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4 Long Years of =(UV)= to Sg

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Guess I might as well make one too since everyone else is. I just have to say this has been a long road with many ups and downs. Never thought I would make it 4 years since my first year was pretty rough to say the least hah. Guess that’s why I feel for a lot of the new guys because I had a hard time fitting in at first too, I was kind of a dickhead and didn’t know how to handle myself until a few members took me under their wings and showed me the ropes. This was my first gaming clan and my only. I have tried to join a few other gaming clans with no success I got bored after a few days and never returned. I think I joined at least 6 different WOW clan forums, none of them lasted longer than a month. As for UV/Sg Many high points and low points. Some of my best memories would have to be helping create/maintain WCS1/WCS2 with Bios, GoodKat, Espy and Sandman. Some of my lowest is when I called P2 out on stealing money from the clan (which I found out from Mental) and at the time no one believe me (since no one else had the paypal info) and P2 turned staff against me and got me removed from staff/the clan. Only to find out 3-4 months later that it was true and no one remember me calling P2 out since he deleted the thread pretty much as soon as I made it lol. I have been staff three different times and a clan member three different times also :PP. I was recently super excited to see my buddy Waylon back, now if only Kool-Aid, Noire, Mental, Opiate, Eagle, Evil Lama, Legend, BorisCoolman, JDDzip, JustFetus, Milo, Teflon, and Polis came back my life would be complete :P

And thanks for the continued supports guys, it means alot that you guys score me so well on staff surveys. I will continue to try and help with any problems you may be experiencing, just send me a Xfire/steam or a PM. Like LD says, stay Alpha brothas, stay Alpha.

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i have somehow not thought of this guy for years and now all of those quality posts are coming back to me.

hoooooly fuck, and that avatar.

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Guess I might as well make one too since everyone else is. I just have to say this has been a long road with many ups and downs. Never thought I would make it 4 years since my first year was pretty rough to say the least hah. Guess that’s why I feel for a lot of the new guys because I had a hard time fitting in at first too, I was kind of a dickhead and didn’t know how to handle myself until a few members took me under their wings and showed me the ropes. This was my first gaming clan and my only. I have tried to join a few other gaming clans with no success I got bored after a few days and never returned. I think I joined at least 6 different WOW clan forums, none of them lasted longer than a month.


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I honestly felt bad for awhile for leaving many of you. I wasn't really thinking when I left about you guys and mostly thinking of P2 and whoever the fuck else that pissed me off. Sorry to you all for just upping and leaving the way I did. Its cool to be playing with all of you again. Its just tough being the sexiest mofo on this

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I used to surf with legend. I loved that black guy. Haha. Wookie was the Fucken man on surf. I remember eagle and opiate jddzip, noire, Milo, polis, possibly Boris and kool aid.

xrurkis (.neo), D&G, hobo, warrior old surf fags 2. And me :(

Edit: OOOH AND SIR RED or KING RED or Megatron 2000 or Tron (multiple names xD)


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Wow. Loving every bit of it. All those names you mentioned TTD... wow. I've been wondering where all these people went, where did they disappear, just like dust in the wind.

Olg fags forever <3

PS. I saw Teflon not that long ago on the servers, dunno if he is still really playing, but I saw him not that long ago.

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I still need to get back to counter-strike. Been too long. I knew JDDZip and Cassboys before they came to sG. I remember I had my own seagull knife race on WCSDM. Fun times.

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I still need to get back to counter-strike. Been too long. I knew JDDZip and Cassboys before they came to sG. I remember I had my own seagull knife race on WCSDM. Fun times.


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I still need to get back to counter-strike. Been too long. I knew JDDZip and Cassboys before they came to sG. I remember I had my own seagull knife race on WCSDM. Fun times.

Man MagicRatt, you should come play some WC some day! :P Haven't seen you in a while.

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Haha. I still lurk around here sometimes. I mostly just play DotA and wonder what happened to the vent server. I am a little behind on keeping up with the clan.

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Haha. I still lurk around here sometimes. I mostly just play DotA and wonder what happened to the vent server. I am a little behind on keeping up with the clan.

Haha :P We got a TS3, stop by sometime.

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Good to see you around in WCS again, TTD. I'm with you though, seeing old-timers come back is awesome. I've seen Teflon, Rootbeer Koolaid, and Llama (at least I *think* I saw llama... idk) but of the rest of the people you mentioned I haven't seen any of them.

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