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The Nword

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That is a pretty stupid question. Let me start off by saying any classy black person will not call another person the N word.

Considering the word was used as an offensive term during the slave era, it would probably be a bad idea for you, if you are not black, to say it. Although being black kind of is your 'get out of jail free' card if you say it, it still doesn't make it right.

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why are people so offended when u say the n word for realz black people call eachother it so why can't we?

You don't fight ignorance with ignorance. People will never forget that it's a racist word, so just quit while you're ahead and forget about it. Whenever you hear a black dude say cracker, act super offended and get in his face about it.

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why are people so offended when u say the n word for realz black people call eachother it so why can't we?

You'll understand when you're older.


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You don't fight ignorance with ignorance. People will never forget that it's a racist word, so just quit while you're ahead and forget about it. Whenever you hear a black dude say cracker, act super offended and get in his face about it.

But that's the thing, white people generally don't give two shits when "cracker" is thrown out. Same thing with Asians and the word "chink" and practically other racial slur for other races. It's just that society has made the n-word such a bigger thing that it should be. Words should not offend people that much... sticks and stones. And here is the thing, if the n-word is so completely absurd, why is it ok for people (especially black people) to spurt out racial slurs to other races?

And fuck the get out of jail free card. If a black person doesn't want to be called a n-word, they better not say it themselves. It is the exact same thing as your parents telling you not to do something but they do it.

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Guest Ethan1

Well the "n word" probably isn't as offensive in other countries.

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I can assure you that here in Canada saying nigger in any conversations outside of close friends is unacceptable. There is a "gangsta" sub-culture that is probably alright with it. But "gangstas" are mostly white these days...

As for other countries, I know that in Poland racism is kind of standard. In Poland, nigger is "Murzyn", pronounced moo-jen. And if there are no black people who speak polish around, that's simply what you call them. There are a lot of countries in Europe where there is not a lot of racial diversity, which leads to this sort of thing. The same way that in Africa there are some countries where white people are rare and are called stupid things.

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But that's the thing, white people generally don't give two shits when "cracker" is thrown out. Same thing with Asians and the word "chink" and practically other racial slur for other races. It's just that society has made the n-word such a bigger thing that it should be. Words should not offend people that much... sticks and stones. And here is the thing, if the n-word is so completely absurd, why is it ok for people (especially black people) to spurt out racial slurs to other races?

And fuck the get out of jail free card. If a black person doesn't want to be called a n-word, they better not say it themselves. It is the exact same thing as your parents telling you not to do something but they do it.

Yeah, you're exactly right, but why go down to their level? I dont mean "they" as all black people, but the ignorant fucks who keep saying it. I mentioned getting offended when you hear Cracker because then they might realize how stupid they are for getting mad about hearing the word N*gger.

Once you're an adult, I would hope that the excuse "HE SAID IT SO I CAN SAY IT" would be far behind you, because cmon...its fucking childish.

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why are people so offended when u say the n word for realz black people call eachother it so why can't we?

The word originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black"

Source: Wikipedia

I hope this answers your question. There should be no need for you to bring up the word "Nigger" in a conversation on the sG Forum/Game Servers. If you do infact feel you've got a valid reason to bring it up or direct the word at someone, please share your reasons with us.

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This should be common sense for you. I as a half-black male feel no need to ever saying it, although white skinned, black people were confused on why I wouldn't toss it around. The reason why I wouldn't consider it, is because there is no damn need too. Honestly, I hate the word, and I could care less for it. Any person I see who uses the word on a regular basis would appear to be much less intelligent to me then they could appear; therefore I feel those people aren't really educated or have some sort of problem.(I've found this to be true for most people that toss it around)

Anyways...I'm going to jump on the bandwagon


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Yeah, you're exactly right, but why go down to their level? I dont mean "they" as all black people, but the ignorant fucks who keep saying it. I mentioned getting offended when you hear Cracker because then they might realize how stupid they are for getting mad about hearing the word N*gger.

Once you're an adult, I would hope that the excuse "HE SAID IT SO I CAN SAY IT" would be far behind you, because cmon...its fucking childish.

I am not saying that I will say it because they can... I am saying that if I do say it, they better not get mad. It is retarded for that word to have completely different meanings among different races. Either eliminate the word completely or allow everyone to say it.

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Oh look, another one of these threads.


*As Junzousniggers*

Anyway, I wanted to post that David Cross stand up bit about getting a United Negro College Fund charity license plate that said "NGGR LVR", but can't find it. :(

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G. No Racist/Homophobic Epithets - As always, any and all racial slurs used against any person or object will not be tolerated to ANY degree (e.g., calling someone "N-word" is not allowed). THIS RULE ALSO APPLIES TO HOMOPHOBIC SLURS-- this includes, but is not limited to, the use of the word "fag" and any of its derivations. For objective purposes, sG does not recognize the word "fag" as meaning a cigarette, or a bundle of sticks.

This is the only rule I could find pertaining to the usage of "THE N WORD USED TO DESCRIBE BLACK PEOPLE". It seems clear to me that only in cases where you are actually using "THE N WORD USED TO DESCRIBE BLACK PEOPLE" in a real way, in a sentence, by using it "against" someone or something, are you violating a forum rule. How about giving instructions before giving infractions.

Also, I agree that using it casually for any random purpose is an unnecessary stimulant for agitation. But how can you ban even the utterance of a word in the debate over its potential use?

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