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Syndicate Gamers Digest Vol. 19 [8/13/2011]

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I almost shat myself when I saw Ctark as an advisor, because I didn't care to read it at first.

Grats to everyone, Ctark for making ADV and Puff for getting SO back. I also congradulate Someguy, who I forgot to mention.

It's sad to see Wind step down, hopefully he'll come back sooner or later.

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First act as strategy division head: Ban everyone that plays HoN, make them switch to LoL.

Srsly though, thanks to donors mentioned in thread + Skotti, grats to ctark, thanks to wind, gl to Oracion and I hope Advisor suits you better, thanks to Mitch and the PR dept. for doing a great job with this Digest (and the other people who helped, you know who you are), and everyone look forward to fun stuff from my division starting in a few weeks :)

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Maybe if I write as much as possible and stuff this post full of said shit, it will look make me and this clan look important.

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I would just like to say congrats to all our donators, and to the new SO's, especially someguy. Thanks for all your hard work keeping the servers running smoothly.

Also thank you all for giving me this chance to positively impact this community. I have already learnt so much and I will do my best to make MC the best server it can be.

- Ctark

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It sucks to step down especially telling Mitch of all people who first gave me the chance of admining a server. For all of those who don't know me that well or my history here, I guess i can sum it up a bit.

I started playing in the sG Jailbreak server back in 2009 as a nobody who just came on to see how things worked. Was shy and didn't have a mic so I always began joining T every round. As time went on the same things would happen with people just playing games, and getting LR and what not. So I decided at the time to try and change it up a bit and be a person who just rebels every round. So began the saga and I guess my legacy? I would be killed every other round in seconds so then I tried to do sneakier stuff and eventually most of it started working and I would seem to get a gun every round and then as I began to play more and more, my name began getting mentioned more and more as a "person to watch" etc etc. So I began getting more and more known and then I began talking to Mitch and we talked a lot about the server, how its running, how to make things better. So he decided to give me admin, while I was not even in sG yet, and things began to just evolve from there. Eventually I got convinced to join sG in 2010 and became an SO/Admin for 2+ years, and I don't regret any of it.

When I became more of an SO, people started telling me I had become a different person, had become an asshole, etc etc. Well of course I did change because I was given new priorities as an admin to instead of allow most of the things that I usually do, I have to then enforce those types of rules. A lot of people did not realize that I had never payed for admin, it was always given to me because of the community voting me as an SO, or just making my name known in the server. Which is why I believed I should give back to the community and donated 20$. I had a ton of fun and maybe it is not as noticeable these last few months since ive been caught up in school/work etc.

I just wanted to say thanks to all who have been friends with me these last three years, voted for me as an SO, or just tried to continue on my legacy. It as fun while it lasted, but it is time to move on, although I will still come on the servers and forums from time to time.

Thanks all,

-wInDuufM aka wind.exe

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Congrats to all the new Staff, SO, and new members and recruits! Sad to see Wind go for he was a great admin as well as a player.

Good Digest.

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Maybe if I write as much as possible and stuff this post full of said shit, it will look make me and this clan look important.

did the raccoon fall out of the tree?

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Hotsauce Martyr Shu and wind was awesome playing time I'll miss you all.

Cool to see a clear line of staff structure, loads of work to put this out I bet, Good job staph!

I'd like to congradulate everyone with their promotions, and gz on all recruits getting in, even though i have my questions about few of them....

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ctark congrats and thanks for all of the help you have given me over the last month.

Congrats to everyone else and wind hate to see you leave but you have your reasons.

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Congrats to the new staff & to Puff making SO again :) Also Congrats to Ctark :).

Wind you will be missed from Jb. We shall always remember the fun & amazing times with you on the server & you are one of the best snipers i have ever met & i can say that the server will not be the same without you. You will be missed bro. Good luck with school & life. I wish you all the best bro.

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Guest Ethan1

The server nights sound amazing!

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When I became more of an SO, people started telling me I had become a different person, had become an asshole, etc etc. Well of course I did change because I was given new priorities as an admin to instead of allow most of the things that I usually do, I have to then enforce those types of rules.

Welcome to the club pal. This community can't handle strict admins.

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Being SO is similar to being a policeman. If you pull over your friend, you still have to give them a ticket. Your friend is probably going to resent that. Being an SO means enforcing the rules, people are going to bitch about it but really fuck them. They did something wrong, they know it, but they are still going to whiny like bitches when you punish them.

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