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Jimmy Rustling

Jihad (idea to not get killed by a T buddy)

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So some people love the Jihads and some people hate them. The ones that hate them are usually traitors killed by there own buddies. I personally don't mind getting killed by them unless that is the case.

now to the idea. Every one knows as a T your T buddies are marked with a Distinct T above them. Now this is where it gets funky. Everyone has had to of had the pain of dying by a Friendly Ts Jihad. How would you know better if they didn't warn you? Now what if the same concept of the T above your T buddies head is used for Jihads? Put a C4 symbol above there head if they have a Jihad in there Inventory. The Symbol would obviously only be for Ts and not show on innocents if they had acquired one by killing a traitor.

Now I understand that this will not prevent all of T buddies getting killed by another T, but this will give them some sort of alert. Like hey a T buddy who has a Jihad walked into a crowd of people I should get the hell out of here, this could happen any second.

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Seems like a good idea to me, but it might not be seen because if you put that ontop of the T(Not saying it HAS to go on top but it would look a little awkward to the side) then it might go in the ceiling. And the engineers have to get it on top of the T, and get it to sit upright for people to see.

Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Coldfuse

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I don't play ttt, but isnt there a T chat?

Yea, really traitors who complain because they get killed by a friendly jihad do have an argument here. I'd say 75% of the time someone buys a jihad to use in a crowd they never warn their T buddies about it ahead of time.

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Just make it so it forces the person to say in T chat that he has bought a Jihad.

Terrorist "Lindseth" has bought a Jihad!

Yeah I was thinking about the easiest way to implement this in class today, still not as easy as it sounds though.

EDIT: Removed it broke stuff, will try to implement later...

Edited by ZachPL

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