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LR overriding server rules.

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The rule on music is one i'm pretty familiar with, and it clearly says you have to stopped when asked.

5. Playing music over the mic is not allowed. Only in instances where the server count is low(below 8 players total), and everyone in the server agrees with the playing of that music will any music be allowed. We will be lenient with other sounds but you must stop playing them if asked to.

This guys LR was to play some really irritating sound whenever warden is not speaking, the 'admins' accepted - I asked for him to stop, he didn't.

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I think it applies to Admins and server officers and above issuing an order to stop spam. Its kinda vague. It also states in JB rules that "Admins are allowed to use reasonable discretion for punishments and for LR requests/punishments/fixes."

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Its was the guys Lr. If its to play music then its allowed if warden and admin accepts which I did. If you really wanted him to stop then you should of rebelled and kill him.

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The rule on music is one i'm pretty familiar with, and it clearly says you have to stopped when asked.

This guys LR was to play some really irritating sound whenever warden is not speaking, the 'admins' accepted - I asked for him to stop, he didn't.

You got to deal with it bro. Just like the rest said. It's an LR. If a admin Accepts then the person with the LR can play any song he wants. Even if its annoying to you. If this happens next time, just suicide & wait till the round is over OR you have to get used to it.

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No where in that statement does it say " If a guy gets a lr & he plays music & someone asks to stop then he has to stop" I know its common sense but it also ruins the person LR if you ask them to stop. Just ignore it or just suicide & wait till the other round. Not a lot of LR's like this happen anyways.

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Here is a little thing about JB.... the less you nitpick the rules and freak out over ever little thing the more fun you will have. Oh crap FUN... I said fun. So sorry, I forgot JB is serious business.

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Here is a little thing about JB.... the less you nitpick the rules and freak out over ever little thing the more fun you will have. Oh crap FUN... I said fun. So sorry, I forgot JB is serious business.


@ the thread. Yeah, just deal with it <3 As long as the music is not spamming racial slurs (like n word this, n word dat), then there is no issue

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It wasn't a jailbreak rule I made this thread about, it was a global-server rule - so there was no 'nitpicking' jailbreak rules.

I guess the occasional LR that allows you to play a sound isn't so bad, but back when I played there was the 'occasional' next round freeday for LR - now pretty much every LR consists of some kind of freeday.

I'm just saying, the server is already headache central at times - and normally difficult to hear what is being said when there are no well respected admins online. When I last played, even if LR - people had to stop if asked to by anyone on the server.

It was a reasonable question to ask.

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The rule still applies where you must stop playing any music over mic if asked to stop. However instances like this have some leeway on the account of how low of a chance it will happen.

There's nothing we can really do about unreasonable admins. The only admins that actually HAVE to do their job are SO's and STAFF. Everyone else gets the opportunity to purchase extra abilities to use in-game. How they use it is not up to us.

Try adding the SO's relevant to your favorite server. It will help you in the future when you are in need of a good admin.

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This is completely random but are spec freedays still banned?

I do believe so. But lets get a final word on it :x

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