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Guest some fag

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Lol i felt that guy was about to burst, those 2 fucken morons chicks are the stupidest people I HAVE EVER SEEN! Play it first lil bitches. Lol zeus I saw you comments if you scroll down. Isn't that game rated M?

I don't see the problem with them actually not playing the game, as the dude said, its a 30+ hour game, and to expect a person who never plays videogames to sit down and play a full blown RPG is a bit off. This being said, there is no excuse for how little research they actually did. Any retarded idiot whose actually seen the sex scene has seen more skin in a PG-13 film, so calling it explicit nudity should get them beat with a cane. Secondly, bringing in the whole femininity issue into this is just retarded. Its not like you're a fucking pimp strutting through the streets screwing chicks randomly. The sex scene in this game is brought about by developing a full blown relationship with the chick. And lastly, if the research Junzou found was the actual one quoted, then there is no research findings there to fucking back up the claim "little boys don't know the difference between real life and video games". I think the fucking aliens might give it away, bitch. Although, Junzou's research does get something right. I think we can say we're all a bit racist. Those damn niggers...

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I love how news people are so biased against video games. Their argument is filled completely with fluff, and backed up with no hard facts. Also, many "young boys" who actually wold consider that a sex scene, now probably want to go buy that game, just to get to that part, if they can find it. The guy from spike completely owned those dumb bitches. If you are going to be doing a big report on a topic they obviously feel so strongly about, you should actually research more. Especially if it is going to be on live tv.

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I don't see the problem with them actually not playing the game, as the dude said, its a 30+ hour game, and to expect a person who never plays videogames to sit down and play a full blown RPG is a bit off. This being said, there is no excuse for how little research they actually did. Any retarded idiot whose actually seen the sex scene has seen more skin in a PG-13 film, so calling it explicit nudity should get them beat with a cane. Secondly, bringing in the whole femininity issue into this is just retarded. Its not like you're a fucking pimp strutting through the streets screwing chicks randomly. The sex scene in this game is brought about by developing a full blown relationship with the chick. And lastly, if the research Junzou found was the actual one quoted, then there is no research findings there to fucking back up the claim "little boys don't know the difference between real life and video games". I think the fucking aliens might give it away, bitch. Although, Junzou's research does get something right. I think we can say we're all a bit racist. Those damn niggers...

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first off the game is rated M, so if you child has it, you are a bad parent are you are to blame.

secondly, rap videos on MTV are infinitely worse about objectifying women than a video game where you make love to a fucking alien. People are so fucking stupid and lazy they will look anywhere but themselves for their mistakes(parenting). They need to buck the fuck up and take the blame instead of trying to pin it on a M rated game that their kid shouldnt have.

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first off the game is rated M, so if you child has it, you are a bad parent are you are to blame.

secondly, rap videos on MTV are infinitely worse about objectifying women than a video game where you make love to a fucking alien. People are so fucking stupid and lazy they will look anywhere but themselves for their mistakes(parenting). They need to buck the fuck up and take the blame instead of trying to pin it on a M rated game that their kid shouldnt have.

Blaming stuff on MTV is soooooo last century.

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Man this shit pisses me off. Where do these people get off supporting a war in Iraq and then saying that video games are bad? Th government has no business in this shit.

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Guest Fohacidal
Man this shit pisses me off. Where do these people get off supporting a war in Iraq and then saying that video games are bad? Th government has no business in this shit.

Ironic for FOX seeing as what most deployed soldiers in Iraq use are PSP's in their free time :/

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Fox News is filled with BS and this is one of them. That Cooper girl probably got a 2.0 GPA. Make a rating of a game through trailers and not to have played the actual fucking game?!?!?! Jesus what has happened to the smart U.S.A that I loved?

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Wow, a boob, THATS BAD THATS SEX, why does video games get the blame? and BULLSHIT dads dont play games. I swear, its the parents fault for buying the game fo the kids, and what ever happend to being able to look stuff up on the computer?

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I love you for posting this.

I agree. I want some follow up on this if possible. it will be interesting to see what fox does. i doubt they will go on air and correct themselves, but i wonder.

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quote that got me was

"have you ever played the game"

"NO i just went on websites before this new show"

another quote

"im just going with research here"

well my research says her research sucks.

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Guest some fag
quote that got me was

"have you ever played the game"

"NO i just went on websites before this new show"

another quote

"im just going with research here"

well my research says her research sucks.

REALLY?! O MAI GAWD!!!!!11!1

We got it all, thank you.

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