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Anyway, college is much different from highschool in the obvious ways, and much better.

Teachers are *usually* better, more opportunities to study what interests you, more personal freedom.

Just be sure not to slack off, and manage your time wisely as was already said. Keep the partying for the weekends, and even then, don't over do it.

My last Saturday night involved guzzling down a 20 ounce bottle of straight Smirnoff in a matter of 15 minutes, trying to do a cartwheel in front of a dozen people, faceplanting hard into the dirt, and lying passed out in the middle of a yard for 3 hours while people put temporary tattoos all over my body. Then I woke up, puked my guts out, and passed out again.

Yeah, I've been that guy.

Don't be that guy.

There's only so much we can tell you that will really be useful other than "Work hard, have fun." Be friendly, meet people. It will take some time probably for you to find a group a friends you really settle in well with, and even then that group is often changing. Don't fret it. Get plenty of sleep, exercise, eat well, dress well, be respectful to professors, etc. That stuff does make a difference.

Atleast you didn't climb on top of an ambulance and yell I am a mother fucking doctor to 100 people at Frat party then fall off the ambulance to get tackled by multiple Campus Pd. then try to convince them that you were an actual doctor.

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Then Thank my post bro.

It is my opinion that they are horrible just saying from my experience.

101 classes are general courses i.e BIO101 would be General Biology. Freshman year you will be taking many 101 courses to get your general education classes out of the way. All 100 level courses are going to be pretty basic. 150+ can get technically, but not to bad. 200 level courses are usually not that bad. 300 level courses are a bitch.

Ah ok, because my whole life I have grown up with the fact that Cal States are about on-par as a lot of UCs (UCLA, USC, etc).

And I see what you mean now, I didn't know that they had a numbering system like that...lol


Anyway, college is much different from highschool in the obvious ways, and much better.

Teachers are *usually* better, more opportunities to study what interests you, more personal freedom.

Just be sure not to slack off, and manage your time wisely as was already said. Keep the partying for the weekends, and even then, don't over do it.

My last Saturday night involved guzzling down a 20 ounce bottle of straight Smirnoff in a matter of 15 minutes, trying to do a cartwheel in front of a dozen people, faceplanting hard into the dirt, and lying passed out in the middle of a yard for 3 hours while people put temporary tattoos all over my body. Then I woke up, puked my guts out, and passed out again.

Yeah, I've been that guy.

Don't be that guy.

There's only so much we can tell you that will really be useful other than "Work hard, have fun." Be friendly, meet people. It will take some time probably for you to find a group a friends you really settle in well with, and even then that group is often changing. Don't fret it. Get plenty of sleep, exercise, eat well, dress well, be respectful to professors, etc. That stuff does make a difference.

Leave it up to Goldentongue to make me laugh furiously and think deeply in the same post.

I won't be living there because I live about 10 minutes away, so the partying won't be a daily thing lol.

But ya, what colleges do you guys go to?

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I go to Southern Illinois University, but am transfering to either Uconn or Northwestern next year. To get into a graduate program for forensic anthropology. Then I serve 3 years in the army fuck yeah.

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I go to the University of Alabama.

Although I would have liked to go out of state, either to UCLA (I was born there), University of Washington in Seattle, or Syracuse University, I didn't have the money to do it. Bama is just fine with me though, it's a great school and I really like it here (here being the campus. Once I graduate I'm leaving this state as soon as possible.)

Only complaints so far are a few poor teachers, which is ok since all the others have been fantastic, and how much the Greek organizations (Fraternities and Sororities) control the campus. Even that isn't that big of a problem, since it's not like they prevent me from having a good time. One of the members of board of trustees is a total scumbag who gets the University involved in some shady deals with his sketchy companies, but that's being worked on. Oh and everything else that goes along with living in the bible belt.

Other than that, we've got good academics, good professors, great music program (I'm a music student), great sports teams, beautiful campus, lots of pretty girls, and plenty of intelligent people.

Roll Tide.

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Atleast you didn't climb on top of an ambulance and yell I am a mother fucking doctor to 100 people at Frat party then fall off the ambulance to get tackled by multiple Campus Pd. then try to convince them that you were an actual doctor.

lol'd, Oh campo...

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I suggest taking first 2 years at community college, saves you money, same education.

Can't get classes down here, CCs are too overcrowded.

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Getting shoved in lockers and trash cans? Fun right?

Most definitely fun, especially when the seniors start helping you with your homework, driving you back and forth between school and home so you don't have to take the bus.


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Edit: One more trimester till my first birthday!


zachman summed it up pretty well...I'm a failure at college right now because I'm not putting forth any effort. As long as you aren't a lazy fuck, you'll do alright, but they aren't going to spoonfeed you the material.

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I suggest taking first 2 years at community college, saves you money, same education.

I greatly disagree.

Many Community colleges are just two more years of highschool. If you can manage getting in to an actual university, it's usually worth the money for the full package of a college experience. Not to mention that the teachers and classes are much better. About a third of my graduating class went to UA, and another third went to the community college a couple miles from my highschool (the other third went absolutely nowhere.) I have plenty of friends who are going the community college route, and they wish they didn't have to.

That being said, I would encourage taking a few summer courses at a community college for cheap to get some general requirements out of the way that don't relate to your major. But as for a full two years, it's best to avoid it if you can.

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Edit: One more trimester till my first birthday!
Trimester may refer to:

* An academic term comprising one-fourth of an academic year

* The division of pregnancy into three-month sections

How the hell does a trimester have anything to do with his first birthday?

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That being said, I would encourage taking a few summer courses at a community college for cheap to get some general requirements out of the way that don't relate to your major. But as for a full two years, it's best to avoid it if you can.

I am doing exactly that ^_^

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