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sG | illogical [$RH]: yo

sG | Element Masterλ©: hey

sG | illogical [$RH]: im getting rims

sG | illogical [$RH]: go look at my oprions

sG | illogical [$RH]: options

sG | illogical [$RH]: i posted in auto section

sG | Element Masterλ©: i dont know shit about rims rofl

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol its just a style thing so go with what u think looks good

sG | Element Masterλ©: i feel the need to link you a video since your gonna buy rims lol

sG | Element Masterλ©:

sG | Element Masterλ©: he mentions rims in it lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: wtf

sG | illogical [$RH]: ok ur no help

sG | Element Masterλ©: just wanted to see you type wtf

sG | illogical [$RH]: just click the link in the thread and pick a pretty one under $200

sG | Element Masterλ©: like me the thread

sG | illogical [$RH]: http://www.syndicate-gamers.net/showthread.php?t=46846

sG | Element Masterλ©: nvm foudnd it

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: fuck found it*

sG | Element Masterλ©: MY BRAIN ISNT WORKING

sG | illogical [$RH]: 0.0

sG | Element Masterλ©: i second lopez

sG | illogical [$RH]: pick some other than that

sG | Element Masterλ©: but i gotta say your asking the wrong guy for his opinion i like basic stuff

sG | illogical [$RH]: idk about the red around it

sG | illogical [$RH]: dude its rims not an engine

sG | illogical [$RH]: they just about looks

sG | illogical [$RH]: pick something other than lopezs that are pretty

sG | Element Masterλ©: exactly i like stock hubcaps lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: 0.0

sG | illogical [$RH]: ok ur out

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | illogical [$RH]: bad taste is bad

sG | Element Masterλ©: fuck you too then lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: <3

sG | Element Masterλ©: i love you man

sG | illogical [$RH]: loooove youuuu

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | Element Masterλ©: much homo

sG | illogical [$RH]: 0.o

sG | illogical [$RH]: dunno bout that

sG | illogical [$RH]: but uh

sG | illogical [$RH]: ok

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | Element Masterλ©: if you sig this ima kill you though

sG | illogical [$RH]: now just pick some random rims and link it so the thread gets more than just me posting so ppl take it srs

sG | illogical [$RH]: i wont sig u

sG | illogical [$RH]: actually nvm i will

sG | Element Masterλ©: BITCH

sG | illogical [$RH]: new sig says this now

sG | illogical [$RH]: sG | Element Masterλ©: if you sig this ima kill you though

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | illogical [$RH]: gotcha

sG | illogical [$RH]: lolololololol

sG | Element Masterλ©: rofl

sG | Element Masterλ©: do it just for the epic lulz

sG | illogical [$RH]: DONE

sG | Element Masterλ©: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: <3 meh illogical

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: <3 element

sG | Element Masterλ©: even if you are a barrel

sG | illogical [$RH]: IM A BARREL

sG | Element Masterλ©: rofl

sG | illogical [$RH]: damnit POST SOME RANDOM RIMS FROM THE LINK XD so the thread gets attention and not trolling

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | Element Masterλ©: but trolls are fun

sG | Element Masterλ©: HELLO MON

sG | Element Masterλ©: alright give me a minute to finishing watching MLP:FiM

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol kk

sG | Element Masterλ©: you know what im watching dont you?

sG | illogical [$RH]: mini little penis : fits in mouth

sG | illogical [$RH]: yep

sG | Element Masterλ©: LOLOLOL

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | Element Masterλ©: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

sG | Element Masterλ©: foo

sG | Element Masterλ©: its win


sG | illogical [$RH]:

sG | Element Masterλ©: i am what you would would call a Brony

sG | illogical [$RH]: watch that

sG | illogical [$RH]: its my little wu tang

sG | Element Masterλ©: LOLOLOLOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: makes me think of the time horny cat posted Nigga Music by DJ assault

sG | illogical [$RH]: lool

sG | Element Masterλ©: or maybe it was Nigger Music

sG | Element Masterλ©: i forget

sG | Element Masterλ©: funny as hell

sG | Element Masterλ©: like 2 years old but i wanna necro it

sG | Element Masterλ©: would be worth the infraction points

sG | Element Masterλ©: Wu-Tang AINT NOTHING TO FUCK WITH

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol hell yeah

sG | illogical [$RH]: u gotta admit the voice sync is amazingly good

sG | Element Masterλ©: yeah

sG | illogical [$RH]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJfZTr8zMsc

sG | illogical [$RH]: next one

sG | Element Masterλ©: already seen this one lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: funny as hell

sG | illogical [$RH]: i love it

sG | illogical [$RH]: lololol

sG | Element Masterλ©: shit fuck stack

sG | illogical [$RH]: U GOT A FUCKSHIT STACK

sG | illogical [$RH]: ROFL

sG | illogical [$RH]: fickity fuck

sG | Element Masterλ©: yo word

sG | Element Masterλ©: you seen PONIES: The Anthology?

sG | Element Masterλ©: funny as hell

sG | illogical [$RH]: nope

sG | Element Masterλ©:

sG | Element Masterλ©: WATCH IT!

sG | illogical [$RH]: omg

sG | Element Masterλ©: beginning is win ponized kanye west music video

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: just look up the music video for power lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: ive seen it

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol soo many pomies

sG | illogical [$RH]: ponies*

sG | Element Masterλ©: i got that as my spray the full zoomed out pic

sG | Element Masterλ©: lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL JACKASS

sG | Element Masterλ©: almost as funny as jackass

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL KATAAMARI

sG | illogical [$RH]: WTF LOL

sG | illogical [$RH]: girls on film LOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: just finishing watching while i find you some shitty rims

sG | illogical [$RH]: cool

sG | Element Masterλ©: kinda makes me think of robot chicken a bit too

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL

sG | illogical [$RH]: imma FIRE MY LAZOR

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: it gets better lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: o god

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOOK AT MY HORSE

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: YES

sG | Element Masterλ©: LOL

sG | illogical [$RH]: the bees

sG | Element Masterλ©: MOVE BITCH

sG | Element Masterλ©: GET OUT THE WAY

sG | illogical [$RH]: MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOLOLOL


sG | illogical [$RH]: WAZZUP

sG | Element Masterλ©: DOUBLE RAINBOW

sG | illogical [$RH]: DOUBLE RAINBOW

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | illogical [$RH]: GINGERS HAVE SOULS

sG | illogical [$RH]: nope

sG | Element Masterλ©: lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: MATERIAL GIRL

sG | Element Masterλ©: LOL

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol at tails

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | Element Masterλ©: for ima firin mah lazer

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: VBLACK MAGIC WOMAN LOL


sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: MGS reference coming up its funny as hell

sG | illogical [$RH]: i know kung fu

sG | Element Masterλ©: but first CSI

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol OWL

sG | Element Masterλ©: AND I RUN

sG | Element Masterλ©: I RUN SO FAR AWAY

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL DERATH NOTE

sG | illogical [$RH]: DEATH

sG | illogical [$RH]: YE HAAAAA

sG | Element Masterλ©: MGS lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL MGS

sG | illogical [$RH]: AHAHAHAHHH

sG | Element Masterλ©: lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: great aint it?

sG | illogical [$RH]: GAME OVER

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | Element Masterλ©: you were doing so well too...

sG | illogical [$RH]: wtf scary shit


sG | Element Masterλ©: i used to love that show

sG | Element Masterλ©: i watched all the episodes

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL COOKING

sG | Element Masterλ©: love that song lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: lo bob

sG | illogical [$RH]: power rangers 0,0

sG | Element Masterλ©: yeah lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: spike and rarity lol


sG | illogical [$RH]: COOK BY THE BOOK

sG | Element Masterλ©: LOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: fuck shit stack reference lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: fuck shit dstack

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: its a stack of fuck and shit on top of itself nigga

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: KILL BILL

sG | illogical [$RH]: OMG

sG | Element Masterλ©: lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: SAX GUY

sG | Element Masterλ©: PIZZA HUT

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL PIZZA HUT

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol dark knight

sG | Element Masterλ©: KEEP ROLLIN

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL

sG | Element Masterλ©: i make it rain on dem hoes

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL


sG | Element Masterλ©: space core lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: SPACE

sG | illogical [$RH]: SPACE

sG | Element Masterλ©: READ A BOOK

sG | Element Masterλ©: READ A MOTHA FUCKIN BOOK

sG | illogical [$RH]: READ A BOOK

sG | illogical [$RH]: ii love this

sG | illogical [$RH]: lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: PINK PANTHER

sG | illogical [$RH]: omg

sG | illogical [$RH]: dude

sG | illogical [$RH]: this is the best convo ever

sG | Element Masterλ©: i know right

sG | Element Masterλ©: i dont really get the dead stare reference though

sG | Element Masterλ©: any idea were its from?

sG | illogical [$RH]: i saw it on scrubs once

sG | illogical [$RH]: but idk the original place

sG | Element Masterλ©: OMG IM IN SPACE!

sG | illogical [$RH]: IM IN SPACE


sG | Element Masterλ©: getting bored of space lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: LOL WTF

sG | illogical [$RH]: dirty talk animals

sG | illogical [$RH]: XD

sG | Element Masterλ©: lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: this is one of the best videos ever made lol

sG | Element Masterλ©: scrubs reference lol

sG | illogical [$RH]: best 24 mins ever

sG | illogical [$RH]: o and it gives all the references

sG | Element Masterλ©: yeah

sG | illogical [$RH]: ah

sG | illogical [$RH]: that was awesome

sG | Element Masterλ©: i can find good shit some times lol

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Only getting rims on your car(the only custom thing) is just gay. Then you also probably drive around in your dads BMW, your a cocky fuck who just wants to show off.

hehe... :P No, Illogical, I am not saying this is your case :P

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Only getting rims on your car(the only custom thing) is just gay. Then you also probably drive around in your dads BMW, your a cocky fuck who just wants to show off.

hehe... :P No, Illogical, I am not saying this is your case :P

wrong thread and its for a mazda. i nneed rims since my tpms is leaking and i gotta replace the rims. but i am rich too . i didnt post the thread to brag though.

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And who the fuck is gonna read all of that? I need the cliff notes.

Cliff notes are watch the links and me and Illogical are a little mentally unstable. (And apparently I am now a brony, having watched all of season 1 of MLP:FiM and liked it.)

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