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Fantom's Application (Æ’дŋtøm)

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Name : Æ’дŋtøm

X-fire : phantom89x

Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:13273199

Steam Name : phantom720

Working mic : Yes

Ventrillo : Yes

just copy and pasted that.

heres a bit about myself.

I'm 18, working on finishing high school.

Used to race semi-professionally with the NMMA, but had to stop due to health concerns (seizures)

I enjoy partying, gaming, and girls.

I find this community to be for the most part very mature, respectable, and lots of fun to play with.

I don't play on the other servers often as with work and school i devote most of my cs time to the WCS server.

I used to play some league matches (CAL O, TWL, OGL) and stuff, then sold my steam account and quit gaming altogether beause of racing, and since my health problems eliminated the racing from my life, i have since picked up playing CS again.

Thanks for looking at my application and i hope to be wearing the tag soon.

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Guest formerlyaeth

I vote yes! He is a pimp member, i played with him once on Warcraft. He could pwn anyone!

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Like all of the other says he's very mature and nice + skilled i'd let him in :-]

It is all true... I would vote yes!

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Question 1: If there was a mic spammer on the server, what would you do,

and how would you go about putting a stop to it?

Ask him to stop, then message an admin over x-fire, if ones not available, then votekick/voteban if continued.

Question 2: In the case of a hacker report, what would you do if you

don't have admin?

Take a demo, get their steam id, and post on forums, then PMing/Xfire messaging an admin notifying them.

Question 3: You are being bombarded with people asking if they can join

then clan, what would you do?

Tell them to apply on the forums and wait through the application process

Question 4: Would you consider yourself, a mature person? Why?

yes, i realize there is a time and place for certain things, and things can get over played and when someone asks you to stop something because its annoying, offensive, retarded, ect its just polite to do so.

Question 5: Why is it you want to join the UV community?

You guys are fun, respectable, and good players. I find the server very enjoyable and want to be a part of it.

Question 6: Your age?


Question7: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions? Anything you

not sure of?

Yes, no clarification needed

Question8: On average, how often do you play a week and how often will you be on forums a wekk?

CSS ~2+ hours per weekday, 4+ weekends, except when my g\fs in town or im in muncie seeing her, but average of that much.

Forums ~an hour per day off an on

Question9: What do you think you can give to the clan, that makes you

unique to other recruits?

i think i have a uniqe sense of humor, an overall good player, and possibly i could donate for servers. i plan on donating for admin so i figure i could help police the server (WCS is the main one i play in)

Question10: Would you contribute to discussions made with in UV and not turn

them into Flame wars, and things along those lines?

Yea, i have not alot but i think i can contribute.

Yup from me. Everything seems fine to me.

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Its a no from me, I was playing with him. Something very fishy about him, 5ping, and rapid pistol.

A reminder to all, non JCS members. All tho its nice to see that you are taking interest in the applications, voting a yes will not count. But we like your input :D

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Its a no from me, I was playing with him. Something very fishy about him, 5ping, and rapid pistol.

A reminder to all, non JCS members. All tho its nice to see that you are taking interest in the applications, voting a yes will not count. But we like your input :D

Rapid pistol? You mean clicking fast? :D

My vote opinion doesnt count or anyhting, but I saw others on the server with extremely low pings so I don't think there is anything fishy about him.

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Guest Doomvoodoo

Welcome to the clan Fantom <3

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