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Factions - Forge Alliances and Declare Wars

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So you just joined the server eh?

If you want to know what factions are already there, or more info about them you can use:

"/f list" to list the already created factions.

"/f show [faction name]" to show details about a specific faction.

Found a faction that is open, and you want to join? Great use:

"/f join [faction name]"

Want to start your own group and kill all the other groups? Or do you just want to make a nice peaceful building city? Well here's how.

So first off you need money, lots of money. Go kill some things.

Once you have _____ gold you can create your own faction.

First things first, you have to leave the faction you are in.

You can do this by typing "/f leave"

Now that you are factionless you can create your own.

Type "/f create [faction name here]" Your faction name has to be 10 or less characters and only be alphanumeric (no '_'s or spaces etc...)

After you have done that you should add a description, so others know who they are messing with.

using "/f desc [description here]" will do the job. Don't make it too long though.

So now you want all your friends to join you right?

You can do this in one of two ways, either by inviting them or by opening your faction so anyone is free to join.

If you are a peaceful building town, you might want to open it up to everyone.

You can do this by typing "/f open" (type it again to close your faction)

The other way is by inviting people.

You can invite someone like this:

"/f invite [player name]"

Or uninvite like this:

"/f invite [player name]"

Now that you have a faction with your friends you probably want to claim some land.

So find a nice place and type "/f claim" and voila, you now own that chunk (16x16) piece of land.

You should note that land does cost money to claim.

So you now have a faction, and some land claimed, and maybe even a building you can call home.

Well wouldn't it be nice to be able to die and spawn at your home instead of spawn?

You can do that! Just type "/f sethome" Remember, this is for the whole faction though.

You can also teleport yourself home by using "/f home"

So you invited someone and they are being super annoying? No problem, you can kick them!

"/f kick [player name]"

You have convinced your friend to join your faction, but he wants to be able to claim land and stuff too? Make him a mod.

"/f mod [player name]"

Using the command again will remove the mod privileges.

So now the fun part, Ally's and enemies.

"/f ally [faction name]"

"/f neutral [faction name]"

"/f enemy [faction name]"

How it works:

Both factions need to want to be allies before they will be.

If one faction wants to be an enemy they both will be enemies.

Your faction also had a bank account, This will be used to purchase land and pay other factions or players. You must be a faction mod to be able to transfer or withdraw money

"/f money deposit [amount]"

"/f money withdraw [amount]"

"/f money ff [amount] [from faction] [to faction]"

"/f money for [amount] [from faction] [to player]"

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