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Dial Up Dan

5 Races

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Here is what I've got so far, in order from first made to newest. The race files are attached at the bottom, none of these have been tested in game.

EDIT: I know it's titled 5 races and there are actually 6 posted <_< my bad

Hermes-3skills/8lvls-TMP ONLY

Speed of Olympus-+Speed 25%-200%

Ambrosia-+HP 5-40

Armaments of Olympus-The Gods bestow extra ammo upon you

Col. O'Neill-4skills/5lvls-No Restrictions

Asgard Holograph-Cloaking

Sarcophagus-+HP when hit

Ancient Knowledge-+Damage

ATA-Gene-Time Travel (teleportation)

MurderFace-4skills/5lvls-No Restrictions

Dethklok Member-Your rich

Groin-Thrust Mace-Chance to blind enemy

Dethphone-Chance to slap enemy

Free-Ballin-Your not Wearing any underwear

Ghost Rider-4skills/5lvls-No Restrictions

Lucifer's Pact-+HP

Eyes of Truth-Burn your enemies

Hell's Shotgun-+dmg

Burning Chains-Bring an enemy closer with a flaming chain

Commando-5skills/4lvls-GLOCK ONLY (race by request)




Dragon Skin-Immune to everything but HS

Reinforcements-Chance to respawn teammates

Delta Force-Field Sniper-3skills/5lvls-SCOUT/USP ONLY

Ballistic Trajectory-Track where your being shot from

Ghillie Suit-Blend in with your surroundings

Master Marksman-Never miss your mark

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Is the code from ghost riders hellfire chains the same as the code from lasso fro, oddityteacher or whatevers cowboy? If so the code isn't very good, because what it does is it pulls the character inside of you like when a warden spawns inside the opposite team. also the code looks like it insta aims at head when they get pulled in? Really unbalanced.

You also have a couple of seperators in one of the skills for hermes located at the end of the skill, can't remember which one.

When you are creating a race from now on for the server try to stick to this. No health over 50, with 75 being the very max for really good races. Also never put speed about 1.3 for gun races and maybe 1.4-1.5 for knife races. These are guidelines that bios has set jsut because all the races he has right now on the server do not go over these. I will create a guideline for coders to follow sometime this weekend k.

Overall though very nice. I know it can be a pain to script races or even just to edit them.

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Woot commando race all the way.

The other races are nice too :D

Lets hope fox put these on?

I wonder if i could be a beta tester for these races :P. I try and give my opinion :D

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I like Col. O'Neill. I think we should give him 2-10 additional damage with P90 (SG is the #3 reason to use P90) instead of plain old additional damage. The other races are good but need something to make them unique. Only races that offer something interesting and unique are worth the trouble of testing and adding at this point because there are already so many.

In fact, a skill that cannot be bought (such as a weapon specific skill) and that isn't found on ten other races and just named different things. We all have ideas, we need to put them out there. The team has only been together a couple of days and we already have someone who actually knows how to write the code, and an eager to learn recuit who has already shown that he can produce a great foundation for more complex skills to be added too. I am getting into writing the code and I think Polis and I can come up with some original skills. I need some schooling still, and I hope that Soldier checks his mail soon (hint hint) because he is a great coder too.

Anyways, keep up the great work and don't be afraid of looking like a noob if you need help with a complex race or completely new skill idea.

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I like Col. O'Neill. I think we should give him 2-10 additional damage with P90 (SG is the #3 reason to use P90) instead of plain old additional damage.

Don't forget the MP5 the damage should be for both :P (but that would kinda make the race noobish imo)

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I though of a race called Marathon Man, long story short, i don't think knife races are fast enough. So i thought up of this :P



"name" "Marathon Man"

"author" “Vesper"

"shortdescription" "speed,evade,levitation,extra damge,speed"

"required_level" "100"

"maximum_level" "0"

"allow_only" "0"

"teamlimit" "0"

"preloadcmd" "0"

"player_spawn_cmd" "0"

"round_start_cmd" "0"

"round_end_cmd" "0"

"numberofskills" "5"

"numberoflevels" "5"

"skillnames" "New Shoes|Can’t touch this|Olympic spirit|Olympic torch|DRUGS"

"skilldescr" "Increase speed to 1.4 |So fast you dodge bullets|The Olympic spirit lifts you up to new heights|The Olympic torch hurts| DRUGS boost your performance to 1.8 for 15 secs"

"skillcfg" "player_spawn|player_spawn|player_spawn|player_attacker|player_ultimate"

Yes, A knife race with an extra speed boost :D, note, not good at coding, good at ideas. :lol:

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OK listen guys. We can't add pistol only races to the server. The restrictions for them make it so that you can still autobuy a rifle. I know it stinks, I would love to have a dualies, glock, and deagle races. They all would be a lot of fun. Maybe if you guys can figure out a way to make it still fair with the autobuy then they could possibly be addable. Take a look at the Scout Sniper currently on our WCS server. That is a perfect example of removing restrictions and making the race kinda "give incentive" to make you use certain weapons. Maybe re-code the the thing that gives you extra cash, and xp for a specific weapon kill. That way people will have incentive to use the glock and dualies.

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OK listen guys. We can't add pistol only races to the server. The restrictions for them make it so that you can still autobuy a rifle. I know it stinks, I would love to have a dualies, glock, and deagle races. They all would be a lot of fun. Maybe if you guys can figure out a way to make it still fair with the autobuy then they could possibly be addable. Take a look at the Scout Sniper currently on our WCS server. That is a perfect example of removing restrictions and making the race kinda "give incentive" to make you use certain weapons. Maybe re-code the the thing that gives you extra cash, and xp for a specific weapon kill. That way people will have incentive to use the glock and dualies.

Wont the restrictions jsut take the rifle away? like with the knife races?

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This is the pistol race on my server...for some reason the ultimate won't work...and sometimes the random skill says it activates, but it doesn't. I'll look it over, its one of my older races.



    "name"              "Sheriff"

    "author"            "Soldier62994"

    "shortdescription"  "Pistols Only"

    "required_level"    "0"

    "maximum_level"     "0"

    "allow_only"        "0"

    "teamlimit"         "0"

    "preloadcmd"        "0"

    "player_spawn_cmd"  "es_delayed 1 est_RestrictAll event_var(userid);es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_knife;es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_deagle;es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_fiveseven;es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_p228;es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_elites;es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_usp;es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_glock;es_delayed 1.1 es est_UnRestrict event_var(userid) weapon_c4;es es_xdelayed 1.9 est_give event_var(userid) weapon_knife;es es_xdelayed 1.9 est_give event_var(userid) weapon_deagle;es es_xdelayed 1.9 est_give event_var(userid) weapon_flashbang"

    "round_start_cmd"   "0"

    "round_end_cmd"     "0"

    "numberofskills"    "4"

    "numberoflevels"    "4"

    "skillnames"        "Wild West Will|Pistol Training|Nice Shootin' Tex|Reward|Draw!"

    "skilldescr"        "Move Faster While Under Fire|Each Pistol Does A Different Thing(WILL HELP AFTER ULTIMATE)|Chance To Aim At The Head|Spawn With Extra Money|Switch Your Pistols(Faster Per Level){WILL HELP!)"

    "skillcfg"          "player_victim|player_attacker|player_attacker|player_spawn|player_ultimate"

"skill1_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.15|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.3|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.45|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.6|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.75|es_xsetinfo wcs_speed 1.90"

"skill1_cmd" "es est_speed event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_speed);es es_xdelayed 3 es est_speed event_var(userid) 1.00"

"skill1_sfx" "es est_effect 4 #a 0 sprites/fire_floor.vmt server_var(wcs_userid) 1 30 20 10 255 0 25 255"

  "skill2_setting"    "es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 18|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 22|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 28|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 33"

    "racealias_elite"   "es wcs_dealdamage event_var(attacker) event_var(userid) 10;es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #greenelite #lightgreenExtra Damage"

    "racealias_usp"     "es est_Freeze event_var(userid) 1;es es_xdelayed 2 wcs_removefx freeze event_var(userid);es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #greenusp #lightgreenFreeze"

    "racealias_glock"   "est_Shake event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_shaketime) 10 100;es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #greenGlock #lightgreenShook Enemy"

    "racealias_p228"    "es est_playplayer event_var(userid) ^weapons\hegrenade\explode3.wav;es es_xsetinfo wcs_dmg event_var(dmg_health);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_game) != server_var(wcs_game_css)) then es_xrand wcs_dmg 1 20;es_xmath wcs_dmg float;es es_xmath wcs_dmg / server_var(wcs_divider);es est_RoundDecimal wcs_dmg server_var(wcs_dmg) 0;es est_Health event_var(attacker) + server_var(wcs_dmg);wcs_getlanguage wcs_lng wcs_lng_r_vampiric1;es es_xformat wcs_lng server_var(wcs_lng) server_var(wcs_dmg);esnq est_csay event_var(attacker) server_var(wcs_lng);wcs_getlanguage wcs_lng wcs_lng_r_vampiric2;es es_xformat wcs_lng server_var(wcs_lng) server_var(wcs_dmg);esnq est_csay event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_lng);es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #greenP228 #lightgreenExtra Damage"

    "racealias_fivesevn""es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es es_xmath wcs_z1 - 80;es es_xmath wcs_z2 + 40;es est_teleport event_var(userid) event_var(attacker);es es_xdelayed 0.1 est_setaim event_var(attacker) event_var(userid) -5;es est_playplayer event_var(userid) Hollidaysounds/getoverhere.wav 1.0;es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #greenFiveseven #lightgreen Pulled Enemy Towards You"

    "racealias_deagle"  "es est_playplayer event_var(userid) weapons\explode3.wav;es est_physpush event_var(userid) 0 0 300;es es_delayed 0.2 est_physpush event_var(userid) 900 0 0;es es_xtell event_var(attacker) #multi #green Deagle Launched Enemy"

    "skill2_cmd"        "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = elite) then racealias_elite;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = usp) then racealias_usp;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = glock) then racealias_glock;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = p228) then racealias_p228;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = fiveseven) then racealias_fivesevn;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = deagle) then racealias_deagle"

    "racealias_elitesfx""es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/lgtning.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 2 30 20 77 77 77 255;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/smoke.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 20 60 3 400 200 0 10 10 10 255 0;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/glow.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 2 10 15 123 123 123 255"

    "racealias_uspsfx"  "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/lgtning.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 20 500 3 100 100 0 255 105 155 255 50;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/glow.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 0.5 20 20 200 0 255 255"  

    "racealias_glocksfx""es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/scanner.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 50 350 2 90 200 0 155 155 155 155 2;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/water_drop.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 1 1 3 150 150 150 255"

    "racealias_p228sfx" "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/flatflame.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 20 500 2 60 100 0.8 255 0 0 255 1;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 33) then es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/lgtning.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 2 40 40 255 0 0 255;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/lgtning.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 2 20 20 255 255 255 255"  

    "racealias_mac10sfx""es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es est_effect 10 #a 0 sprites/scanner.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 50 350 2 90 200 0 155 155 155 155 2;es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/water_drop.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 1 1 3 150 150 150 255"  

    "racealias_fsevnsfx""es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 20;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/tp_beam001.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 1 2 5 255 151 67 255"

    "racealias_deaglsfx""es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 60;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 30;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/bluelight1.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 3 3 6 185 110 205 255;es_xmath wcs_z1 + 61;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 31;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/bluelight1.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 3 3 6 185 110 205 255;es_xmath wcs_z1 + 60;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 30;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/bluelight1.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 3 3 6 185 110 205 255"  

    "skill2_sfx"        "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = elite) then racealias_elitesfx;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = usp) then racealias_uspsfx;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = glock) then racealias_glocksfx;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = p228) then racealias_p228sfx;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = fiveseven) then racealias_fsevnsfx;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then es es_xif (event_var(weapon) = deagle) then racealias_deaglsfx"

"skill3_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 5|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 10|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 15|es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 26"

"skill3_cmd" "es est_SetAim event_var(userid) event_var(attacker) -15;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_rand) <= 10) then es_xtell event_var(userid) #lightgreen Nice Shootin' Tex"

"skill3_sfx" "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 30) then es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 30) then es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es es_xmath wcs_z1 + 40;es es_xmath wcs_z2 + 40;es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= 30) then est_effect 3 #a 0 sprites/lgtning.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 2 177 19 125 25 25 255"

"skill4_setting" "es_xsetinfo wcs_money 300;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 60|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 800;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 75|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 1100;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 85|es_xsetinfo wcs_money 1999;es_xsetinfo wcs_chance 99"

"racealias_mm1" "es est_cashadd event_var(userid) server_var(wcs_money);es es_xtell event_var(userid) #multi #Lightgreen : Civilians Have Given You #Green server_var(wcs_money)$ For Your Hard Work"

"skill4_cmd" "es es_xif (server_var(wcs_dice) <= server_var(wcs_chance)) then racealias_mm1"

"skill4_sfx" "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 server_var(wcs_userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 40;es est_effect 10 #a 0 effects/com_shield003a.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 250 190 3 150 100 0 155 115 100 200 1"

"skill5_setting"    "es_xsetinfo wcs_quick 3|es_xsetinfo wcs_quick 2|es_xsetinfo wcs_quick 0.5|es_xsetinfo wcs_quick 0.1"

    "racealias_l6"      "es est_removeweapon server_var(wcs_userid) 2es es_delayed server_var(wcs_quick) est_give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_elite;es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch 0;es es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou Got #lightgreenThe Duelies"

    "racealias_l5"      "es est_removeweapon server_var(wcs_userid) 2;es es_delayed server_var(wcs_quick) est_give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_fiveseven;es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch 6;es es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou Got #lightgreenA  5-7"

    "racealias_l4"      "es est_removeweapon server_var(wcs_userid) 2;es es_delayed server_var(wcs_quick) est_give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_deagle;es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch 5;es es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou Got #lightgreen A Deagle"

    "racealias_l3"      "es est_removeweapon server_var(wcs_userid) 2;es es_delayed server_var(wcs_quick) est_give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_glock;es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch 4;es es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou Got #lightgreenA Glock"

    "racealias_l2"      "es est_removeweapon server_var(wcs_userid) 2;es es_delayed server_var(wcs_quick) est_give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_p228;es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch 3;es es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou Got  #lightgreenA P2"

    "racealias_hl0"     "es est_removeweapon server_var(wcs_userid) 2;es es_delayed server_var(wcs_quick) est_give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_usp;es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch 1;es es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou Goy #lightgreenA usp"

    "racealias_hl1"     "es est_removeweapon server_var(wcs_userid) 2;es es_delayed server_var(wcs_quick) est_give server_var(wcs_userid) weapon_deagle;es es_xkeysetvalue WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch 2;es es_xtell server_var(wcs_userid) #multi #greenYou Got #lightgreenA Deagle "

    "skill5_cmd"        "es_xsetinfo wcs_switch 0;es_keygetvalue wcs_switch WCSuserdata server_var(wcs_userid) switch;if (server_var(wcs_switch) = 0) then racealias_hl0;if (server_var(wcs_switch) = 1) then racealias_hl1;if (server_var(wcs_switch) = 2) then racealias_l2;if (server_var(wcs_switch) = 3) then racealias_l3;if (server_var(wcs_switch) = 4) then racealias_l4;if (server_var(wcs_switch) = 5) then racealias_l5;if (server_var(wcs_switch) = 6) then racealias_l6"

    "skill5_sfx"        "es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(attacker);es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x2 wcs_y2 wcs_z2 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 1620;es_xmath wcs_z2 + 20;es est_Effect 3 #a 0 sprites/bloodspray.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) server_var(wcs_x2) server_var(wcs_y2) server_var(wcs_z2) 1 30 30 200 10 57 255;es es_xgetplayerlocation wcs_x1 wcs_y1 wcs_z1 event_var(userid);es_xmath wcs_z1 + 50;es est_effect 10 #a 0 decals/offexitlightns.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 30 60 1 30 150 1 255 198 255 100 10;es_xmath wcs_z1 + 50;es est_effect 10 #a 0 dev/ocean.vmt server_var(wcs_x1) server_var(wcs_y1) server_var(wcs_z1) 30 60 1 30 199 1 255 150 100 100 10"

    "ultimate_cooldown" "3"


Skill1 - Speed when under attack

Skill2 - Each pistol does something different(Launch, + Damage, burn, freeze, ect.)

Skill3 - Every 4th hit on the enemy cause you to aim at his head(Recoil does not reset, and it doesn't follow the head)

Skill4 - Money at spawn

Ultimate - Whenever you hit your ultimate, you get a new pistol

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I never use full custom, I try to incorperate at least 1 skill, that one being old, has all copy and paste.

I haven't posted alot of my races yet. But there really is no such thing as not being copy and paste. You never really make your own skill, just build together es, est, and wcs skills. Like for instances, when kryptonite first made the mod, you could change burn to freeze, and it would be considered "custom". I think only 4 people have ever really made custom skills. Once you learn how to make skills, you should then go to sfx, which are pretty much all custom.

I have just finished one, considerably, custom ability, but I don't want to release it yet. I can't test anything atm, my computer sucks. And I don't want it screwing anything over by mistake.

In short, its like serpent ward, only it targets enemies, when it hits them, they freeze or burn, thier vision is blurred, and move slower.

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With sheriff you couldn't buy any other guns? You sure, or is it just with v.76?

Nope not running .76. You can't buy other guns thru the menu, but you can still autobuy through the menu. You can't buy certain guns, only autobuy, and you don't drop the weapon.

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Ghost Rider-4skills/5lvls-No Restrictions

Lucifer's Pact-+HP

Eyes of Truth-Burn your enemies

Hell's Shotgun-+dmg

Burning Chains-Bring an enemy closer with a flaming chain

Delta Force-Field Sniper-3skills/5lvls-SCOUT/USP ONLY

Ballistic Trajectory-Track where your being shot from

Ghillie Suit-Blend in with your surroundings

Master Marksman-Never miss your mark

I like these 2 the best. Very cool Dan.

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Is burning chains the ultimate? I really don't feel like looking...yes I'm that lazy. If it is, I'm guessing its from Scorpion? That skill bugs...for me it one time teleported my whole entire team off map...

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murderface FTW. i love metalocalypse.

i really like hermes, maybe add in teleport or longjump?

ghost rider is the shit, maybe you could get it to tele you to them though? like if they are in sight you can teleport directly behind them?

nice job.

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murderface FTW. i love metalocalypse.

i really like hermes, maybe add in teleport or longjump?

ghost rider is the shit, maybe you could get it to tele you to them though? like if they are in sight you can teleport directly behind them?

nice job.

LOL Hermes is already way overpowered,

And so would your Idea for Ghostrider's ulti

Good ideas tho, it is difficult trying to keep the race balanced

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