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Formerly known as Karma

Japan just hit with 8.9 quake.

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I honestly only found out about 3 hours ago, I was shocked, and after watching it on the news when i got home, the destruction is insane.

Yeah, it will be pretty bad once people get in there and start getting more pics/vids out to the rest of the world...I can only imagine

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Yeah, it will be pretty bad once people get in there and start getting more pics/vids out to the rest of the world...I can only imagine

Yeah, I'm both curious and I don't want to see the videos/ photos

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Wow, the tsunami waves really fucked up the docks in Northern California. Boats scrambled everywhere. I can only wonder how bad it is in Japan :x

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Wow, the tsunami waves really fucked up the docks in Northern California. Boats scrambled everywhere. I can only wonder how bad it is in Japan :x

They made a warning up here in Canada too for the coast... they might be canceling it though, not sure.

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At least this quake hit Japan, probably the best and most prepared country for something like this.. It still doesn't make this easy to swallow though

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At least this quake hit Japan, probably the best and most prepared country for something like this.. It still doesn't make this easy to swallow though

Yeah, unlike haiti, where the country is in poverty and the majority live in slums, the architecture is much better in Japan, hopefully keeping people safe

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Guest armyofone
Wow, the tsunami waves really fucked up the docks in Northern California. Boats scrambled everywhere. I can only wonder how bad it is in Japan :x

Don't know if this was posted already, but I heard Hawaii was also hit with a (probably miniature compared to what hit Japan) tsunami.

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Don't know if this was posted already, but I heard Hawaii was also hit with a (probably miniature compared to what hit Japan) tsunami.

Yeah, it was hit with only 6 foot waves, compared to Japans 30+ foot waves.

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This is probably the worst thing that could happen.

I highly doubt though that the countries said on CNN would be affected like Australia south america etc etc.

Where I live is considered Vancouver Island north. When I heard that the north tip of vancouver island had a tsunami warning, I was worried. I live too far down though, on the east side of the island. My friend gave me a chart to show which areas would be affected when things like this happen. Luckily I don't think any damage was done to the island at all, even on the west side.

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But in all seriousness, I am hoping and praying that the devastation has peaked.

I read that the nuclear power plant might be fucked...

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Am I racist because I thought the first video was a video game? Yes. That's a really scary scene man...Looks worse than any of the fires we've seen in Cali, not to discount those...

flaming, deserted towns...

Made me laugh, not gonna lie.

Literally took me 5 minutes to figure this out...


OT forreals:

Yeah it's definitely good that this was in Japan as opposed even to some more southern Asian nations, as Japan as the money, resources, and experience with this type of thing that few other countries have. Hell, they've had to deal with nuclear wastelands (and godzilla) and they're still one of the strongest countries out there. Nonetheless still some scary shit...

@US News Media: shut the fuck up. Almost every newscast I've seen has been focused on the west coast, and while I'm concerned for my family out there and hope everything's alright there, I've heard almost no actual reporting on Japan...Have to watch BBC to get anything worthwhile. It's fucking pathetic.

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See what had happen was, Earth trolled Japan. Guess it got to heavy. To be honest when i heard about it my best friend Alex he is from there dude broke down cause his grandparents live there and they raised him from a kid. I had to keep the kid from doing stupid stuff. Not to contradict myself but lets keep the trolling of japan down to a minimum. We also got ninja bob over there. If there is a god i been praying to him. Its some serious shit. When i saw 8.9 i was like wtf i thought it was some typo but its true and i shit my self cause that pretty fucking high for a rictor scale right : O

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Am I racist because I thought the first video was a video game? Yes. That's a really scary scene man...Looks worse than any of the fires we've seen in Cali, not to discount those...

flaming, deserted towns...

Literally took me 5 minutes to figure this out...


OT forreals:

Yeah it's definitely good that this was in Japan as opposed even to some more southern Asian nations, as Japan as the money, resources, and experience with this type of thing that few other countries have. Hell, they've had to deal with nuclear wastelands (and godzilla) and they're still one of the strongest countries out there. Nonetheless still some scary shit...

@US News Media: shut the fuck up. Almost every newscast I've seen has been focused on the west coast, and while I'm concerned for my family out there and hope everything's alright there, I've heard almost no actual reporting on Japan...Have to watch BBC to get anything worthwhile. It's fucking pathetic.

Actually, right now it's kind of difficult to get information from Japan, with the powerlines and teleplhone lines out. I might be wrong though.

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Actually, right now it's kind of difficult to get information from Japan, with the powerlines and teleplhone lines out. I might be wrong though.

ya but the BBC had people there reporting, don't see why the US news outlets can't...I'm aware that it's hard to get a lot of info, but it seems to me like the US media ain't tryink...but I'm a big critic of mass media in the US these days...

PS - love your sig.

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Watching the news, they say there's the possibility of a nuclear meltdown similar to Chernobyl as the cooling system has been damaged in one of the nuclear plants.

They are saying there is two of them now.

And people from a 6 mile zone has been evacuated.

Hope this wouldn't get any worse..

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