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Simple, Yet Genius Ideas.

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That was pretty cool, i like the last one because i'm weird and usually fall asleep on my arm instead of my pillow.

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How are they useless? It makes much less improvising.

Here are the plain shitty ones:

The retractable power-strip: Why not just put it in the wall? Installing an outlet into plaster is a hell of a lot easier than cutting a custom hole in marble countertop. Outlets are out of the way, and yet are always there if you need them. You can keep things plugged in and have counterspace at the same time.

The corn collector: You're either going to be wasting a large amount of corn using this thing, or it's going to get stuck on the widest part. The top of the ear of corn is cut off so you forget that corn is tapered and not straight all the way down. Not to mention that different ears are different widths. Even with the optimal shaped and sized ear, you're going to have a lot of edible corn on the stalk. Finally my biggest problem with it: I don't want to watch my food fuck my kitchen appliances before I eat it.

The washrag pincher: Pretty much just looks like a broken tile just waiting for someone to stab a body part with. Water will collect in that crevice, will turn gross, and it will be a bitch to clean. Just get a god damn hook or bar for your washcloth.

The paper briquette log maker: Not only will it not produce logs like they show, they'll have very little function. The paper in the photo has obviously been shredded, and a device such as that won't have the power to force dry paper to stick that densely even if it is. Then, what are you going to do with the log? Burn it? Densely packed paper doesn't burn as well as you think, yet it burns too well to be a building material.

The strawberry chopper: Do I even need to explain this one? Seriously, just use a knife, or eat them whole. If you're really that desperate and really do need a ton of finely chopped strawberries, use an egg slicer. I could perhaps see a catering service using this, but it's far from genius.

Robot weed puller: Obviously fake. This one is just derp.

Filtered rain water: Why? To save money? You're hardly going to get much water from anything of that nature, installing it will be costly, and suddenly you have this obnoxious pipe fucking your house. Filter some tap water. It's cheap as hell, safe, and not bad for the environment.

The cup with the space for your teabag: What's the point? To have unevenly flavored tea? So the bag won't get in your mouth as you drink it? You take the bag out not just because it makes drinking tea difficult, but also because there's no reason to have it steep for half a fucking hour. Put it in, wait about two minutes, and boom, tea. Take the tea bag out, and enjoy your regular mug with the beach photo of your niece and nephew. Not some overpriced worthless pretentious ceramic bullshit.

The smores cooker: Have these people ever gone camping? You don't cook the whole damn thing at once. You cook the marshmallow alone, giving it a nice caramelized sugar outer coating that adds to the flavor. Then you make a smore, with the hot marshmallow lightly melting the chocolate. Then you eat it. The cool graham cracker and chocolate provide a nice contrast to the burning hot ball of puss in your mouth. This invention is just going to leave you with runny chocolate, a cold marshmallow, and burned graham crackers.

The bottle cap catcher: If you're really that desperate to save worthless bent old bottle caps, catch them in your hand and put them in a jar so people can admire your lonely alcoholism for years to come. There's just no point to this whatsoever.

Cherry pitter: Pretty much the same idea as the strawberry slicer, except even more extravagant and in the way. Not to mention with different sizes of cherries and their not perfectly spherical shape, I would imagine this thing would be a bitch to get to work correctly, and even when it does, it would be very wasteful.

The brush hair remover: I have a little sister who sheds like a malamute on a Caribbean cruise and has the hygiene of one too, and even after cleaning off countless hairballs from hair brushes, I still think this is pretty worthless. It's not that hard to get hair off a brush, especially if you use a comb.

What the hell is that plant pot/cooker looking thing?

The clothes shaped drawers: Probably the worst one on here. A several hundred dollar novelty item. Look at the thing and think of the wasted space due to the goofy design.

The long bent spoon: Just put it on the fucking table you cunts. I swear, I'm getting more frustrated the more I write about these.

The rubber nozzle: Thirsty? Borrow a cup from bent spoon man. You don't need some thingamajig making your water stream smaller so it's more of a pain in the ass to wash your hands.

Arm pillow: I sleep exactly like this. Unless you use a cinderblock under your head, as I'm now suspecting some of you do considering how you came buckets over these peices of junk, your pillow will bend over your arm, spreading out the pressure, giving you comfort without cutting off circulation. I've been sleeping like this for years with pillow, and mine has yet to fall off.

Now for the decent ideas:

The corn knife: Much simpler, cheaper, and efficient than the corn collector, but still, eating it straight off the ear is one of the best things about home cooked corn. Not to mention a knife works just fine.

The extension cord holder: Perhaps in a tool shop or something this would be useful. But I just cant say I often need an extension cord that readily available, but not able to keep it plugged in.

The twisty pen: Pens like this are cheap and mass produced. They are broken, lost, and replaced frequently. Very rarely does anyone ever hold on to a pen long enough to actually use up all the ink, and you know this. It's just not economically reasonable for a company to spend money on the extra ink and plastic to use this design.

The movable bookend: As someone who has a massive bookcase packed with books all the way down and more book ends than I know what to do with, I can't say I can find much use for this. Even if I did need them, I would prefer a more decorative book end, like the cool metal Micky Mouse silhouette ones I've had since I was a kid, or the carved stone rhinoceros ones my dad got me in Africa. It's functional, but consider you're buying an entire bookshelf for the blocky novelty bookend.

The one good idea:

The ironing board/mirror: Not necessarily great for looking at the clothes you just ironed since most people iron a lot of things at once, but it's efficient and well designed for if you have a small cramped apartment.

Really, most of these ideas seem cool because you've never seen anything like them. The reason you've never seen anything like them is because they're dumb as hell and no one would turn a profit selling them.

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Here are the plain shitty ones:

Really, most of these ideas seem cool because you've never seen anything like them. The reason you've never seen anything like them is because they're dumb as hell and no one would turn a profit selling them.

I'm not saying all of them are good. But I do think they most of them are pretty good for how simple they are. Difference is, I think the clothes thing is dumb as hell, the robot one I don't understand, and the food cutting things seem to be good only for places or people that have to do that often. The outlet one would just be cool for the looks. I had no idea you'd go and list everything off individually, shit, son.

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If weed puller was definitely legit I would poop my pants. I hate that job.

The brush is a real good idea.

It gave me some pocket change growing up, but yeah, is sucks balls.

The technology to do that though will be far more expensive than a couple Mexicans (inb4racismclaims) for decades to come.

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So I was wondering what this was, then when I hit "view image" the address told me.


Yeah, that one was fucking ridiculous. Why would anyone use that. There'd be snail slime and dirt and shit all over your grill. Terrible.

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