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This is what happened.

I get to her house and we had that deep talk from 19.30 to 23.00, i explained how i feel for her and she told me her feeling about me, then we just watched a movie and had a great time.

We didnt have sex, but we slept together which was fine for me. :D

It's all good :) Just a step closer..

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This is what happened.

I get to her house and we had that deep talk from 19.30 to 23.00, i explained how i feel for her and she told me her feeling about me, then we just watched a movie and had a great time.

We didnt have sex, but we slept together which was fine for me. :D

As I told you in game earlier, this sounds like the best possible outcome for you (depending on how satisfactory her feelings for you are.)

Having sex with someone you haven't been romantically involved with at all or very long is fine, just that it usually doesn't lead to more sex.

Waiting a bit is the best way to ensure it's a lasting and continuing thing, which it seems like you want it to be.

(And by waiting a bit I don't mean until your wedding night, but at least try to hold back for a couple of weeks if you can.)

Good luck tiger.


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Awesome Patron. I'm happy for you, and I'm proud that you didn't shoot for sex quickly, as sex really isn't everything. Shocker, I know! (Not you triv -.-)

I hope this turns into something for you and her, I really do.

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Awesome Patron. I'm happy for you, and I'm proud that you didn't shoot for sex quickly, as sex really isn't everything. Shocker, I know! (Not you triv -.-)

I hope this turns into something for you and her, I really do.

Thanks man.

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i may say all the random shiznit about getting into her etc, but i am happy that you did what you did... i mean i am with my girlfriend and have been for like 3 months now, we were strange coz like i met her in a club, asked her outside to try find her name and then woke up on her sofa with her next morning (no sex as its communal uni lounge) then obv you just chillax for a bit and then get your freak on! its a bit different for us as were at university and we practically live together but just go with the flow and you never know!


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