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Want to buy a gaming laptop. Suggestions?

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Instead of buying a Laptop... spend less money on new PC and buy a bigger screen?????

If this is what your complaining about then just buy screen!

If you really want to have it portable you can but easy-carry cases with handles and shit for LAN



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Instead of buying a Laptop... spend less money on new PC and buy a bigger screen?????

If this is what your complaining about then just buy screen!

If you really want to have it portable you can but easy-carry cases with handles and shit for LAN



Desktop DOES > Laptop

And yeah, newegg.com is the best place to go, cheapest prices, and you can choose to build your own PC, which is what i did and my computer runs great.

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I use a laptop.

I play (or can) CS:S, TF2, L4D, Gmod, Portal...well thats all I have now.

It works pretty good. It's fast and shit.

Dell XPS M1530.

It's only like two years old, although in computer time, that's pretty old. Still plays games great though.

Actually, want to buy it off me? 500 bucks. That's all. I payed 1,600 for it.

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That is stinkin expensive.

I have a i7 q720, 4 GB ram, and Radeon 4850 (or something like that can't remember :/ ) for about 1200 after tax and shipping. Screen is full 1080p, 9 cell battery, backlit keyboard, i.e. the works.

EDIT: It doesn't have a 5870M, but my dell gets 3 hrs of battery life and it still plays CS at 1080p.

you do realize that with the 4850 you wont be able to do alot with this "1080p" you speak of

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