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Single Player Discussion [SPOILERS... MAYBE]

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I'm playing through on normal just so I can play the story, I'll go through on hard again next playthrough

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lol ive been playing on hard and don't find it hard at all

Step it up dog

Some of the missions are fine, but there were three missions that I absolutely hated-- The one where you gather terrazine gas (I skipped it and waited until I got Wraiths and Hercules), the one where you have to destroy the temple and avoid the huge fucking wall of fire and defend against the Protoss waves attacking your base, and the last Prophecy mission, where you need to kill 2000 things before your base falls (I was going to try and defend the archives, but then I said fuck that shit). On the third try for the prophecy mission, I finally said 'fuck it,' went back to the two ramps that lead to your main, and just built two rows of cannons in front of each ramp, then stocked up on nothing but immortals, colossi, and phoenixes. Handful of void rays too. I think I had 15 or so colossi lined up along the ramps, then another 15 or so immortals, and the rest were phoenixes/void rays/random heroes that dropped in. It took a lot of a micro to beat that mission.

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gunnna beat the SP this weekend in a single playthrough.

been playing multi, to get a better feel for the game. i know what im doing somewhat, but i can tell when someone is much more experienced than i and can completely dominate me lol

junzuo add me , refer to friendslist thread

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Single player was pretty fun, I actually did about 22 of the 25 missions on brutal (not including the 3 choice ones). I couldn't do the last toss mission on brutal and quite a few others. When I have time I guess I'll unlock the rest of the stuff.

There is a pretty respected starcraft player called Husky that gives tutorials and other stuff that are pretty useful, you guys should watch it if you have trouble. Hilariously, I stole his name so now I'm known as Husky and that guy has to play as Huskies. Griefed me in beta, so payback is a bitch.

And fuck you Junzou, that signature if fucking scary.

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Hilariously, I stole his name so now I'm known as Husky and that guy has to play as Huskies. Griefed me in beta, so payback is a bitch.

Hilariously, names are not unique in SC2. So he still has the name Husky and you are now stuck with the name of a person you don't like.

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