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High school is a fucking joke. End of story. If you don't smoke weed everyday and goto classes then you should be getting 70's-80's.

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AP Tests taken Score

English Language: 3

English Literature: 2

Spanish Language: 3

Environmental Science: 5

European History: 2

US History 2

Economics: 4

Calculus AB: 5

Physics: 2

The ones I passed saved an entire quarter from my University costs. DON'T TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED like I did with history and physics.

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High school is a fucking joke. End of story. If you don't smoke weed everyday and goto classes then you should be getting 70's-80's.

Wow that hilarious dude :D

You are saying if you DONT smoke weed you'll get 70's-80's? Thats a D-C+ lol. I dont smoke weed and I have 85-94's lol.

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Wow that hilarious dude :D

You are saying if you DONT smoke weed you'll get 70's-80's? Thats a D-C+ lol. I dont smoke weed and I have 85-94's lol.

I think he means that you can get 70s and 80s just by showing up and being sober every other day.

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High school is a fucking joke. End of story. If you don't smoke weed everyday and goto classes then you should be getting 70's-80's.

Lmao, I do both! I'm getting good marks and im screwing around. I by far, have the most easy high school in the country.

And welcome back Coin! (topics always seem to stray off like this).

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You high school kids always think you're so cool when you smoke... cmon first of all, getting high loses its value after like the 15th time... then there's the part where it's a waste of money, unless you never pay which means you're just a fucking leech. And don't forget the tar :P

Like seriously, if you ever quit it feels so funny watching younger kids smoke and you're just like, "haha look at those faggots, they think they're cool."

I have a 96 average.

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You high school kids always think you're so cool when you smoke... cmon first of all, getting high loses its value after like the 15th time... then there's the part where it's a waste of money, unless you never pay which means you're just a fucking leech. And don't forget the tar :P

Like seriously, if you ever quit it feels so funny watching younger kids smoke and you're just like, "haha look at those faggots, they think they're cool."

I have a 96 average.

Then there is potheads like myself. I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks, and I don't think I'm cool because of it.

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In canada's grading system a B is a 70 and an A is an 80. You might be getting 95's right now in highschool, but good luck getting them in university. Your 95's will be dropping down to 70's before you know it. Don't get discouraged though. You will learn to bullshit university level exams like the rest of us.

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In canada's grading system a B is a 70 and an A is an 80. You might be getting 95's right now in highschool, but good luck getting them in university. Your 95's will be dropping down to 70's before you know it. Don't get discouraged though. You will learn to bullshit university level exams like the rest of us.

Nah dude, I have a 96 average and I'm in the hardest high school in NY. If I'll be getting 70s in college then I want to meet the person who's getting 90s.

And bios, you're not in school so it doesn't apply. You do it like at home alone (right?) usually, as opposed to the 5-10 person bong/blunt circles that the rich/leechers have in school.

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I liked Coinstar as co leader, but I don't like how he accused P2 of stealing from the clan after he left.

I guess if Metal is allowed back then Coinstar is no stretch though.

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You think high school is hard, just wait to you get to fucking college. Sucks ass. I already had to drop one class cause I was failing (but that was mostly due to attendance issues, my teacher was literally a homo). I took Honors Phys and Chem in h.s. and that shit did absolutely nothing for me in college, and its not like I went to a shitty highchool either, we are ranked like 56th or something in the nation, blue ribbon school or whatever the fuck it is. The general chemistry we have here at Purdue is insane, probably due to the enormous amount of Asians we have here. But living on your own is fantastic, I haven't gone more than a week here without lighting up at least twice (I try to avoid it during the week).

Back on topic, Coinstar, welcome back, I'm a newish fellow here, so I never met you, I hope to get the chance to do so.

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First off, Coin your right about Metal Militia that guy was gay. Thats why I left UV in the first place.

Second I don't get high for other people to see me. I usually just smoke with one of my buddies and my brother. I never mooch off people. One time one of my friends Troy, got me this sweat deal like 2.5 grams for $10. So then i blaze him twice off it and he still thinks he owns it because he got me the deal. He's a fucker. I paid for it.

Fuck, see what i mean we get OFF Topic?

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Your mixing me up with Metal.

When Dogtown left I could have sworn that you left a post about it too. I can't find it now. Anyways, it doesn't really matter because everyone knows that never happened. And apart from adding the (Censored) (Censored) word filter (was that someone else too?), you were the shit.

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You think high school is hard, just wait to you get to fucking college. Sucks ass. I already had to drop one class cause I was failing (but that was mostly due to attendance issues, my teacher was literally a homo). I took Honors Phys and Chem in h.s. and that shit did absolutely nothing for me in college, and its not like I went to a shitty highchool either, we are ranked like 56th or something in the nation, blue ribbon school or whatever the fuck it is. The general chemistry we have here at Purdue is insane, probably due to the enormous amount of Asians we have here. But living on your own is fantastic, I haven't gone more than a week here without lighting up at least twice (I try to avoid it during the week).

Back on topic, Coinstar, welcome back, I'm a newish fellow here, so I never met you, I hope to get the chance to do so.

Everyone I have talked to so far has said that college is so much easier than high school.... but we'll see.

Oh and are you referring to the Newsweek top 1200 high school list? I looked for my school there and couldn't find it, I was baffled. I did some research and found that my school, and two others from NYC, were excluded from the list because they were just too good to be compared with the others :)

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Everyone I have talked to so far has said that college is so much easier than high school.... but we'll see.

Oh and are you referring to the Newsweek top 1200 high school list? I looked for my school there and couldn't find it, I was baffled. I did some research and found that my school, and two others from NYC, were excluded from the list because they were just too good to be compared with the others :)

not sure what school that person was talking about, but if you're smart you won't believe them. I learned more in the Marines than in HS. In fact, I learned more in one semester of college, than in four years of high school. So the answer to that statement is, no, COLLEGE IS A LOT HARDER THAN HS! Trust me on that one.

And about the smoking herbs, yeah, I smoke by myself, and I mostly smoke at night. It really helps me relax and get to sleep.

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Oh and are you referring to the Newsweek top 1200 high school list?

Hell if I know, probably was listed in some shitty magazine years ago, and my principal is still talking about it cause it makes him look good.

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