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Some poems of mine

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My eternal shadow

The shadow of life and death

If my shadow was to disappear

Then so shall I for I live in my shadow

Dwelling in the land of darkness

Sometimes it feels even deeper

As if I was my shadow’s shadow

The darkness so strong and vast

Not even the flashlight can past the

Evil in my past and the evil to come.

Day of beauty, winds blowing

Birds chirping, kids playing

Dogs running

Unexpecting of the event to come

Sun high in the sky and then

In seconds the world plunges into an

Everlasting darkness

Silence makes noise to all

Fear the shadows embrace

A massive ball in the sky

Emitting darkness

Hours have passed the sun overcomes darkness

Light and hope returns, the world continues once again.

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Thank you i get all scared and stuff posting my poems xD think people will think im weird q~q

Dude writing is writing, it's not that mushy stuff. I like poems because the figurative language gives me different perspectives on things and the shadow one definitely did.

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there are tons of people on here with weird hobbies like the furfags and anime people. If somebody talks shit the community will usually have your back, unless you're a furfag

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there are tons of people on here with weird hobbies like the furfags and anime people. If somebody talks shit the community will usually have your back, unless you're a furfag

Like eddy watching Nathan barnatt's videos.

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When I was in my teens I went on a poetic rampage, wrote several poems a day for months, printed booklets of them and handed them out to family members. Looking back most of them were bad, but it really helped me unload tons of crazy hormonal emotions back then. I think it's a super healthy method to release a bit, even if its never shared! Also, if your profile is correct we have the same birthday, though I'm a child of the 80s haha. Keep up the writing! I picked up guitar when I was 16, looked back at my poems couple years later and tried to turn some into songs, it actually worked for a couple

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there are tons of people on here with weird hobbies like the furfags and anime people. If somebody talks shit the community will usually have your back, unless you're a furfag

Like eddy watching Nathan barnatt's videos.

who the fuck is nathan barnatt?

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there are tons of people on here with weird hobbies like the furfags and anime people. If somebody talks shit the community will usually have your back, unless you're a furfag

Like eddy watching Nathan barnatt's videos.

who the fuck is nathan barnatt?



(look at your pic look at the video)

and this is him again in obama form

Edited by Coldfuse

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i seriously had no idea who the guy was in my pic, he just looked funny

but he has fucking moves bro

Edited by EDDY!

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When I was in my teens I went on a poetic rampage, wrote several poems a day for months, printed booklets of them and handed them out to family members. Looking back most of them were bad, but it really helped me unload tons of crazy hormonal emotions back then. I think it's a super healthy method to release a bit, even if its never shared! Also, if your profile is correct we have the same birthday, though I'm a child of the 80s haha. Keep up the writing! I picked up guitar when I was 16, looked back at my poems couple years later and tried to turn some into songs, it actually worked for a couple

Thanks man :D

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My eternal shadow

The shadow of life and death

If my shadow was to disappear

Then so shall I for I live in my shadow

Dwelling in the land of darkness

Sometimes it feels even deeper

As if I was my shadow’s shadow

The darkness so strong and vast

Not even the flashlight can past the

Evil in my past and the evil to come.


Also, people who can't write coherent sentences shouldn't write poetry.

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My eternal shadow

The shadow of life and death

If my shadow was to disappear

Then so shall I for I live in my shadow

Dwelling in the land of darkness

Sometimes it feels even deeper

As if I was my shadow’s shadow

The darkness so strong and vast

Not even the flashlight can past the

Evil in my past and the evil to come.


Also, people who can't write coherent sentences shouldn't write poetry.

Linkin park was the shit when I was going through high school, used to pump me up before team fortress clan matches hahah

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My eternal shadow

The shadow of life and death

If my shadow was to disappear

Then so shall I for I live in my shadow

Dwelling in the land of darkness

Sometimes it feels even deeper

As if I was my shadow’s shadow

The darkness so strong and vast

Not even the flashlight can past the

Evil in my past and the evil to come.

-Linkin Park Crawling-

Also, people who can't write coherent sentences shouldn't write poetry.

Linkin park was the shit

It still is... :/

Edited by Ryziou

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My eternal shadow

The shadow of life and death

If my shadow was to disappear

Then so shall I for I live in my shadow

Dwelling in the land of darkness

Sometimes it feels even deeper

As if I was my shadow’s shadow

The darkness so strong and vast

Not even the flashlight can past the

Evil in my past and the evil to come.

-Linkin Park Crawling-

Also, people who can't write coherent sentences shouldn't write poetry.

Linkin park was the shit

It still is... :/


New album was good, I like how they're constantly changing their style each new album.

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The night filled with darkness

an overwhelming excitement fills me

dark corridors, loving the darkness

cold chills fill the air, all evil forces

begging me to unleash my wrath

Vision turns dark, hearing amplified

I can hear the heartbeats, read the fear in minds

Its like extacy to me

Uncontrollable i rush through the darkness

slaying all, Destruction in my path

until i met this one

Something about her halts my rampage

regaining consciousness, her eyes filled with darkness like mine

her heart dead just like mine, she says my name

and in a instant my demonic form was suppressed

she puts her hand on my chest and our heats beat once more

she steps back and life leaves us once again.

We are each others equalizers together forever demons in love for all eternity....

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