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Counter-Strike 2

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Sorry mate, already posted.



OK guys, there is NO ADS. The only guns that have something similar to that are the weapons similar to the bullpup and Krieg. If you want a cite take a look at the second quote I posted.

Some highlights:

Nope, no skin choice, but different looking models on different maps! I didnt hear anything about gungame, so I guess not. The scout was pretty much the same as in earlier versions, except it didnt run faster than the knife.

No cod-like things added. Movement capabilities are still the same and there is no regen. Graphics are better than portal2 I believe

Flash behaviour is better, maps look cooler, some of the new stuff seems pretty cool I think, but as said, I wouldn't pick it over css as it is now, because a lot of things are equally good at best. I havent played it enough (and only at lan) to comment on how the netcode is working

Nah, it is still very much cs and I was very happy to see that the stuff they have added really doesn't ruin the experience at all. When I first heard it had molotovs I honestly thought "oh no, this is going to be such shit", but I think it worked pretty well. There are no perks or unlocks.

Source players and source community people only. The game feels a lot more like source, but has what I think are the nicest aspects of 1.6 as well. Unless you're hoping for a new cs game on the goldsource engine I don't understand how you can think changes like 1.6-like flashes are minor tweaks, to me that is a pretty big difference. Getting used to an engine is a minor thing compared to changing game mechanics such as how flashbangs work and enabling tagging - as it is simply nothing more than getting used to it, which you would have to no matter what new game you were going to play.

Nade physics are like source. Pretty sure they didn't do damage through walls. They could do 100+ damage though, which wasnt very nice, so that is getting changed as well.

We're going to their offices again tomorrow and going home this weekend. After that they're setting up a special forum for the people who were invited here, so we can further discuss it from home. There will be a beta starting in september or october

Hit reg seemed fine, but it's really hard to say when you're not used to the guns or anything, so it's hard to know if its hit reg or guns not shooting straight xD

Tapping was pretty much impossible, but spraying was somewhat the same - controlling it was different, but the amount of spread in terms of the numbers behind it was the same I believe, it's just been changed to be random in another way. He said that the way it works currently means that if you spam 100 full clips your 3000 bullets will be placed pretty much the same way they would be in source, but the way it feels when spraying is pretty different.

Getting 1shots was really hard and one of the points we really stressed needed to be changed. Some players said they probably didn't even get a single 1shot kill with anything but the deagle while we played, because they just resorted to spraying instead, because it worked so much better.

Ammo is free as in source, it was debated a couple of times through the day though, so it might not be how it's going to be in the final version, even though I personally think it won't have ammo-buying.

There are a few new guns (and all the guns have been changed more or less, but their current versions aren't at all final). There are also a couple of new nades, which are pretty cool. There are molotov grenades, which create a fire-blanket that slows players are little. It sounds crazy, but it actually played really well I think, even though the size/dmg might need a bit tweaking. The other new nade is a decoy-nade, that can play firing-sounds, so it can be used to fake that a player is in a position. Not sure how usable it is, but the idea is pretty nice I think.

In the current build armor is also free, but I am pretty sure this will be changed, at least for the competitve mode, since most people here thought it was a bad idea and there basically was no point to even have armor in the game, if it was given for free every round.

Because of this armor-change they also revamped the money system, which wasn't too nice, you didn't really get enough money, so sometimes you would end up needing to have 3-4 ecos or having won 5 rounds in a row and still only have 4k left xD This was also down to more grenades and other equipment being available though.

All the maps have names you know, but most of them have been altered. Dust2 only has very minor changes from the source version, but the other maps have some pretty big changes (most importantly dust and aztec have been changed to try and make them more usable for 5on5 play)

The deagle is about as powerful as in source, but it's hard to tell after such little playing time, we spent more time trying out other guns/stuff mostly.

OK, thats all for now.

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