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9/11 - Real Deal or conspiracy?

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Basically everyone knows the government is corrupt. Its been corrupt since they founded the country. Let me tell you guys something, in order for us to have money it costs money to make it. And with the cost of making money we are taxed on it. Thus creating a never ending tax for all of America and other countries to pay. It will never end and there is NOTHING we can do about it.

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Guest Fohacidal
http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ The third part of the movie explains the WHOLE 9/11 deal. And if you DO NOT believe it then I will have to bitch slap you with my dick.

Better hope you dont have a hard on when your doing it cause Im cutting that shit of first chance I get. I saw the entire zeitgeist movie btw.

And bios fuck you dude, seriously, Im tired of your shit, Im a devout Catholic, and I have strong morals and values, but I also uphold the value of science and I recognize the flaws of organized religion and politics. Stop stereotyping me as a radical christian bastard because thats not what I am, and its about time you freaking recognized what I really am, and push your own ignorance aside.

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Better hope you dont have a hard on when your doing it cause Im cutting that shit of first chance I get. I saw the entire zeitgeist movie btw.

And bios fuck you dude, seriously, Im tired of your shit, Im a devout Catholic, and I have strong morals and values, but I also uphold the value of science and I recognize the flaws of organized religion and politics. Stop stereotyping me as a radical christian bastard because thats not what I am, and its about time you freaking recognized what I really am, and push your own ignorance aside.

Typical Christian catholic, lashing out when someone questions his beliefs. So what are you? A douche bag christian who thinks he's going to be saved by his government? Or a jackass Texan who thinks he owns the country? Or maybe just a dude with a little penis trying to get back at the world by bashing gay people to strengthen his convictions...

The truth is that you don't have the balls to take a stand so you walk with the sheep as prey for the wolves.

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Typical Christian catholic, lashing out when someone questions his beliefs. So what are you? A douche bag christian who thinks he's going to be saved by his government? Or a jackass Texan who thinks he owns the country? Or maybe just a dude with a little penis trying to get back at the world by bashing gay people to strengthen his convictions...

The truth is that you don't have the balls to take a stand so you walk with the sheep as prey for the wolves.

An emulation of past times it seems.

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Guest Fohacidal
Typical Christian catholic, lashing out when someone questions his beliefs. So what are you? A douche bag christian who thinks he's going to be saved by his government? Or a jackass Texan who thinks he owns the country? Or maybe just a dude with a little penis trying to get back at the world by bashing gay people to strengthen his convictions...

The truth is that you don't have the balls to take a stand so you walk with the sheep as prey for the wolves.

Your criticizing my character and who I am as a human being, not my beliefs as a christan.

I only live in Texas, your ignorance precedes you again.

Your a jerk Bios, I in no way intended to offend Creative because of his sexuality, I never even knew until now, but you keep pushing the god damn subject, what is it about gay people that fascinates you so much? Maybe you are one to. Next time learn the whole story before you judge people.

You are so ignorant, and at time hypocritical on the forums, I just wish one day someone or something will illuminate you to the right path.

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Or maybe just a dude with a little penis trying to get back at the world by bashing gay people to strengthen his convictions...

Nothing good is going to come of this... Foh, you need to just drop it, and Bios, respectfully, you need to let it go too. Can't we disagree without the mud slinging?

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Guest Fohacidal

I agree with Junzou, all Im getting out of this topic is infuriation. Im leaving this argument.

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The Government has hid many things, but those many things have kept order. Regardless of all the corrupt things we have lived pretty well because of many things. As we feel as though we are lied to we really haven't focused on the important things, and appreciate them. Most people don't see how valuable simple things like showers, choice of foods, the choice to travel, to breath clean air, to swim in clean rivers and ponds, to own a pool, to ave children and take great care of them, the choice to say no, to work for decent wages and able to provide, and many more. Yet we don't appreciate it because nothing is ever good enough. Always need something better, and I am just as guilty. I always upgrade my comp because its never good enough. I don't exercise enough, etc. Sometimes I feel like moving to Alaska or the Arctic to just live without the nonsense. 911 happened and it sucks. It wasn't led by the terrorists that you would like to portray them as, and Foh, its not your fault you were brought up to be religious, but try and understand the fact that religion is nothing but a tool. Its never been proven. All I can say is that evolution is proven and the world is what you make it. It is what it is. I'm not saying there is no god, and I would never say that. I do believe in spirituality, and I believe in fate. I've pretty much seen it all, and will continue to prove otherwise. Nothing will ever change until "we" change it, and that will probably never happen because "we" cannot do things on that kind of level when "we" can't even simply write a post in a forum and keep our cool. People have too much pride and carry too much testosterone to even come together. I've definitely gone way off the topic.

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The Government has hid many things, but those many things have kept order. Regardless of all the corrupt things we have lived pretty well because of many things. As we feel as though we are lied to we really haven't focused on the important things, and appreciate them. Most people don't see how valuable simple things like showers, choice of foods, the choice to travel, to breath clean air, to swim in clean rivers and ponds, to own a pool, to ave children and take great care of them, the choice to say no, to work for decent wages and able to provide, and many more. Yet we don't appreciate it because nothing is ever good enough. Always need something better, and I am just as guilty. I always upgrade my comp because its never good enough. I don't exercise enough, etc. Sometimes I feel like moving to Alaska or the Arctic to just live without the nonsense. 911 happened and it sucks. It wasn't led by the terrorists that you would like to portray them as, and Foh, its not your fault you were brought up to be religious, but try and understand the fact that religion is nothing but a tool. Its never been proven. All I can say is that evolution is proven and the world is what you make it. It is what it is. I'm not saying there is no god, and I would never say that. I do believe in spirituality, and I believe in fate. I've pretty much seen it all, and will continue to prove otherwise. Nothing will ever change until "we" change it, and that will probably never happen because "we" cannot do things on that kind of level when "we" can't even simply write a post in a forum and keep our cool. People have too much pride and carry too much testosterone to even come together. I've definitely gone way off the topic.

Now I'm not excactly for or against religion, but I don't think it has been disproved either. I mean evolution and God could co-exist, just maybe not necessarily in the form of Christianity.

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Guest Fohacidal
The Government has hid many things, but those many things have kept order. Regardless of all the corrupt things we have lived pretty well because of many things. As we feel as though we are lied to we really haven't focused on the important things, and appreciate them. Most people don't see how valuable simple things like showers, choice of foods, the choice to travel, to breath clean air, to swim in clean rivers and ponds, to own a pool, to ave children and take great care of them, the choice to say no, to work for decent wages and able to provide, and many more. Yet we don't appreciate it because nothing is ever good enough. Always need something better, and I am just as guilty. I always upgrade my comp because its never good enough. I don't exercise enough, etc. Sometimes I feel like moving to Alaska or the Arctic to just live without the nonsense. 911 happened and it sucks. It wasn't led by the terrorists that you would like to portray them as, and Foh, its not your fault you were brought up to be religious, but try and understand the fact that religion is nothing but a tool. Its never been proven. All I can say is that evolution is proven and the world is what you make it. It is what it is. I'm not saying there is no god, and I would never say that. I do believe in spirituality, and I believe in fate. I've pretty much seen it all, and will continue to prove otherwise. Nothing will ever change until "we" change it, and that will probably never happen because "we" cannot do things on that kind of level when "we" can't even simply write a post in a forum and keep our cool. People have too much pride and carry too much testosterone to even come together. I've definitely gone way off the topic.

I love your coolheadedness during this entire post, and I am very happy you posted this, it was a break from the nonsense. Extremely rational and well thought out. However, I disagree about being brought in a religious environment, while it was my parents who got me baptized, Iv remained by catholicism because it makes the most sense to me and because of my faith in god.

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Two things : 1) Foh, your use of commas is horrible. Please, just stop using punctuation altogether; (thats right, I used a semicolon) it will be an improvement. 2) I bet if we could look up the most commonly used word on the forum it would be hypocrite or some conjugation of it.

Pretty funny stuff!

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The Government has hid many things, but those many things have kept order. Regardless of all the corrupt things we have lived pretty well because of many things. As we feel as though we are lied to we really haven't focused on the important things, and appreciate them. Most people don't see how valuable simple things like showers, choice of foods, the choice to travel, to breath clean air, to swim in clean rivers and ponds, to own a pool, to ave children and take great care of them, the choice to say no, to work for decent wages and able to provide, and many more. Yet we don't appreciate it because nothing is ever good enough. Always need something better, and I am just as guilty. I always upgrade my comp because its never good enough. I don't exercise enough, etc. Sometimes I feel like moving to Alaska or the Arctic to just live without the nonsense. 911 happened and it sucks. It wasn't led by the terrorists that you would like to portray them as, and Foh, its not your fault you were brought up to be religious, but try and understand the fact that religion is nothing but a tool. Its never been proven. All I can say is that evolution is proven and the world is what you make it. It is what it is. I'm not saying there is no god, and I would never say that. I do believe in spirituality, and I believe in fate. I've pretty much seen it all, and will continue to prove otherwise. Nothing will ever change until "we" change it, and that will probably never happen because "we" cannot do things on that kind of level when "we" can't even simply write a post in a forum and keep our cool. People have too much pride and carry too much testosterone to even come together. I've definitely gone way off the topic.


* Evolution as a process has been proven, but the evolution of man has not. It is just a theory.

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We should all become Buddists and get on with our lives. :lol:

I am mainly Buddhist even though I don't have one religion. My mother is a hardcore christian, my best friend is as well. BUT, they are not catholic. Catholicism to me, is mainstream occultism with its rituals and repeating themes. I don't believe in brainwashing and I don't believe in a religion that is supposed to be about peace even though if you stop and really look at it, Christians have been much more violent in the name of religion than Muslims have been. Christianity to me just doesn't make sense. Foh, sucks when someone dogs you for no reason huh? Think about that next time you want to make fun of people for being gay. Adults should be able to ignore that shit.

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* Evolution as a process has been proven, but the evolution of man has not. It is just a theory.

I thought that was going to say evolution in general has been proven, and that would include mankind. Thank goodness it didn't... I was going to "Tsk Tsk" you, Polis.

As for Buddhism and all that mumbo jumbo, directly following any religion directly and precisely is just silly... That's how people get brainwashed. I think it's best if you mix with it a bit. And yeah, everyone questions Christ-believers (for lack of a better word) for the Crusades.

Also check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikhism. Seems interesting.

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To be honest. Its the way people interpret the "holy books". Some will see it one way and others will see it the other way. Thats why we have factions and extremeists all going under the same name. We can all interpret different things.

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Lol, I used to do a lot of reading on Buddhism when I was searching for something to believe in. The funny thing is that the system of Karma is just as repressing as any other system of morality in any other religion. In fact it is even more so! Did you know that they believe everything negative visited upon you is partly your fault? If you were to get raped in an ally way it would be because of two things: 1) someones negative actions, 2) a result of your karma accumulated from your past life. Karma is just another tool to keep people in check, much like going to hell. If anything you should be looking into Daoism. Even that is fucked up though...but it still makes the most sense to me.

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Lol, I used to do a lot of reading on Buddhism when I was searching for something to believe in. The funny thing is that the system of Karma is just as repressing as any other system of morality in any other religion. In fact it is even more so! Did you know that they believe everything negative visited upon you is partly your fault? If you were to get raped in an ally way it would be because of two things: 1) someones negative actions, 2) a result of your karma accumulated from your past life. Karma is just another tool to keep people in check, much like going to hell. If anything you should be looking into Daoism. Even that is fucked up though...but it still makes the most sense to me.

Yes I did know that. I believe that though. I believe that my past lives have contributed to part of the reason why I had to go to war and actually part of the reason why I survived. I also had a guy tell me BEFORE 9/11 and BEFORE the Iraq War that I was going to join the service and I was going to go to war and I would survive. He was a weird old guy that happened upon the motel that I currently manage. It was all random chance. He also told me a bunch of stuff about my past lives and that I have an old soul which I feel strongly is true because I grew up a lot younger than most. Most of my friends are over 30.

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