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Whoa... I literally just got off my laptop from looking at phones. I'm picking a new one up tomorrow... and I'm also looking at droids.

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Whoa... I literally just got off my laptop from looking at phones. I'm picking a new one up tomorrow... and I'm also looking at droids.

I don't really like droids myself. The software seems very, very laggy from what I've played with and very confusing.

But this is only from like, a few hours worth of messing with one, so...

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I've had the Samsung Captivate (AT&T version of the Galaxy S) for the last 4 months, and I love it. The screen is gorgeous, it's built solidly, it's fast, the camera takes quality pictures/video... I've used smartphones for the last 5 or so years, and the Captivate has by far been my favorite.

All that being said though, I can't compare it to the HTC phone, because I haven't used it. I know the Captivate uses a Super-AMOLED display, while the HTC Desire uses AMOLED, and the Captivate also has a larger screen. There were issues with the GPS initially, but they've since been patched.

Something you should DEFINITELY ask the sales people about-- Does the HTC Desire come pre-loaded with Swype? I know the Captivate did, and now that would make or break getting a different phone for me; it's awesome, especially because I hate touch screen typing.

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Yeah Junzou, one thing about the HTC is it doesn't have swipe. I love HTC products, but from what I've read the desire is getting outdated, since its bascially a nexus one. The only thing I see the HTC has over the Samsung is build quality, and the Sense UI. Otherwise, the Samsung has more memory built in for apps (2g vs 512mb), better screeen, better battery life, faster processor, and camera (yes they are both 5mp, but ive read everyone says the samsungs is alot better)

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I don't really like droids myself. The software seems very, very laggy from what I've played with and very confusing.

But this is only from like, a few hours worth of messing with one, so...

My brother has the droid eris, he loves it. I've messed with his phone and haven't had any trouble with it being confusing or laggy. I'm probably getting the droid 2 by motorola today.

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I ended up going with the Mesmerize, lucky me they had black friday sale all week so it was only $100. I am currently in love with it and Android, and I fucking LOVE swype.

I accept cash and oral sex as methods of expressing thanks.

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