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Adderall Crash Course

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haha true that, no one wants their shit with fillers, that why i grow my own and only my good friends get the supply, then have to pick the seeds out tho damn str8 i aint wasting my time for them LOL


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Ah, bad luck with hermys?


Growing is tedious, but so rewarding...

Back to the topic at hand.

Still haven't slept... I've taken 45 mg of adderall in the past 24 hours... I don't like it :/ But I can't sleep for another 7 hours ._. Fuck exams.

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Guest MindGames
Ah, bad luck with hermys?


Growing is tedious, but so rewarding...

Back to the topic at hand.

Still haven't slept... I've taken 45 mg of adderall in the past 24 hours... I don't like it :/ But I can't sleep for another 7 hours ._. Fuck exams.

Go read the "hey marvin" topic under spam, i posted somthing that will help you quit smoking

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Yeah. I hate having this much energy and feeling like there's no way to get rid of it. The crash is awful, but I hate the "high" more. I don't have much of a chance of being addicted to these orange fucks.

i get rid of it by acting crazy since i just sit around a lot.

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Guest MindGames
i get rid of it by acting crazy since i just sit around a lot.

PROTIP: when your acting crazy GTFO JB.

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PROTIP: when your acting crazy GTFO JB.

Just curious, MindGames. You barely know Illogical, and yet you immediately jump on the hate train/bandwagon?

Give him a chance :P Don't EVER hold someone to how they are in JB... Everyone loses a few thousand IQ points when they play that game :P

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I used to take them quite regularly, around 3-5 times a week. Adderall and Vyvanse are both legal psycho-stimulants, both relatively safe, in moderate doses that is. Honestly, IMO there's a huge problem with the illegal sale of them in not only college, but high school and even sometimes middle school scenarios.

Definitely not a form of cheating, It's a legal drug in which in all honesty just about anyone with a form of insurance is likely to receive a prescription from their physician/psychologist with appropriate action. That being said it's a simple a way to stimulate the nervous system, in most cases increasing the speed where long term memories can be retrieved and processing speed of the brain itself is faster. In my experience I don't see why most people do not take it every once in a while, whether during finals season, or when pulling an all-nighter.

For me personally, I abused them quite often, sometimes taking as many as 120 Mg's as 1 dosage. (That's bad) I used to drink on them as well, it makes you a tank! However smoking is very fun on them and relatively safe, my personal favorite pill/blaze combo I've come to use yet. I suggest it to the hardcore stone with loads of homework/studying to be done, works wonders when studying blazed isn't gonna cut it. D= Gaming is an absolute godsend when you're tweakin' out too, pretty crazy.

Haven't actually taken any addy myself now for over a month, and I don't plan on taking any for exams either, I've been doing great in school without them, and it's definitely nice staying sober in those regards, aka sleeping.

But I highly suggest taking 15-75 Mg's for the average college kid, exams do get stressful and taking psycho-stimulants is not only fun, it really can help academically. But, as for the morals of taking drugs to increase one's mental ability, that decision would be up to you.

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I used to take them quite regularly, around 3-5 times a week. Adderall and Vyvanse are both legal psycho-stimulants, both relatively safe, in moderate doses that is. Honestly, IMO there's a huge problem with the illegal sale of them in not only college, but high school and even sometimes middle school scenarios.

Definitely not a form of cheating, It's a legal drug in which in all honesty just about anyone with a form of insurance is likely to receive a prescription from their physician/psychologist with appropriate action. That being said it's a simple a way to stimulate the nervous system, in most cases increasing the speed where long term memories can be retrieved and processing speed of the brain itself is faster. In my experience I don't see why most people do not take it every once in a while, whether during finals season, or when pulling an all-nighter.

For me personally, I abused them quite often, sometimes taking as many as 120 Mg's as 1 dosage. (That's bad) I used to drink on them as well, it makes you a tank! However smoking is very fun on them and relatively safe, my personal favorite pill/blaze combo I've come to use yet. I suggest it to the hardcore stone with loads of homework/studying to be done, works wonders when studying blazed isn't gonna cut it. D= Gaming is an absolute godsend when you're tweakin' out too, pretty crazy.

Haven't actually taken any addy myself now for over a month, and I don't plan on taking any for exams either, I've been doing great in school without them, and it's definitely nice staying sober in those regards, aka sleeping.

But I highly suggest taking 15-75 Mg's for the average college kid, exams do get stressful and taking psycho-stimulants is not only fun, it really can help academically. But, as for the morals of taking drugs to increase one's mental ability, that decision would be up to you.

75 mg is an extremely high single-dose of Adderall. I am a big guy (6'2", 220ish) and 15mg tweaks me the FUCK out. Be careful with making recommendations like that :/

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75 mg is an extremely high single-dose of Adderall. I am a big guy (6'2", 220ish) and 15mg tweaks me the FUCK out. Be careful with making recommendations like that :/

Very valid point, but i'm sure some people have taken it before or do actively who read the forums, I'm simply trying to imply that 75 mg isn't considered abusing the drug, and some people do develop a tolerance to it over time. Hell my buddy's, doctor's, kid is prescribed to 90 mg's a day, and apparently he's 12 years old. Talk about a real case of ADHD there... :/

EDIT: Taking a single dose more than 60 mg's or more is almost unnecessary in most cases. Also, taking more later in the day/night is not a horrible idea either, such as 15 or 30. Forgot to state that part. :3 Also, don't forget to eat and drink plenty of liquids. It minimizes appetite to almost nothing.

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Very valid point, but i'm sure some people have taken it before or do actively who read the forums, I'm simply trying to imply that 75 mg isn't considered abusing the drug, and some people do develop a tolerance to it over time. Hell my buddy's, doctor's, kid is prescribed to 90 mg's a day, and apparently he's 12 years old. Talk about a real case of ADHD there... :/

With tolerance, that becomes a significantly lower dose xD But I'm trying to get the community's feel for using it as a study drug, implying it is not normally prescribed to whomever is using it :P

75mg, I'm pretty sure, would send my heart into tachychardia XD

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With tolerance, that becomes a significantly lower dose xD But I'm trying to get the community's feel for using it as a study drug, implying it is not normally prescribed to whomever is using it :P

75mg, I'm pretty sure, would send my heart into tachychardia XD

Believe it or not I wasn't prescribed to it, and I have no intention of being. But I definitely understand your point of view, which is indeedly true. Everyone's different and different doses will affect different people in much different ways.

Not trying to change the topic, nor spam this thread with posts, so let the discussion continue!

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Guest MindGames
im sorry, but do i know you?

You dont need to know me, ive seen you on JB acting like a fag plenty of times to dislike you. Go flame someone on facebook and think its funny kthxbai!

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Guest MindGames
wow this thread crashed and burned pretty quickly

Because you posted on it.

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Because you posted on it.

Enough with the trolling, in both directions XD

So... I am finally done taking Adderall for the week... Til I have to study again. Ugh.

Onto the deliciousness of Grand Daddy Purple <3

From what I've read on the first page, this shit has a lot of parallels with E. hilarious

Well, chemically, they are quite similar XD MDMA is an amphetamine, as is Adderall xD

The physical effects are very similar... I get horrible jaw spasms/grind my teeth a lot on both, and the eye wiggles (Fun on E, annoying on Addy). Increased body temperature, dehydration, they are very very much alike xD

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