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You've got to be fucking kidding me.

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The reason we kept Climb for so long was due to its low maintenance. We didn’t have to do anything to the server, once it was set up and the maps were added we never had to touch it again. When it first started up it was full 90% of the time, after we switched IPs we thought it might get its population back but since most of the players were not sG members we lost them in transaction. It still had 5-10 people sometimes play on it but that soon died off too due to lack of maps. Scouts and Knifes has and always will be a dying cause, its fun for a week or two but its gets OLD after awhile. The population on that server was never were it should be so we had to have something take its place. And the numbers don’t lie, the DR server is doing 100% better, for now ...

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RPG mod is gay as shit with SKs...

There wasn't really a mass of popular demand for either server, but when the staff hear enough crying from the DR people (it's response bias), they switch! And act as if they're so cool for pissing off Goldentongue.

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Almost to four pages, and still, no one has taken responsibility for the switch or pointed to what "popular demand" the big ass banner at the top is referring to.

It's one thing fuck over scoutsknives fans, but it's another to try to candy coat your cock before shoving it in our asses.

If some head-honcho wanted the change and made it, fine, but don't lie about the reason.

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I changed the server. And I didn't fucking lie about the reason Goldentounge. No one BUT YOU and a few others actually cared about that server. I'm sorry it butthurts you that we removed the least popular server and replaced it with something MORE people enjoy. And as for the demand, ask anyone: SK or DR? I gaurantee a majority of the people you ask will respond with the latter.

I'm sorry your mad, but this change was for the better of the community. SK has, and never willl be, that popular (look at the first SK server we had..). DR on the otherhand, has always been a popular server when we had it in the past, and seems to be following the same right now.

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I changed the server. And I didn't fucking lie about the reason Goldentounge. No one BUT YOU and a few others actually cared about that server. I'm sorry it butthurts you that we removed the least popular server and replaced it with something MORE people enjoy. And as for the demand, ask anyone: SK or DR? I gaurantee a majority of the people you ask will respond with the latter.

I'm sorry you're mad, but this change was for the better of the community. SK has, and never willl be, that popular (look at the first SK server we had..). DR on the otherhand, has always been a popular server when we had it in the past, and seems to be following the same right now.

You still haven't even given a hint of direction to where the "popular demand" came from. You're basing your reasoning for a claim on hypothetical event that hadn't yet happened:

And as for the demand, ask anyone: SK or DR? I gaurantee a majority of the people you ask will respond with the latter.

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You still haven't even given a hint of direction to where the "popular demand" came from. You're basing your reasoning for a claim on hypothetical event that hadn't yet happened:

there was a rather large thread about it with mainly positive responses.


I remember the petition for the climb server wasn't nearly as big. I did do some lobbying on the side, perhaps that's what happened?

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You still haven't even given a hint of direction to where the "popular demand" came from. You're basing your reasoning for a claim on hypothetical event that hadn't yet happened:

Goldentounge, are you FUCKING retarded? Look at all the posts regarding Deathrun. Look back into the history of the clan when we had a deathrun server. THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A POPULAR DEMAND.

Stop fucking QQ'ing. There are other SK servers out there, go play on them.

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Goldentounge, are you FUCKING retarded? Look at all the posts regarding Deathrun. Look back into the history of the clan when we had a deathrun server. THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A POPULAR DEMAND.

Stop fucking QQ'ing. There are other SK servers out there, go play on them.

No, I asked for a reference and you pussyfooted around it. I didn't ever know how popular it was. That's something you're more likely to remember than I am, which is why I asked.

Lesbian Dad just came through where you couldn't.

I was on the losing end here, but now I know why.

That's about it.

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