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Guest J_MaFia

My view on weed

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This. My essays are killer when I'm high.

I only smoke because it makes life hilarious and sex awesome. My advice to virgins is smoke weed with females.

It does help with creative writing. It makes math really easy. I always smoked up for calculus

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I only smoke because it makes life hilarious and sex awesome. My advice to virgins is smoke weed with females.

It does help with creative writing. It makes math really easy. I always smoked up for calculus

Some people don't actually believe me when I say this but I use it when I'm depressed. It's like my version of an anti-depressant. It works hella better than any medication they've put me on. It's better than going on Seroquel.

& Yes sex is a lot better while baked.

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Some people don't actually believe me when I say this but I use it when I'm depressed. It's like my version of an anti-depressant. It works hella better than any medication they've put me on. It's better than going on Seroquel.

& Yes sex is a lot better while baked.

It does lol. It not really classified as that, but it will pick you up.

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as long as you're in the right mindset...idk, I had a friend who got annoying and depressed as fuck after he toked up. I tied him to his bed and left him. Good decision.

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LOLOLOL wow. How did he like that?

pssh, I wasn't gonna wait around to find out :P

his roomie said he was asleep when he came back, and he untied him in the morning...pics made it to FB though, and he was trololol mad when he saw them.

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i get high for everything school related. exams are pretty fun when you're blazed.

I used to a lot. I don't any more at school though.

For me when I smoke, more ideas seem to flow, I can be more creative and imaginative. - that being said I also have a harder time focusing on things when I'm high (depending on how high), it's harder for me to execute plans. That's why I like conceptualizing when I'm baked and then acting on those ideas when I'm burning out/sober.

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Everyones drowning themselves with the positive thoughts. Yeah I'm better at this and that bla bla, don't you ignore the fact though that it damages you.

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Guest J_MaFia
Everyones drowning themselves with the positive thoughts. Yeah I'm better at this and that bla bla, don't you ignore the fact though that it damages you.

Weed dosent damage you so much, it's the smoking really. Inhaling smoke is bad for you anyways.

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i just smoke mainly with friends. but some times on quiet weekends i smoke and play cs or gmod XD. i smoke bout once or twice a week. and THANK GOD 420 is during my spring break ^-^

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i just smoke mainly with friends. but some times on quiet weekends i smoke and play cs or gmod XD. i smoke bout once or twice a week.

Pretty much how I am. I smoke every night after all of my work is done, so I can just relax. I play video games then go to bed nice and tired. Works out perfect for me :)

EDIT: my post count is like 420... I'm cool.

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Pretty much how I am. I smoke every night after all of my work is done, so I can just relax. I play video games then go to bed nice and tired. Works out perfect for me :)

EDIT: my post count is like 420... I'm cool.


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