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my ping is now 60-70, from 40-50 :( but the servers shouldn't choke anymore so that's probably for the best

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It is probably not due to the servers being switched to a different host but I can no longer see the name of the person who sprayed a spray (Sprayed By: Ivanns). I could see everything perfectly before but now I can't for some reason.

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ZE is great, just really needs Extend Map in map votes XD

That can easily be arranged. It will have to come after the map-change problems on other servers, priority wise though. I may have some free time tomorrow morning to check into these issues hopefully.

Sorry for all the random bugs/glitches, Valve timing this BREAK EVERYTHING update right when we switch doesnt help :(

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You guys are doing a good job thusfar,

Keep the old servers online for a while, probably another month. People who do not play as often will know of the IP change the longer the old ones stays on.

also, jb = <3

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None of my skins are working, which i believe is leading to my sounds being messed up, lots of screeching and things from guns when fired etc, i play on wcs1, i think this is prolly from the update and not the server

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None of my skins are working, which i believe is leading to my sounds being messed up, lots of screeching and things from guns when fired etc, i play on wcs1, i think this is prolly from the update and not the server

I think it is an issue with the sv_pure settings.

If you load your css up in single player, you will have all your skins. If you join wcs1 for example, you will have default skins, and if your skins use custom sounds, then you'll have a screeching sound anytime that gun would normally trigger the custom sounds(eg if your m4a1 has a custom deploy sound(when you bring it out), anytime you bring a m4a1 out, it will screech like a mofo).

So, possibly a combination of broken update+change of servers :x

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i'm really starting to dread updates fro valve anymore, they always mess stuff up. CS:S won't stop crashing, i can barely make it through 3 rounds now.

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i'm really starting to dread updates fro valve anymore, they always mess stuff up. CS:S won't stop crashing, i can barely make it through 3 rounds now.

More than likely due to the sound issue. The only way i know of to fix this is to uninstall your skins, or just not play css..

Obviously you should keep all your skins in a backup folder.

Other than that, I do not know of a fix for this, other than sv_pure 1.

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Is it just me, or are the Warcraft servers down? When I try to go to the new ones, they tell me that they are locked, even the new ones.

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Is it just me, or are the Warcraft servers down? When I try to go to the new ones, they tell me that they are locked, even the new ones.

Yiyas is trying to fix them. So he locked them.

So yea, Servers are moved, but WCS is locked due to the fact that they are not working correctly. So yeah :)

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The new map voting system in ZE is incredible, so much better than the old one!

I have a few suggestions/requests though:

1. Make it so that instead of maps disappearing from the nominations list when they're recently played or nominated, make it say (Nominated) or (Recently Played), like before. It's helpful to know which maps are in the upcoming vote, and its easy to forget certain maps if you don't see them in the list.

2. Reduce knockback on napalm grenades to barely anything, shouldn't have a need for knockback;it's napalm.

3. A lot of people have been getting disconnected by buffer overflows, an anti-buffer overflow plugin would be great. Also it seems that when 4-5 people talk on the mic we get fps lag, kinda sucks.

4. Make it so we don't see who voted for what map in map votes, we don't need to know, and it just floods chat.

Thanks for all the cool new stuff!

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