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Jared For TTT SO

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Jared recently lost the psuedo unofficial SO position he had in the server, given to him out of good faith by Blob.

He's shown over the years to be an entertaining but mature clan member, and has reflected this quality in his leadership as well. He definitely has the support of many community members and staff members, and has used the power he once had in a very beneficial and responsible manner. The server could currently use more officers like him, especially with its current popularity. I'm posting this to strongly urge the staff to consider adding him to the ranks of SO's for the good of sG.

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But..... Sportsteen... D:

If it is based on last times survey, they had two people they could vote for. As for jarad, I agree, give him SO

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While I think Jared is far more deseving than certain current SOs, who says wwe have to remove anyone?

Don't we have a set number of Server Officers? I think we do so that's why i'm saying we would have to remove someone :>

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Don't we have a set number of Server Officers? I think we do so that's why i'm saying we would have to remove someone :>

That may be a rule, but it's not a devine mandate. Rules and ways of running things change all the time around here. If staff can make a change in who gets SO, then I would imagine they can change the number they'll allow.

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I don't think they per say have a hard cap on SO's but I'm sure they have a number in mind, the survey results would probably determine if anyone was removed.

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With the popularity of the server and the growing number of troublemakers that come with it, there's no reason to have a cap on the number of SO's we can have.

Yeah I'd love jared as another SO, and personally, I know I'm not well-liked on the forums but in TTT I know the rules and people appear to like me a lot, I try to help screenshot and demo the rulebreakers when I see them and I'd like to be an SO too but I fear a bit of my forum reputation might prevent that.

Either way, go Jared, you do great on the server and it would be great to have you join the ranks of SO you've done a fantastic job policing, populating, and socializing on the server.

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We just had a thread saying that we didn't have enough admins on, why cap the limit?

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I can always fill in admins that aren't SO if needed. ex. Amp, Sportsteen, Lesbian Dad (jared was one :/ )

EDIT: Gotta be in sG to get SO Balth. Tubbles had it before the SO was instituted so he was grandfathered in there.

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Yeah I'd love jared as another SO, and personally, I know I'm not well-liked on the forums but in TTT I know the rules and people appear to like me a lot, I try to help screenshot and demo the rulebreakers when I see them and I'd like to be an SO too but I fear a bit of my forum reputation might prevent that.

Either way, go Jared, you do great on the server and it would be great to have you join the ranks of SO you've done a fantastic job policing, populating, and socializing on the server.

Are you seriously nominating yourself?

I decaplet the Jared and Sportsteen nominations ^_^

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and personally, I know I'm not well-liked on the forums but in TTT I know the rules and people appear to like me a lot, I try to help screenshot and demo the rulebreakers when I see them and I'd like to be an SO too but I fear a bit of my forum reputation might prevent that.


Get the fuck out.

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