we can treat them like babies and give them food and medicine to calm the fuck down. They literally have no allies if they start aggression, so they can't do anything even if they wanted to.

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plus doesn't kim jon un have a sports car collection AND a movie collection of every hollywood movie?

lmao, a sports car collection AAAAAAND a complete movie catalog??? Truly an exemplar of top-tier world wealth.

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My question is, Where the hell do they get the money to fund these Missiles? I mean NK isnt exactly Rich...

plus doesn't kim jon un have a sports car collection AND a movie collection of every hollywood movie?

So what? having a gigantic collection of sports cars and a library of every hollywood movie ever made doesn't cost that much if you are funded by a country.

spoken like a true dictator

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