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So, Minecraft For Xbox Kinect?

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It's nice that they are appealing to an entirely new market, and because people can't torrent it they should make quite a bit of money off it. Although the reselling of games in stores is more hurtful to the developer I guess.

I'll probably buy it again to play with friends, should be fun. As for the kinect, IMO it complicates a game to levels that aren't really required, and probably won't be as fun. Lolz at punching trees, for real this time.

I'm more excited about Adventure Mode coming next version, should be a blast.

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*looks up from his mining of iron for the train station*

It looks cool, i'm worried about how Kinect's gonna work out.

*Goes back to wor-- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS*

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I have already seen the hacked version of the kinect run minecraft and it seemed like the kinect just made things annoying. However, with a real developer making the game, it should fit better.

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