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Guest J_MaFia

Was Fun But I'm gone. PEACE :D

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Why are people still here, just say your goodbyes and leave. You can say all you want in a post, that's it. No need for the tension and what not.

Back to thread: peace jmafia. It was fun playing with you.

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Well damn. This honestly make's me sad :(.

Mafia, keep in touch, and message me on steam to play. I fucking love playing with you :(.

Well, enjoy your leave of abscence, and take care in your life. You will always be remembered here. Will miss you deeply, as you were one of the main reason's I applied to sG.

Also, GT, I normally do like you, but fuck... mind leaving with the attitude just for a bit. I know it may be difficult, but in leaving post's, try not to be a total asshole.

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Bai mafia! I really hope you come back to meeeeeeeee :( You're one of the reasons why I joined sG and showed me to mess around on other servers to meet some cool people. One of the first people to be nice to me on ttt (first comes sports ;) ). While this post alone will not convince you to come back, I hope the collective posts here (besides goldentongues usual foolery) shows how much were gonna miss you. Anyways seeya around sometimes and I hope you travel well friend.

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Kind of dumb about how people are jumping to conclusions on why he's leaving. Anyways, I love you Mafia.

Feel free to enlighten us oh wise one...

oh wait, you don't actually have a clue, which is why you think people are jumping to conclusions.

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He just really got his feelings hurt when he scored the lowest on the SO survey. He really thought everyone loved him and was heartbroken when he found out different and lost SO. Its a sad result, you guys shouldn’t of been so harsh on his SO results and maybe he still would be here ;P

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He just really got his feelings hurt when he scored the lowest on the SO survey. He really thought everyone loved him and was heartbroken when he found out different and lost SO. Its a sad result, you guys shouldn’t of been so harsh on his SO results and maybe he still would be here ;P

He behaved in an improper way for an SO. He was told this multiple times, and every time he just responded with "I won't change who I am." I have no pity for him losing SO, as he was given plenty of chances and warnings.

Can't imbed on my phone, but:

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He just really got his feelings hurt when he scored the lowest on the SO survey. He really thought everyone loved him and was heartbroken when he found out different and lost SO. Its a sad result, you guys shouldn’t of been so harsh on his SO results and maybe he still would be here ;P
Maybe some people can still change even after they did some bad. sometimes we need to give someone a another chance he knows the end result maybe someone can actually give him another chance if i can change my vote ill change it now :D.

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