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Bungie... wat...

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It's designed to be a console game...

Yes, and that's fine, but how hard would it be to port a game to the PC and reach a large market in the process? Not only is it good for us, but it would bring them more money at the same time.

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It's designed to be a console game...

The quote still claims that nobody wants to play a shooter game on the PC anymore, which is ridiculous.

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It's designed to be a console game...

The quote still claims that nobody wants to play a shooter game on the PC anymore, which is ridiculous.

At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on steam that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

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It's designed to be a console game...

The quote still claims that nobody wants to play a shooter game on the PC anymore, which is ridiculous.

At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on steam that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

league of legends has 32 million monthly active players, point?

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It's designed to be a console game...

The quote still claims that nobody wants to play a shooter game on the PC anymore, which is ridiculous.

At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on steam that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

league of legends has 32 million monthly active players, point?

WoW has 10 million active subscribers, but that doesn't say anything about the game genre at hand, which is shooters. Until I can make annie explode and have entrails scatter the turrets and inhibitors, LoL is still a MOBA and is exempt from all comparison. What bungieman is saying holds true: more people are playing FPS games with controllers instead of KB/Mouse

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It's designed to be a console game...

The quote still claims that nobody wants to play a shooter game on the PC anymore, which is ridiculous.

At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on steam that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

So because console is more played, NOBODYwants to play PC shooters anymore? ok

Edit: Also League of Legends gets a ton more play than Dota 2 so your stats are wrong

Edited by The Real Name

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At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on STEAM that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

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At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on STEAM that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

I'm pretty sure there's more PC Blackops players than both consoles combined and if console has more, its probably due to.the fact that consoles are cheaper than a gaming PC, not a mouse vs a controller.

Having played Call of Duty on both consoles, its usually around 300k but it probably died down.quickly after release.

Edited by Oreo

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At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on STEAM that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

I don't know why it took me so long to realize this. Why does steam matter? Why does the digital delivery service of steam matter at all in this situation? The fact of the matter is Bungie is implying there is no audience for shooter games on PC which is completely ludicrous.

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At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on STEAM that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

I don't know why it took me so long to realize this. Why does steam matter? Why does the digital delivery service of steam matter at all in this situation? The fact of the matter is Bungie is implying there is no audience for shooter games on PC which is completely ludicrous.

Because you're a retard, and probably because it's the DDS that shaped PSN and XBL Marketplace, AND you can see the number of players on any game at any time, plus the peak of the day, which makes the figures that much easier to make, so my point stands and I believe you just went full-on retard, so GG

EDIT: I also realize that Planetside 2 is the elephant in the room for this conversation, and that there are tens of thousands of players on every day.

Edited by Roflstomp.mp3

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At any given moment on Black Ops 2, there are 300k people playing multiplayer, and close to 80,000 playing zombies. The only PC game on STEAM that comes close is Dota2. Nearest shooter is behind that by over 100k. To be perfectly fair, considering that console figure is only ps3, bungieman has a point

I don't know why it took me so long to realize this. Why does steam matter? Why does the digital delivery service of steam matter at all in this situation? The fact of the matter is Bungie is implying there is no audience for shooter games on PC which is completely ludicrous.

Because you're a retard, and probably because it's the DDS that shaped PSN and XBL Marketplace, AND you can see the number of players on any game at any time, plus the peak of the day, which makes the figures that much easier to make, so my point stands and I believe you just went full-on retard, so GG

EDIT: I also realize that Planetside 2 is the elephant in the room for this conversation, and that there are tens of thousands of players on every day.

Right, I'm a retard, because I'm sure a company as tiny as Bungie would have no way of getting figures for players of games without using Steam. Let me restate my original point:

It's designed to be a console game...

The quote still claims that nobody wants to play a shooter game on the PC anymore, which is ridiculous.

To which you replied that Black Ops 2 had more PS3 players. A valid point. But not one that disproves mine.

There is still an audience for shooter players on the PC, and a large enough one to make a profit off of, as evidenced by games like CS:GO and, as you said, Planetside 2. Hell, CS:S is still popular given its age, and the fact that Bungie is ignoring that audience is disappointing.

So go ahead, ad hominem more. It doesn't make you any more right.

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