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Rookie Parties

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Anyone ever attended rookie parties for a sports team? Usually funny stories come out of them, they include excessive intake of alcohol and usually funny things which act as initiation. One we just had for ultimate was alot of fun shit but the funniest was taping bottles of vodka/other drinks to both peoples hands. They could only be removed if you finished and then a new one would be taped on. Some dude got locked in the bathroom and had to open the door with feet, also had to get friend to drop his pants.

Any funny stories from you fgts?

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Anyone ever attended rookie parties for a sports team? Usually funny stories come out of them, they include excessive intake of alcohol and usually funny things which act as initiation. One we just had for ultimate was alot of fun shit but the funniest was taping bottles of vodka/other drinks to both peoples hands. They could only be removed if you finished and then a new one would be taped on. Some dude got locked in the bathroom and had to open the door with feet, also had to get friend to drop his pants.

Any funny stories from you fgts?

Also known has Edward 40 hands, very fun "game" to watch.

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Anyone ever attended rookie parties for a sports team? Usually funny stories come out of them, they include excessive intake of alcohol and usually funny things which act as initiation. One we just had for ultimate was alot of fun shit but the funniest was taping bottles of vodka/other drinks to both peoples hands. They could only be removed if you finished and then a new one would be taped on. Some dude got locked in the bathroom and had to open the door with feet, also had to get friend to drop his pants.

Any funny stories from you fgts?

Dawg. Awesome. Where you play?

Our last rosh (pronounced row-sh) consisted of having a rook race a dog to grab a disc...the catch? he had to run on all fours. The dog won. The punishment for losing? He had to drink the disc. The dirty. Muddy. Dog-slobber. Disc.


Best rosh? 4Loko boat races...I won (and as a result...I lost 2 hours later when it hit me :L)

EDIT: for those of you who don't know about drinking discs...

They hold 4.5 cans of beer. You only get to breathe for 10seconds - you drink nonstop until you need to breathe. As soon as you start to take a breath, the time starts...you get 10s total. capische? whatever, just watch:

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I make it short, 14 ppl in a house someone had the great idea to call his friend bring over some cough syrup cause we thought it would be funny... 6 ppl ended up sleeping and we in a state of happy zombieness doin nothin' but watch 2 ppl play playstation3 switching players every now and then half asleep

Dont do drugs it isnt fun

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I make it short, 14 ppl in a house someone had the great idea to call his friend bring over some cough syrup cause we thought it would be funny... 6 ppl ended up sleeping and we in a state of happy zombieness doin nothin' but watch 2 ppl play playstation3 switching players every now and then half asleep

Dont do drugs it isnt fun

Alcohol /=/ Cough Syrup you dumbass. We aren't rappers

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Dont do drugs it isnt fun

That is a lie.

I'm not on a sports team, so no I haven't been to any 'Rookie Parties'.

I've been to countless parties though.

Tonight is my friends 19th Birthday, were gonna hit the bars up, should be fuckin' awesome; everyone on my facebook has been talking about it for the last week.

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Alcohol /=/ Cough Syrup you dumbass. We aren't rappers

So you are automatically a rapper if you take cough syrup? so ppl with a cold taking cough syrup are rappers too?

if we go by the rule...

Alcohol = for bums

Coke = only rich and rockstars lifestyle

LSD,shrooms = only hippies

Exstacy = only ravers

and so on

but ill let you the fun labeling ppl :]

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So you are automatically a rapper if you take cough syrup? so ppl with a cold taking cough syrup are rappers too?

if we go by the rule...

Alcohol = for bums

Coke = only rich and rockstars lifestyle

LSD,shrooms = only hippies

Exstacy = only ravers

and so on

but ill let you the fun labeling ppl :]

What im saying is what type of faggot takes cough syrup honestly thats pathetic, and its a well known fact a shitload of rappers OD on cough syrup (as well as other drugs) see this

I stay away from hard drugs, and only drink now and then, too much of anything is bad for the body really.

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