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nathangonmad - Xray/Illegal Textures

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1st video isn't even slightly suspicious, lots of people mine like that

2nd video is odd, but people do just mine in random directions occasionally

3rd video isn't long enough to show whether or not he went down there specifically to mine that or if it was just a random, lucky whimsy

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1st video isn't even slightly suspicious, lots of people mine like that

2nd video is odd, but people do just mine in random directions occasionally

3rd video isn't long enough to show whether or not he went down there specifically to mine that or if it was just a random, lucky whimsy

1. He is mining in a pattern then he breaks his pattern right as the diamond is next to him.

2. He mines randomly over 1 and randomly down to the diamond?

3. He seems to randomly mine one block to find diamonds a lot huh?

4. Here is another video I just got...


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1st video isn't even slightly suspicious, lots of people mine like that

2nd video is odd, but people do just mine in random directions occasionally

3rd video isn't long enough to show whether or not he went down there specifically to mine that or if it was just a random, lucky whimsy

1. He is mining in a pattern then he breaks his pattern right as the diamond is next to him.

2. He mines randomly over 1 and randomly down to the diamond?

3. He seems to randomly mine one block to find diamonds a lot huh?

4. Here is another video I just got...



Was just about to post how easy you could mistake those previous videos. Haha...

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AHAHAH. I can't get enough of these videos.

I think there is a spectate mod we could get just so you could watch people play.

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Hey I'm not gonna be a prat and say I didn't have a minimap that shows the materials around me. Its a tool that simply saves time and cuts out the horrid chore of mining diamonds.

I like to build things with friends, friends who happen to also play on this server. Now I can understand you not wanting people fly hacking, etc, etc. But me having a minimap that shows me where iron and diamond is ? Who am I hurting exactly?

Just before you came on I was travelling across the map and some guest came on with a flymod and killed me, I lost a bunch of levels and got put back to spawn (at least 30 minutes travel time from where I died) Maybe you should be sorting actual problems out rather than banning people who have been playing on the server for over a year.

Oh and you might note that I didn't have a diamond chest nor diamond boots. That is why I was mining at the time.

Edited by Bowser

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Hey I'm not gonna be a prat and say I didn't have a minimap that shows the materials around me. Its a tool that simply saves time and cuts out the horrid chore of mining diamonds.

I like to build things with friends, friends who happen to also play on this server. Now I can understand you not wanting people fly hacking, etc, etc. But me having a minimap that shows me where iron and diamond is ? Who am I hurting exactly?

Just before you came on I was travelling across the map and some guest came on with a flymod and killed me, I lost a bunch of levels and got put back to spawn (at least 30 minutes travel time from where I died) Maybe you should be sorting actual problems out rather than banning people who have been playing on the server for over a year.

Oh and you might note that I didn't have a diamond chest nor diamond boots. That is why I was mining at the time.

The fact it is that you are breaking the global guidelines, as well as the server based rules. There is no proof it is not hurting anyone, In PVP (Player vs Player), your easily found diamond armor set would easily defeat my full iron set that I took the time to go cave exploring to find..

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