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adam :)

Adam's :) Application. (Accepted)

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Thanks secretten :D. Yep waiting for a staff member to come on a do a screening with me. Thanks again guys.

I'll send you the questions via forum PM, you send em back with the answers.

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Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you deal with it?

Well, I would tell them to stop, If they continued to do it i would mute him/her for a minute and tell them if they do it again they will be muted longer, Once i unmute them again if they continue to i would make a quick demo, Mute them and report it in the complaint department, Until i get an answer in the complaint department, That person will be unmuted once i think he/she has cooled down, If they do it again i will give a 30 minute ban hopefully a staff member would have replied to the thread and dealt with it by then, If not i will extend the ban and PM a staff member.

Question 2: In the case of a hacker on the server you are in, what procedure would you follow?

I would immediately record a demo, Ban the hacker for a long period And report it as soon as possible.

Question 3: In the situation that you are being bombarded with people asking if they can join the clan, what would you tell them to do?

I would simply tell them to go to www.syndicate-gamers.net Sign up if they haven't already & if they need anymore help to further understand what the requirements are to go to the thread on the forums, If they want me to tell them i will tell them to look at the thread & i will tell them in my own words too.

Question 4: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why?

Yes, I consider myself a mature person, Why?, Because when i was 13 my uncle died in Iraq, From then all i ever wanted to do was be in the army, I hardened up from the person i used to be ( Scared with no confidence ) and set out a plan to be in the army when I turn 17 and I did. Since i joined the army Ive not only become mature, I actually listen to others and let people have there say, I don't start little fights or over exaggerate. Plus being in the army you need to be mature, Otherwise i would be having a hard time from my sergeant.

Question 5: Why is it that you want to join the sG community?

Because ever since I started playing jailbreak I had no clue what it was, I joined EGO randomly one day and asked what it was, They ignored me, Which lead me to sG everyone was kind and explained what to do, Hell even the warden let me sit out on some games and watch, On to the full question, My answer is because i want to be apart of the community that helped me understand the rules, I want to have the sG take infront of my name and be happy that i have it, Most of all i just want everybody to know that i'm apart of probably one of the nicest community forums and servers out there.

Question 6: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions specified in the recruitment thread?

Yes i do.

Question 7: On average, how often will you play on the sG servers and how often will you be on the forums?

Wow.. You can say alot. On days i work i come home at 4 - 5pm, Hop on the forums for a good hour, Then go on the server.

Question 8: How do you think you can be an addition to our growing community? What makes you unique from the other recruits?

How would I be an addition, To be honest Ive been told I'm a nice helpful guy, When there was admins on who were abusing, They were trying to convince me to abuse, I didnt do it. All i can say is the only good "Unique" Thing about me is that overall I'm a easy going well laid back kind of guy, Some people who are angry at the moment piss of alot of new guy's from the servers, I don't do that. I guess that's all i can say, I'm honestly not going to say I'm more "unique" than everyone.

Question 9: Would you contribute to discussions made within sG and keep the topics civil?

Of-course i would, I love reading forums and contributing in discussions.

Question 10: Have you ever been a member in sG before or tried to become one? If so, why did you leave/get denied?

Nope, First time trying.

Sorry for the delay in posting, I've been out all day ;)

Based on the screening, I vote Yes.



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Oh lol, I didnt notice i just got back from work, Thanks marvin :D

Hey, NP good luck!

Also, I know you're from the States and all and I'm a Canuk, but thanks for serving in the armed forces. + Respect

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I dont see why not



You have the minimum number of required votes to move onto the next step in the sG recruitment process, the two week observation period.

This thread will be moved to pending recruits now. After two weeks you will have to bump your application to be re-voted on. There will now be a poll attached to your thread, players who have interacted with you will vote yes or no on your entry into sG. If you get 15 votes one way or another, you will be automatically accepted or denied. Only votes from sG Members will count towards the required 15. Even staff votes do not count in the poll. If you do not obtain this, it will take 8 staff votes to be accepted into the clan.

Stay active, maintain maturity, post on the forums when possible, and be patient.

Please add "sGr |" (without quotes) to your in-game and Xfire name. If you are not wearing the tags, your application to join the clan may be denied.

Adding the following to your Xfire contacts will be beneficial in the future for questions or comments you may have. Feel free to contact any one of us provided we are available. If we aren't, you can send us private message at anytime by clicking on our respective profiles and clicking "Send Message."




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Great guy!

He played T for an entire week before he tried out CT on his own will and he did ask to not get kicked from spectate so he could learn the game :)

Spot on guy and always a pleasure to have around!


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You all can hate me, Talk shit about me, Say I lie, Say i'm bullshit, Say i'm a peice of shit.

But, Don't judge me, No one knows what life ive been through, If you went through what i went through, I know you wont even survive 1 month in my shoe's.

I'd like to point out the inherent hypocrisy of this statement. By saying we wouldn't survive in your shoes, you are judging us, and determining out of nothing that we would be incapable of doing the things you do. Yet you just said not to judge you?

By nature of that, you are also saying that you are better than us in one way shape or form, and that is just pure ignorance.

Good day.

Your blog got buttraped by Mario so hard; it just made you look like a complete fool. Plus, JB fag?


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Well didn't see that gem, not voting no, just retracting vote for now... I still need to play with you more.


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Your blog got buttraped by Mario so hard; it just made you look like a complete fool. Plus, JB fag?


I honestly don't care, But yes he made a good point there.

Thanks to those who said yes & the ones who said no i honestly knew it would happen because like i stated before i'm not that known in the server.

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