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Anyone else have have their V-day date with Day[9] last night?

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God damn, funniest daily in a while.

I was laughing so hard that i was crying when he talked about his first kiss & how he got a neck cramp. The awkward sound he made had me balling.

It was similar to my first gf, but not nearly as hilarious

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Not really related to the topic, but I'd like to tell you something that my girl told me last night. We've been dating for about a month now and I made her a mix CD near the end of January. We were watching the valentines day episode of futurama with the candy hearts last night and she turns to me and tells me a little story. We started talking a bit back before thanksgiving break and I had my clinicals time on mondays, the same night we go to ballroom dance club (where I met her). So I was going to get out of clinicals early enough to come to dance for a bit so I sent her a text. I had seen that she had a Jason Mraz song quoted on her facebook page so I was all like ooo, I know this awesome lyric from a song called Butterfly that she'll know. So I sent her a text that went something like this: "Yo, Getting out of clinicals soon, save me a dance. I'm takin a moment just imaginin that I'm dancin with youuuuu. I'm your pole and all you're wearin is your shooooes..."

She didnt know the lyric. So that came off as one of the most perverted/overstepping the boundaries kinda thing I could have said. She and her roommates who also came to the ballroom club freaked out. They lied and sent me a text saying that they had left ballroom because nobody was there. To compound that, we were going out to lunch at Panera the next day and evidently she thought I was super shady.

She didnt know that it was the lyric for a song until I put the song Butterfly on that first mixed CD. A portion of our relationship history was based on the misconception that I was a creep and a half.

tl;dr texted ladyfriend a lyric from a jason mraz song, was misconstrued, and was considered mildly creepy for 3 months until she heard the lyric on a mix cd I made.

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Creepy when you say it, but romantic when Jason Mraz says it? Man, fuck women.

Haha she found it cute the next time I said it. She just hadnt heard it initially so it made it seem as if I was propositioning her to do a striptease on me like a week after we started talking.

Live and let learn. Now I make sure to point out all of my pop culture references. Its kinda like Goldmember muttering band names under his breath.

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