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Contract Killer

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Guest Horny©at

Contract, if you're willing to pay another 20 dollars, get fallout 3 Game of the year edition or wait for the new Fallout Vegas. Bethesda never disappoints.

My two choices are Oblivion or Fallout 3

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I have both games!


- Team based game play requires teamwork.

- Co-operating with a team and winning feels really good and you sometimes make friends if you don't have some already, which I'm sure you do. (Its more fun with friends)

- The Passing DLC, maybe more on the way?

- Rage Quitters during versus mode ruin the game and match. Plus verbal diaherria can be thrown at you if you mess up.

- Overall if you're ready to accept meeting griefers that ruin games, rage quitters, pubstompers than you can also accept fun times that will rarely happen. Unless you're playing with friends, I highly recommend that you do, don't you even dare try playing pub games.


- Not so much of team reliant game. However, there are classes that do certain things. Such as Engineers, they blow tanks up and repair tanks, Medics are what you think they are. The Assault class replenishes ammo and the Recon class is basically a sniper that stays in the back and can call in mortor strikes from time to time.

- Find a server you like favourite it and enjoy.

EDIT: If you're going to buy BC2, than make sure you buy it on steam and not on EA, because EA has a limited downloads, 5 and then you repurchase it again for another 5 downloads. ( I think?????)

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I have both games!


- Team based game play requires teamwork.

- Co-operating with a team and winning feels really good and you sometimes make friends if you don't have some already, which I'm sure you do. (Its more fun with friends)

- The Passing DLC, maybe more on the way?

- Rage Quitters during versus mode ruin the game and match. Plus verbal diaherria can be thrown at you if you mess up.

- Overall if you're ready to accept meeting griefers that ruin games, rage quitters, pubstompers than you can also accept fun times that will rarely happen. Unless you're playing with friends, I highly recommend that you do, don't you even dare try playing pub games.


- Not so much of team reliant game. However, there are classes that do certain things. Such as Engineers, they blow tanks up and repair tanks, Medics are what you think they are. The Assault class replenishes ammo and the Recon class is basically a sniper that stays in the back and can call in mortor strikes from time to time.

- Find a server you like favourite it and enjoy.

EDIT: If you're going to buy BC2, than make sure you buy it on steam and not on EA, because EA has a limited downloads, 5 and then you repurchase it again for another 5 downloads. ( I think?????)

wronnnnnggggg. bc2 used to be team base but all the little mw2 players came on and ruin the game

@ contract do you have it for pc? if so add me :D

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