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Guitar Guy


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LOL @ JOINDATE vs. POSTS, you've had almost 2 years, I've had a little over a month. Shows how active you are.

Post don't mean a god damn thing.

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Not having many posts doesn't mean he isn't active....

He just doesn't spam the forums like most of the people....some people like to run their mouth and not shut up, others like to sit back and listen to how stupid people are.



also, i had a minimum of 2800-3000 levels as well...

Pretty much BS considering that those on surf got levels revamped, also considering the fact that those on WCS1 got their levels reset as well.

People troll eachother to much and jack up there post count i miss both wcs2 and you polish ;) Anywho HOWARD its just a fresh start something to look foward too. Come on whens the last time you played on forbidden or aether membrane or gay man even ranger of vekas you will love it once its back just like you always did. Don't look for a free ride earn your shit plus you know Shocker((Aka TRIV)) will be there spamming money as always ;)

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