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MW3 or BF3

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Why do you think that?

Because MW3 will be just like the other 2 god damn games. They might as well have made the following MW games downloadable patches or expansion packs. Same engine, literally to almost no change per game. It's just a product getting milked till the bitter end, and for people with great taste can easily tell that franchise has already become bitter.

Battlefield 3 is a whole new game to the PC Battlefield series(Not including BC 1/2)

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Because I have been playing MW2 for a while now and haven't really played BF1 or 2 in a while. I do remember that they were like the best game I ever played back then. So im probably just going to get them both.

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As Marine stated, MW3 is just MW2's expansion. There's no real difference. BF3 for vehicles, epic graphics, and breakable buildings fuck yeah.

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anything after cod4 blows hard ass (and it's highly debatable whether cod4 is even any good), as seen by... everything released thus far.

Activision no longer gives a shit about the PC community, and as such will continue to make shittier games to cater to the console fanboys...

whereas BF3 has no competitive community to kill (read: no skill gap), so I won't be as disheartened by it :)

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I bought a ps3 just to play cod so, sadly, I must say MW3. At least until my friends persuade me to get BF3 as well. MW3 will probably get more hype, so I would prefer to buy it sooner than battlefield.

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BAAAATTTLEFIELDDDDDDDD! BF2 was the most amazing game i've ever played, still is, always will be, and I still play it <3 Don't forget SF, love it aswell.

Yeah, as stated, MW3 is going to be just like the others. COD just comes out with the same fucking games just with a new title.

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anything after cod4 blows hard ass (and it's highly debatable whether cod4 is even any good), as seen by... everything released thus far.

Activision no longer gives a shit about the PC community, and as such will continue to make shittier games to cater to the console fanboys...

whereas BF3 has no competitive community to kill (read: no skill gap), so I won't be as disheartened by it :)

BF2 was a very well rounded and complete game, I can only expect bf3 to be as good.

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Gotta get both brohamian. You dont wanna spend your life wondering what the other game could have been...obcessing over it, losing sleep.... black ops haunts me still..

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Why pick between them? Get both. I'll get BF3 when I want some skill, but when my friends who don't know a grenade launcher from a shotgun want to play, I'll school them in MW3. Who knows, they might actually do the unthinkable and make it.....good.....

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