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Joe Rogan discussing pot

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Things like this are why I dislike the current administration.

For the trolls: Yeah, I'm one of those ill-educated anarchist fags.

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Things like this are why I dislike the current administration.

For the trolls: Yeah, I'm one of those ill-educated anarchist fags.

If what you advocate is the disestablishment of coercive government and the establishment of voluntary exchanges as the norm then calling yourself an anarchist is a bad idea given the multiple meanings it has attached to it. The vast majority of people will assume you're just some retarded kid trying to be hardcore and you'll hate being associated with people like that. I'd recommend calling yourself a voluntarist.

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If what you advocate is the disestablishment of coercive government and the establishment of voluntary exchanges as the norm then calling yourself an anarchist is a bad idea given the multiple meanings it has attached to it. The vast majority of people will assume you're just some retarded kid trying to be hardcore and you'll hate being associated with people like that. I'd recommend calling yourself a voluntarist.

Whatever you want to call it, something along those lines would sadly enough always end up with us having to sit in our house with a shotgun trained on our front door 24/7 just to stay alive.

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Whatever you want to call it, something along those lines would sadly enough always end up with us having to sit in our house with a shotgun trained on our front door 24/7 just to stay alive.

Ever heard of a private police force?

Look up restrictive covenants.

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Ever heard of a private police force?

Look up restrictive covenants.

You're giving someone else power over other people or using something that requires regulation, and therefore have fallen right back into something that needs some sort of government.

On the video: His points were mostly solid from what I know. I found his obsession with psychedelic experiences a little over-blown, and how he kept using the word "literally" when he meant "figuratively", i.e. "it's literally like a portal to the afterlife". His claim that we end up forgetting our dreams because our conscious mind can't handle the experience is total bullshit. This is nitpicking, but the pineal gland in reptiles, although it has photoreceptor cells, isn't quite as developed as he describes.

But yeah, blame Hurst for the fucked up laws we have against pot today. Because of that shit, we now have the largest prison population in the world, widespread distrust of police in the nation, and gang wars in Mexico even more bloodsoaked than the reigns of US alcohol prohibition-era mobsters, which are causing immigration problems both with the drug dealers spreading to the US and frightened people trying to escape the violence.

Sadly, people have thought for decades that pot was on the verge of legalization, and it will probably stay that way for decades to come.

I hope I'm wrong.

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You're giving someone else power over other people or using something that requires regulation, and therefore have fallen right back into something that needs some sort of government.

The market self-regulates. No one's going to pay for a police force if they disagree with their practices, and given how critical people are of socialized police I really doubt police brutality would exist at all and if it did it would severely hinder the business. What about private police forces necessitates government?

Also, it's not just the illegality of marijuana that causes gang crime. All illegal drugs contribute to this.

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The market self-regulates. No one's going to pay for a police force if they disagree with their practices, and given how critical people are of socialized police I really doubt police brutality would exist at all and if it did it would severely hinder the business. What about private police forces necessitates government?

Also, it's not just the illegality of marijuana that causes gang crime. All illegal drugs contribute to this.

Simply by having a system of executive power you've created a form of government. You're giving people command over others based on some form of ruling, therefore you've made a system of government. You'll need someone to decide those rules. That's more government you've made. You'll need someone to follow through with punishments for the rulings. That's more government you've made. Many people won't voluntarily fund the police force or submit to its ruling, and so now you've either got chaos, or dictatorship by the richest members of society who can best fund the police force.

So now you're back to your two choices: sitting in your house with a shotgun trained on your front door, or an even worse system of government than we have now.

Yes, you're right, marijuana isn't the only cause of drug related gang crime, but it's probably the most profitable for them and is the one that can be most easily fixed. Not only would the gangs lose massive amounts of money through its legalization, the funds required for anti-marijuana enforcement would disappear and more time and money can be spent combating the remaining drug problems.

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Whatever you want to call it, something along those lines would sadly enough always end up with us having to sit in our house with a shotgun trained on our front door 24/7 just to stay alive.

Maybe if you live in the projects. In my area, I doubt I'd have to worry about getting jacked every waking second of every day. Plus, it's a great way to weed out the faggots. I'm not completely disagreeing with you, obviously a lack of police is going to lead to a massive criminal uprising releasing murderers and other dangerous criminals and allowing gangs and mobs to run free. Conversely, that will lead to makeshift police forces and paramilitaries being formed, who will fill the void created by the lack of a government sanctioned force.

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Maybe if you live in the projects. In my area, I doubt I'd have to worry about getting jacked every waking second of every day. Plus, it's a great way to weed out the faggots. I'm not completely disagreeing with you, obviously a lack of police is going to lead to a massive criminal uprising releasing murderers and other dangerous criminals and allowing gangs and mobs to run free. Conversely, that will lead to makeshift police forces and paramilitaries being formed, who will fill the void created by the lack of a government sanctioned force.

Those police and paramilitary forces would be nothing more than mobs of their own, as there would be no legitimate source of their authority and they would likely each represent a different political faction. More mass violence would ensue, and it would spread to more than just the projects.

Luckily, this is never going to happen, so I should probably stop arguing about. :P

So, are we all in agreement: legalize pot?

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Those police and paramilitary forces would be nothing more than mobs of their own, as there would be no legitimate source of their authority and they would likely each represent a different political faction. More mass violence would ensue, and it would spread to more than just the projects.

You can't assume that, and who's to say that there would even be political factions worth vying for? But, while still being mobs, they will be the ones keeping the peace. (INSERT TRANSITION IN TO LEGALIZING POT HERE WHICH RETAINS SOME VALUE TO THE FORMER STATEMENT, WHILE BEING MORE DIRECTED TOWARDS THE NEXT SUBJECT) Laws should be made on common sense, not by what is economically best for the nation's elite... So yes, I am pro-pot.

Honestly, half the problem (in my opinion) with pot not being legal are it's users. Look at the stereotypical stoner: lazy, no job, extremely stupid, can't formulate a half-coherent argument for it ("dude, pot should be legal because it's fucking awesome, man!" Yes, those are quotation marks...), etc. Maybe if we could get people away from the stoner stereotype, we would have more of a foothold in getting it legalized. That, and we need to get rid of this DARE-esque bullshit propaganda...

A cop told me, in a school assembly a few years ago, that smoking weed can lead to an increased heart rate, and possible heart attack. While it's true that smoking weed makes your heart rate increase, you would have to smoke a lot to have a heart attack from it. Show me one documented case of someone dying FROM weed. I'm not talking someone who got too baked on 420 and got hit by a car or something, I'm talking someone who died from a weed OVERDOSE, or something caused by smoking too much weed...

It's common knowledge that people die from alcohol poisoning every day, people die from drunk drivers every day, people die from doing stupid things while drunk, people die from drinking too much and passing out and then choking on their own vomit. Now, tell me, why isn't alcohol a schedule one drug?

After reading my whole post, I think I used too many '...'s... :3

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I did, and it still made me chuckle. They will be "keeping the peace" the same way guerrilla armies keep the peace in African civil wars.

Then you best prepare your anus, and your wife's, and your daughter's... and your son's.

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Simply by having a system of executive power you've created a form of government. You're giving people command over others based on some form of ruling, therefore you've made a system of government. You'll need someone to decide those rules. That's more government you've made. You'll need someone to follow through with punishments for the rulings. That's more government you've made. Many people won't voluntarily fund the police force or submit to its ruling, and so now you've either got chaos, or dictatorship by the richest members of society who can best fund the police force.

So now you're back to your two choices: sitting in your house with a shotgun trained on your front door, or an even worse system of government than we have now.

A free market doesn't create corporate government. If someone decides not to pay for a private police force, they don't get protection from it. If this private police force coerces people into paying for their services they will get a bad reputation and they will be dismantled. I really doubt you looked up restrictive covenants though, because my point with pointing out them is that it can be made a requirement that you pay for a certain police force to live in a certain area, meaning everyone who wants to live there will have to voluntarily pay for this police force.

The original deed owner obviously isn't going to require that people pay for a terrible protection agency that costs too much and doesn't protect people or enforce their values well because no one would want to live in that area if that were the case. They'd try to find the best balance between price and efficiency, creating healthy competition in the market and incentivizing right action by the businesses. This would also disincentivize trying to stop petty crimes that only cause harm to the person performing them such as drug use and the like. It's hardly going to be cost effective for a private police force to go around attempting to regulate every aspect of your life, but with a socialized police force they have no competition and no reason to be cost effective so they might as well waste time doing whatever the fuck they want.

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